CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

198 The HIV Env Signal Peptide Impacts the Glycosylation and Antigenicity of gp120 JasonYolitz 1 ; Catherine Schwing 1 ; DonaldVan Ryk 1 ; DanlanWei 2 ; Fatima Nawaz 1 ; Katija Jelicic 1 ; Claudia Cicala 1 ; Anthony S. Fauci 1 ; James Arthos 3 1 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 3 NIH, Bethesda,MD,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Identifying Network and Transmission Pairs 215 Infer and Characterize a Transmission Network in an Opioid-Driven HIV-1 Outbreak Ellsworth M. Campbell 1 ; Romeo R. Galang 2 ;Walid Heneine 2 ;William Switzer 2 ; Philip Peters 2 ; MichaelT. Spiller 2 ; Hongwei Jia 2 ; Silvina Masciotra 2 ; for the HIV Outbreak InvestigationTeam 1 OakRidge InstofSciandEduc,Decatur,GA,USA; 2 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA 216 HIV Phylodynamics in North Carolina: Detecting Active Clusters for Intervention Ann M. Dennis 1 ; Stephane Hue 2 ; Joseph Sebastian 3 ;Victoria Mobley 4 ; WilliamMiller; Joseph J. Eron 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHIll,NC,USA; 2 London SchofHygiene&TropMed,London,UK; 3 LabCorporationofAmerica, ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 4 NorthCarolinaDHHS,Raleigh,NC,USA 217 HIV Transmission Hotspot Detection Combining Sexual and Phylogenetic Network Analysis Dana K. Pasquale 1 ; Irene A. Doherty 2 ; Lynne A. Sampson 3 ; Peter A. Leone 4 ; Joseph Sebastian 5 ; Sue L. Ledford 6 ;WilliamMiller 7 ; Joseph J. Eron 7 ; Ann M. Dennis 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHillSchofGlobalPH,ChapelHill,NC, USA; 2 RTI,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 3 NorthCarolinaDivisionof PH,Raleigh,NC,USA; 4 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHillSchofMed, ChapelHill,NC,USA; 5 LabCorporationofAmerica,ResearchTriangle Park,NC,USA; 6 WakeCountyHumanServices,Raleigh,NC,USA; 7 Univof NorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA 218 Metamorphosis of the Montreal MSM Epidemic: Large Cluster Viruses Fuel Transmission Bluma G. Brenner 1 ; Maureen Oliveira 1 ; Ruxandra Ilinca Ibanescu 1 ; Olga Golubkov 1 ; Isabelle Hardy 2 ; Michel Roger 2 ; Mark A.Wainberg 3 1 LadyDavis Inst,Montreal,QC,Canada; 2 CntrHospierUnivdeMontréal, Montreal,QC,Canada; 3 McGillUnivAIDSCntr,Montreal,QC,Canada 219 Assessing HIV Transmission Networks in a Thai Cohort With Acute HIV Infection Eugène Kroon 1 ; Mark de Souza 1 ; Frits van Griensven 2 ; Donn Colby 1 ; Peter P. Pham 3 ; Sunee Sirivichayakul 4 ; Nelson L. Michael 5 ; Nittaya Phanuphak 1 ; Jintanat Ananworanich 6 ; Sodsai P.Tovanabutra 7 ; for the RV254/SEARCH010 StudyTeam and MHRPViral Sequencing Core 1 SEARCH,Bangkok,Thailand; 2 ThaiRedCrossAIDSRsrCntr,Bangkok, Thailand; 3 MilitaryHIVRsrProg,SilverSpring,MD,USA; 4 Chulalongkorn Univ,Bangkok,Thailand; 5 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg,Bethesda,MD,USA; 6 MilitaryHIVRsrProg,Bethesda,MD,USA; 7 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg, SilverSpring,MD,USA Session P-B2 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B

220 Increasing Role of Young MSM to HIV Epidemic Spread and Renewal Oliver Ratmann 1 ; Daniela Bezemer 2 ; Ard van Sighem 2 ; A. M. Pettersson 3 ; Martin Schutten 4 ;Woulter F. Bierman 5 ; Peter Reiss 6 ; Christophe Fraser 1 ; for the ATHENA HIV Observational Cohort 1 ImperialCollLondon,London,UK; 2 StichtingHIVMonitoring, Amsterdam,Netherlands; 3 VUUnivMedCntr,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 4 ErasmusUnivMedCntr,Rotterdam,Netherlands; 5 UnivMedCntr Groningen,UnivofGroningen,Groningen,Netherlands; 6 Amsterdam Inst forGlobalHlthandDevelop,Amsterdam,Netherlands 221 Differences in Outbreak Size for HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes Amongst MSM in the Netherlands Daniela Bezemer 1 ; Anne Cori 2 ; Oliver Ratmann 2 ; Ard van Sighem 1 ; Peter Reiss 3 ; Christophe Fraser 2 1 StichtingHIVMonitoring,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 2 ImperialColl London,London,UK; 3 Amsterdam Inst forGlobalHlthandDevelop, Amsterdam,Netherlands 222 Spatiotemporal Dynamics of HIV-1 Transmission in France, 1999–2014 Antoine Chaillon 1 ; Asma Essat 2 ; Pierre Frange 3 ; Francis Barin 4 ; Jade GHOSN 5 ; Davey M. Smith 1 ; Christine Rouzioux 6 ; Cécile Goujard 2 ; Laurence Meyer 7 ; Marie Laure Chaix 8 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA; 2 UniversiteParisSud, INSERMCESPU1018,Paris,France; 3 EA7327,UnivParisDescartes,Paris, France; 4 François-RabelaisUniv,Tours,France; 5 HospHotelDieude Paris,Paris,France; 6 NeckerHosp,AP-HP,Paris,France; 7 INSERM,CESP U1018,LeKremlin-Bicêtre,France; 8 INSERMU941,UnivParisDiderot, Paris,France 1 INSERMUMR1137,Paris,France; 2 ImperialCollLondon,London,UK; 3 UnivCollLondon,London,UK; 4 MedRsrCouncilClinicalTrialsUnitat UnivCollLondon,London,UK; 5 MedRsrCouncil,London,UK; 6 LondonSch ofHygiene&TropMed,London,UK 224 Partner Services in Acute and Early HIV-Infected Adults Nella Green; Christy Anderson; Sergei Kosakovsky Pond; Martin Hoenigl; Davey M. Smith; Susan Little UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA 225 Probabilistic Estimation of HIV-1 Subtype B Transmission Rates FromViral Phylogenies Stephane Hue 1 ; Roberto MurcioVillanueva 2 ; AnnaTostevin 3 ;Valerie Delpech 4 ; Anton N. Pozniak 5 ; Lynne Ashton 6 ; Deenan Pillay 7 ; Richard Goldstein 2 ; for the UK HIV Drug Resistance Database 1 LondonSchofHygiene&TropMed,London,UK; 2 UnivCollLondon, London,UK; 3 MedRsrCouncilClinicalTrialsUnitatUnivCollLondon, London,UK; 4 PHEngland,London,UK; 5 ChelseaandWestminsterHosp NHSFndnTrust,London,UK; 6 RoyalLiverpoolHosp,Liverpool,UK; 7 Africa Cntr forHlthandPopStudies,Mtubatuba,SouthAfrica 223 Potential Misclassification in Standard HIV Phylogenetic Clusters Association Studies BenoitVisseaux 1 ; Oliver Ratmann 2 ; Christopher Monit 3 ; David Dunn 4 ; Kholoud Porter 5 ; Stephane Hue 6

Poster Listings


CROI 2016

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