CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
Session O-2 Oral Abstracts
Ballroom B/C
11:00 29 Switching Tenofovir DF to Tenofovir Alafenamide in Virologically Suppressed Adults
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Viral Reservoirs/Antiretroviral Therapy Randomized Clinical Trials Oral Abstract Moderators Alexandra L. Calmy, UniversityHospitalGeneva,UniversityofGeneva, Geneva,Switzerland Christine Durand, JohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Baltimore, MD,USA 10:00 25 Safety, Immunologic and Virologic Activity of Anti-PD-L1 in HIV-1 Participants on ART
Joel E. Gallant 1 ; Eric Daar 2 ; Francois Raffi 3 ; Cynthia Brinson 4 ; Peter Ruane 5 ; Edwin DeJesus 6 ; MingjinYan 7 ; Andrew Plummer 7 ; Andrew Cheng 7 ; Martin S. Rhee 7
1 SouthwestCareCntr,SantaFe,NM,USA; 2 UnivofCalifornia LosAngelesMedCntr,Torrance,CA,USA; 3 ChuHotelDieu-Chu DeNantes,Nantes,France; 4 CentralTexasClinicalRsr,Austin, TX,USA; 5 Peter JRuaneMD, Inc,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 6 Orlando ImmunologyCntr,Orlando,FL,USA; 7 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity, CA,USA 11:15 30 ACTG 5273 Randomized Trial of Second-Line ART Supports WHO Guidance
Joseph J. Eron, Jr. 1 ; Cynthia Gay 1 ; Ronald Bosch 2 ; Justin Ritz 2 ; Jason M. Hataye 3 ; Carey Hwang 4 ; Randall L.Tressler 5 ; Stephen W. Mason 6 ; Richard A. Koup 7 ; JohnW. Mellors 8 ; for the ACTG A5326 StudyTeam 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 2 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 3 NIH,Bethesda,MD, USA; 4 Bristol-MyersSquibb,Princeton,NJ,USA; 5 DAIDS,NIAID, NIH,Rockville,MD,USA; 6 Bristol-MyersSquibb,Wallingford,CT, USA; 7 VRC,NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 8 UnivofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh,PA,USA Immunization and Romidepsin on the HIV Reservoir Steffen Leth 1 ; Jesper Højen 1 ; Mariane Schleimann 1 ; Sara Nissen 1 ; Alejandra Mørk 2 ; Maja Sommerfelt 2 ; Lars Østergaard 1 ;
Alberto M. La Rosa 1 ; Linda J. Harrison 2 ; BabafemiTaiwo 3 ; Carole L.Wallis 4 ; Lu Zheng 2 ; Peter S. Kim 5 ; Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy 6 ; Mina Hosseinipour 7 ; JohnW. Mellors 8 ; Ann Collier 9 1 AsociaciónCivil ImpactaSaludyEducación,Lima,Peru; 2 Harvard SchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 3 FeinbergSchofMed,Northwestern Univ,Chicago, IL,USA; 4 BARSAandLancetLab, Johannesburg, SouthAfrica; 5 DAIDS,NIAID,NIH,Rockville,MD,USA; 6 YRGCntr forAIDSRsrandEduc,Chennai, India; 7 UnivofNorthCarolinaat ChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 8 UnivofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA,USA; 9 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA Maintenance Therapy: LATTE-2Week 32 Results David A. Margolis 1 ; Juan González-García 2 ; Hans-Jürgen Stellbrink 3 ; Joseph J. Eron 4 ;YazdanYazdanpanah 5 ; Sandy Griffith 6 ; David Dorey 7 ; KimberleyY. Smith 1 ; PeterWilliams 8 ; William Spreen 1
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 • Oral Sessions
10:15 26LB Effect of Sequential Vacc-4x/GM-CSF
11:30 31LB Cabotegravir+Rilpivirine as Long-Acting
Thomas Rasmussen 1 ; MartinTolstrup 3 ; Ole S. Søgaard 3 1 AarhusUnivHosp,Aarhus,Denmark; 2 BionorPharma,Oslo, Norway; 3 AarhusUnivHosp,AarhusNord,Denmark 10:30 27 A Patient Navigation/Contingency Management RCT for Hospitalized HIV+ Substance Users
1 ViiVHlthcare,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 2 Inst forHlthRsr ofLaPazUnivHosp,Madrid,Spain; 3 ICHStudyCntr,Hamburg, Germany; 4 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC, USA; 5 INSERMU1137,Paris,France; 6 ViiVHlthcare,Durham,NC, USA; 7 GSK,Mississauga,ON,Canada; 8 Janssen,Beerse,Belgium 11:45 32LB ACTG 5340:The Effect of VRC01 on Viral Kinetics After Analytic Treatment Interruption
Lisa Metsch 1 ; Daniel Feaster 2 ; Lauren Gooden 3 ; Moupali Das 4 ; TimMatheson 5 ; Maxine Stitzer 6 ; Mamta Jain 7 ; Allan Rodriguez 2 ; Raul Mandler 8 ; Carlos del Rio 9
1 ColumbiaUnivMailmanSchofPH,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 Miller SchofMed,UnivofMiami,Miami,FL,USA; 3 ColumbiaUniv MailmanSchofPH,Miami,FL,USA; 4 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity, CA,USA; 5 SanFranciscoDeptofPH,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 6 Johns HopkinsBayviewMedCntr,Baltimore,MD,USA; 7 UnivofTexas SouthwesternMedCntr,Dallas,TX,USA; 8 Natl InstonDrugAbuse, NIH,Rockville,MD,USA; 9 EmoryUnivSchofMed,Atlanta,GA, USA 10:45 28 Initiating ART at a Patient's First Clinic Visit: The RapIT Randomized Trial
Katharine J. Bar 1 ; Linda J. Harrison 2 ; EdgarT. Overton 3 ; Mark Bardsley 1 ; Michael Messer 4 ; Edmund Capparelli 5 ; Barney Graham 6 ; Richard A. Koup 7 ; James A. Hoxie 1 ; PabloTebas 1 ; for the AIDS ClinicalTrials Group (A5340 team) 1 UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 2 HarvardSchofPH, Boston,MA,USA; 3 UnivofAlabamaatBirmingham,Birmingham, AL,USA; 4 UnivofAlabamaSchoolofMedicine,Birmingham,AL, USA; 5 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA; 6 NIAID, NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 7 VRC,NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA
Sydney Rosen 1 ; Mhairi Maskew 2 ; Matthew P. Fox 1 ; Cynthia Nyoni 2 ; Constance Mongwenyana 2 ; Given Malete 2 ; Ian Sanne 2 ; Lawrence Long 2 1 BostonUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 2 Univof theWitwatersrand,Wits HlthConsortium, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica
CROI 2016
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