CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016 Tuesday Plenary Session 8:30 AM-9:30 AM 8:30 15 Harnessing Antibodies for HIV-1 Prevention and Treatment John R. Mascola ,VaccineResearchCenter, National InstituteofAllergyand Infectious Diseases,National InstitutesofHealth, Bethesda,MD,USA 9:00 16 Antiretroviral Therapy: Where Are CME
10:45 20 The Sooty Mangabey Genome Sequence Reveals New Insights in Natural SIV Infections David J. Palesch 1 ; Steven E. Bosinger 1 ; GregoryTharp 2 ;Yue Liu 3 ; Muthuswamy Raveendran 3 ; Donna Muzny 3 ; Richard Gibbs 3 ; Kim C.Worley 3 ; Jeffrey Rogers 3 ; Guido Silvestri 1 1 YerkesNatlPrimateRsrCntr,EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 BaylorCollofMed,Houston,TX, USA 11:00 21 Hyperacute Microbial Translocation During Pathogenic SIV Infection
Adam J. Ericsen 1 ; Michael Lauck 1 ; Mariel S. Mohns 1 ; Sarah R. DiNapoli 2 ; James P. Mutschler 1 ; Justin M. Greene 3 ; Benjamin J. Burwitz 3 ; Jonah B. Sacha 3 ;Thomas C. Friedrich 1 ; Jason M. Brenchley 4 ; David H. O'Connor 1
We Now? Where AreWe Going? Joseph J. Eron, Jr. ,UniversityofNorth CarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA
1 UnivofWisconsin-Madison,Madison,WI,USA; 2 NIH,Bethesda, MD,USA; 3 OregonHlth&SciUniv,Beaverton,OR,USA; 4 Frederick NatlLab forCancerRsr,Frederick,MD,USA 11:15 22 CD8 T Cells Are Required to Suppress Viremia in SIV-Infected ART Treated Macaques
Session O-1 Oral Abstracts
Room 302
10:00 AM-12:00 PM SIV and HIV Pathogenesis Oral Abstract Moderators Netanya S. Utay, UniversityofTexasMedicalBranchatGalveston, Galveston,TX,USA James B. Whitney, Beth IsraelDeaconessMedicalCenter,Harvard, Boston,MA,USA 10:00 17 Rare Host Genetic Variation Influencing Risk of Heterosexual HIV-1 Acquisition Romel D. Mackelprang 1 ; Mary Emond 1 ; Michael J. Bamshad 1 ;
Emily K. Cartwright 1 ;Thomas H.Vanderford 2 ; Kirk A. Easley 3 ; Joern E. Schmitz 4 ; Ann Chahroudi 5 ; Steven E. Bosinger 2 ; Mirko Paiardini 2 ; Jacob D. Estes 6 ; Guido Silvestri 2
1 EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 YerkesNatlPrimateRsrCntr, EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 EmoryUnivRollinsSchofPH, Atlanta,GA,USA; 4 Beth IsraelDeaconessMedCntr,HarvardMed Sch,Boston,MA,USA; 5 EmoryUnivSchofMed,Atlanta,GA,USA; 6 FrederickNatlLab,LeidosBiomedRsr,Frederick,MD,USA 11:30 23 Lack of CTL Attenuates, but Does Not Ablate Compartmentalization of SIV Replication Joy M. Folkvord 1 ; MelissaThomas 1 ; Eva Rakasz 2 ; Shengbin Li 3 ; Pamela Skinner 3 ; Elizabeth Connick 4
Oral Sessions • Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Xuanlin Hou 1 ; Jessica Chong 1 ; Kati Buckingham 1 ; Nelly R. Mugo 2 ; Jared M. Baeten 1 ; Connie M. Celum 1 ; Jairam R. Lingappa 1 ; for the Partners in Prevention HSV/HIVTransmission and Partners PrEP Studies 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 KenyaMedRsr Inst, Thika,Kenya Recombination Procedures With Defective Constructs Claudia Alteri 1 ; Alessandro Soria 2 ; Ada Bertoli 1 ; Alessandra Bandera 3 ; Gabriella Scarlatti 4 ; MonicaTolazzi 4 ; Emanuela Balestra 1 ; Andrea Gori 3 ; Francesca Ceccherini-Silberstein 1 ; Carlo Federico Perno 5
1 UnivofColoradoAnschutzMedCampus,Aurora,CO,USA; 2 WisconsinNatlPrimateRsrCntr,Madison,WI,USA; 3 Univof Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 4 UnivofColorado,Denver,CO, USA
11:45 24 Sooty Mangabey CD4+ T Cells Express the SIVsmm Coreceptor CXCR6
10:15 18LB HIV-1 Laboratory Contagion During
KatherineWetzel 1 ; Emily Roberts 1 ;YanjieYi 1 ; Michael R. Betts 1 ; Guido Silvestri 2 ; Mirko Paiardini 2 ; Ronald Collman 1 1 UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 2 YerkesNatl PrimateRsrCntr,EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA
1 UnivofRomeTorVergata,Rome, Italy; 2 SanGerardoHosp, Monza, Italy; 3 SanGerardoGeneralHosp,Monza, Italy; 4 San RaffaeleScientific Inst,Milan, Italy; 5 UnivofRomeTorVergata, Roma, Italy 10:30 19 Identification of a Highly Functional DC Subset in Controllers by Single-Cell RNA-Seq
Enrique Martin-Gayo 1 ; Michael Cole 2 ; Kellie E. Kolb 3 ; Zhengyu Ouyang 1 ; SamW. Kazer 3 ; Bruce D.Walker 1 ; NirYosef 2 ; Alex K. Shalek 1 ; Xu G.Yu 1 1 Ragon InstofMGH,MITandHarvard,Cambridge,MA,USA; 2 ElectricalEngineering&ComputerSch,Berkeley,CA,USA; 3 MIT Inst forMedEngineering&Sci (IMES),Cambridge,MA,USA
CROI 2016
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