CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
273 SIV-Associated Pathogenesis ModulationWith Macrophage Targeted MGBG Tricia H. Burdo 1 ; JoshuaWalker 1 ; Hua Xu 2 ; Andrew D. Miller 3 ; Michael S. McGrath 4 ; Kenneth C.Williams 1 1 BostonColl,ChestnutHill,MA,USA; 2 PathologicaLLC,SanFrancisco,CA, USA; 3 CornellUniv, Ithaca,NY,USA; 4 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,San Francisco,CA,USA 274 IL-7 and Chemokines Trigger Intestinal Cell Homing in SIV-Infected Macaques Rosalie Ponte 1 ; Magali Rancez 2 ; Suzanne Figueiredo 3 ;Véronique Fabre-Mersseman 3 ; Jacques Dutrieux 4 ; Bénédicte Charmeteau-De- Muylder 3 ;Thomas Guilbert 5 ; Rémi Cheynier 5 ; Anne Couedel-Courteille 6 1 Rsr Instof theMcGillUnivHlthCntr,Montréal,QC,Canada; 2 CNRS, UMR8104,Paris,France; 3 INSERMU1016,Paris,France; 4 UnivParis Diderot,Paris,France; 5 INSERM,Paris,France; 6 UnivDiderotParis7, SorbonneParis-Cité,Paris,France 275LB Apoptosis of Innate Lymphoid Cells Precedes CD4 T-Cell Death in Acute SIV Infection Joseph C. Mudd 1 ; Alexandra Ortiz 1 ; Claire Deleage 2 ; Kenta Matsuda 1 ; FanWu 1 ;Vanessa Hirsch 1 ; R. Keith Reeves 3 ; Jacob D. Estes 4 ; Jason M. Brenchley 5 1 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 FrederickNationalLaboratory,Leidos BioMedRsr,Frederick,MD,USA; 3 HarvardUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 4 FrederickNatlLab,LeidosBiomedRsr,Frederick,MD,USA; 5 FrederickNatl Lab forCancerRsr,Frederick,MD,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Immune Activation and Inflammation 276 Immune Activation Profile AssociatedWith Metabolic Syndrome in HIV-Treated Patients Session P-C7 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B Christina Psomas 1 ; MehwishYounas 2 ; Christelle Reynes 3 ; Celine Fernandez 1 ;Vincent Le Moing 1 ; Claudine Barbuat 4 ; Nicolas Nagot 1 ; Pierre Portales 1 ; Jacques Reynes 1 ; Pierre Corbeau 2 1 UnivHospMontpellier,Montpellier,France; 2 InstofHumanGenetics, Montpellier,France; 3 Inst forFunctionalGenomics,MontpellierUniv, UMR5203,Montpellier,France; 4 UnivHospNimes,Nimes,France 277 Immune Activation, Cell Turnover, and Exhaustion in HIV+WomenWith Heavy Alcohol Use 1 RushUnivMedCntr,Chicago, IL,USA; 2 CORECntr/CookCountyHlthand HospSystemandHektoen InstofMed,Chicago, IL,USA; 3 Hektoen Inst ofMed,Chicago, IL,USA; 4 CORECntr/JohnH.Stroger JrHospofCook County,Chicago, IL,USA; 5 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco, CA,USA; 6 AlbertEinsteinCollofMed,Bronx,NY,USA; 7 JohnsHopkins BloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 8 Natl InstonAlcoholAbuse andAlcoholism,Bethesda,MD,USA; 9 RushUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 10 John H.Stroger Jr.HospofCookCountyandRushMedColl,Chicago, IL,USA Seema N. Desai 1 ; KathleenWeber 2 ; Jane Burke-Miller 3 ; Audrey L. French 4 ; Marion Peters 5 ; Mark H. Kuniholm 6 ; Elizabeth Golub 7 ; Kendall J. Bryant 8 ; Alan L. Landay 9 ; Mardge Cohen 10
278 Oral Bovine Immunoglobulin Reduces Immune Activation in HIV+ Immune Nonresponders David Asmuth 1 ; Netanya S. Utay 2 ; Ma Somsouk 3 ; Zhong M. Ma 4 ; Peter W. Hunt 3 ; Surinder K. Mann 1 ; Bryon M. Petschow 5 ; Audrey L. Shaw 5 ; Christopher J. Detzel 5 ; Eric M.Weaver 5 1 UnivofCaliforniaDavisMedCntr,Sacramento,CA,USA; 2 UnivofTexas MedBranchatGalveston,Galveston,TX,USA; 3 UnivofCaliforniaSan Francisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 4 Cntr forComparativeMed,Univof CaliflorniaDavis,Davis,CA,USA; 5 EnteraHlth, Inc,Cary,NC,USA 279 Proteomic Profiles AssociatedWith an Inflammaging Phenotype During HIV-1 Infection Stephanie M. Dillon 1 ; Eric L. Lee 1 ; BrianVestal 1 ;Tzu L. Phang 1 ; Michael G. Edwards 1 ; CaraWilson 2 1 UnivofColoradoAnschutzMedCampus,Aurora,CO,USA; 2 Univof ColoradoHosp,Aurora,Aurora,CO,USA 280 IInflammasome and Th17 Activation in HIV+ Immunological Nonresponders Michela Masetti 1 ; Massimiliano Fabbiani 2 ; DariaTrabattoni 1 ; Antonio Muscatello 3 ; Mara Biasin 1 ; Nicola Squillace 4 ; Irma Saulle 5 ; Mario Clerici 1 ; Andrea Gori 4 ; Alessandra Bandera 4 1 UnivofMilan,Milan, Italy; 2 InstofClinical InfectiousDiseases,Catholic UnivofSacredHeart,Rome, Italy; 3 SanGerardoHosp,Monza, Italy; 4 San GerardoGeneralHosp,Monza, Italy; 5 UnivofMilan,Brescia, Italy 281 Derangement in Protein S and C4b Binding Protein Levels in HIV-Infected Adults Fatai O. Bello 1 ; Suleiman Akanmu 2 ;Titilope Adeyemo 2 ; Funmi Lesi 2 ; Prosper Okonkwo 3 ; Sade Ogunsola 2 ; Phyllis Kanki 4 1 LagosUnivTeachingHosp,Lagos,Nigeria; 2 CollofMed,UnivofLagos, Lagos,Nigeria; 3 AIDSPrevention Initiative inNigeria,Abuja,Nigeria; 4 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA 282 Monocytes From Treated HIV1 Patients Release ROS Causing DNA Damage and CD4 Cell Loss MehwishYounas 1 ;Yea Lih Lin 2 ; Christina Psomas 3 ; Sandrine Gimenez 1 ; Pierre Portales 3 ; Jacques Reynes 3 ; Philippe Pasero 1 ; Pierre Corbeau 1 1 InstofHumanGenetics,Montpellier,France; 2 InstdeGenetique Humaine,Montpellier,France; 3 UnivHospMontpellier,Montpellier, France 283 Low ART Adherence Is AssociatedWith Higher Inflammation Despite HIV Suppression Jose R. Castillo-Mancilla 1 ;ToddT. Brown 2 ; Kristine M. Erlandson 1 ; Frank J. Palella 3 ; Edward M. Gardner 4 ; Bernard J. Macatangay 5 ; Elizabeth Breen 6 ; Lisa Jacobson 2 ; Peter L. Anderson 1 ; Nikolas I.Wada 2 1 UnivofColorado,Denver,CO,USA; 2 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore, MD,USA; 3 NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 4 DenverHlthMedCntr, Denver,CO,USA; 5 UnivofPittsburghSchofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 6 UnivofCaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA
Poster Listings
CROI 2016
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