CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
953 INSTI In-Class Switching on Continued Viral Suppression in the OPERA Cohort
958 Response to ART and Mortality in Older HIV Patients In a Latin American Cohort Gabriela Carriquiry 1 ; Mark Giganti 2 ; Bryan E. Shepherd 3 ; Catherine C. McGowan 2 ; Eduardo Gotuzzo 1 1 InstdeMedicinaTropAlexandervonHumboldt,Lima,Peru; 2 Vanderbilt UnivSchofMed,Nashville,TN,USA; 3 Vanderbilt Inst forGlobalHlth, Nashville,TN,USA 959 Immunovirological Responses to HAART Between HIV-1 Group O- and M-Infected Patients C. Kouanfack 1 ; M.Vray 2 ; A. Kfutwah 3 ; A. Aghokeng 4 ; R. Mougnutou 1 ; G. Unal 5 ; L. Le Fouler 2 ; L. Schaeffer 2 ; N. Noumsi 1 ; E. Alessandri-Gradt 5 ; Eric Delaporte 6 ; F. Simon 7 ; Jean-Christophe Plantier 8 ; for the DynaM-O study group 1 HospCentral,Yaoundé,Cameroon; 2 InstPasteur,Paris,France; 3 Cntr PasteurduCameroun,Yaoundé,Cameroon; 4 InstdeRecherchesMedes etd’EtudesdesPlantesMedicinales,Yaoundé,Cameroon; 5 CHUde Rouen,Rouen,France; 6 UMI233-IRD/U1175-INSERM/MontpellierUniv, Montpellier,France; 7 HospSaintLouisetUnivParisDiderot,Paris,France; 8 RouenUnivHosp,Rouen,France 960 Clinical Outcomes With Tenofovir Use in ART: Regression Discontinuity Analysis Alana Brennan 1 ; Matthew P. Fox 1 ; Mary-Ann Davies 2 ; Kathryn Stinson 3 ; RobinWood 4 ; ProzeskyW. Hans 5 ; FrankTanser 6 ; Geoffrey Fatti 7 ;Till Bärnighausen 8 ; GillesWandeler 9 ; Andrew Boulle 2 ; Izukanji Sikazwe 10 ; Jacob Bor 11 ; Arianna Zanolini 10 1 BostonUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 2 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseEpiandRsr, CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 3 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseEpiandRsr,Cape Town,SouthAfrica; 4 UnivofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 5 Univ ofStellenbosch&Tygerberg,Stellenbosch,SouthAfrica; 6 AfricaCntr for HlthandPopStudies,Mtubatuba,SouthAfrica; 7 KhethImpiloAIDSFree Living,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 8 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 9 UnivHospBern,Bern,Switzerland; 10 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseRsr in Zambia,Lusaka,Zambia; 11 BostonUnivSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA
Michael B.Wohlfeiler 1 ; Felix Carpio 2 ; Philip Lackey 3 ; Cassidy Henegar 4 ; Jennifer Fusco 4 ; Michele Jonsson Funk 5 ; EdwardVonesh 6 ; Edwin DeJesus 7 ; Gregory Fusco 4 ; Anthony Mills 8 1 AIDSHlthcareFndn,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 2 AltaMedHlthServices, LosAngeles,CA,USA; 3 CarolinasHlthcareSystem,Charlotte,NC,USA; 4 Epividian, Inc,Durham,NC,USA; 5 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill, ChapelHill,NC,USA; 6 NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 7 Orlando ImmunologyCntr,Orlando,FL,USA; 8 AnthonyMills,MD, Inc,Palm Springs,CA,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Insights from Antiretroviral Therapy Use: Low-Income Settings 954 The Validity of Self-Reported ART Use in Persons Living With HIV in Rakai, Uganda Mary K. Grabowski 1 ; Joseph Kagaayi 2 ; Ronald H. Gray 3 ; Oliver Laeyendecker 4 ;William Clarke 5 ; Steven J. Reynolds 4 ; Maria J.Wawer 3 ; David Serwadda 6 ;Thomas C. Quinn 5 ; Aaron A.Tobian 5 1 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 RakaiHlthScisProg,Entebbe, Uganda; 3 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 4 NIH, Bethesda,MD,USA; 5 JohnsHopkinsUnivSchofMed,Baltimore,MD,USA; 6 MakerereUnivSchooolofPH,Kampala,Uganda 955 Hospital-Based ART Delivery and Patient Outcomes: A Prospective Open Cohort in China Chuanyi Ning 1 ; M. Kumi Smith 2 ;Yufeng Hu 3 ;Yun Lan 3 ; Joseph D. Tucker 1 ;Weiping Cai 3 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill Inst forGlobalHlth& Infectious Diseases,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 2 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchofPH, Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 GuangzhouEighthPeople'sHosp,Guangzhou, China 956 Virologic Failure Is Uncommon After Treatment Is Initiated During Acute HIV Infection Trevor A. Crowell 1 ; Nittaya Phanuphak 2 ; Suteeraporn Pinyakorn 1 ; Donn Colby 2 ; SompornTipsuk 2 ; Putthachard Kansomlap 2 ; Naphassanant Laopraynak 3 ; Robert O’Connell 4 ; Merlin L. Robb 1 ; Jintanat Ananworanich 5 ; for the RV254/SEARCH010 Study Group 1 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg,WalterReedArmy InstofRsr,SilverSpring, MD,USA; 2 SEARCH,Bangkok,Thailand; 3 HIV-NAT,ThaiRedCrossAIDSRsr Cntr,Bangkok,Thailand; 4 ArmedForcesRsr InstofMedScis,Bangkok, Thailand; 5 MilitaryHIVRsrProg,Bethesda,MD,USA 957 A Meta-Analysis Estimating Early Mortality ART in HIV-Positive Adults on ART in LMIC Alana Brennan 1 ; Lawrence Long 2 ; Johanna C. Useem 3 ; Lindsay Garrison 3 ; Matthew P. Fox 1 1 BostonUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 2 Univof theWitwatersrand,WitsHlth Consortium, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 3 BostonUnivSchofPH,Boston, MA,USA Session P-X2 Poster Abstracts Hall D
Poster Listings
961 24-Week Results of Elvitegravir-Cobicistat- Emtricitabine-Tenofovir DF for HIV-2
Selly Ba 1 ; Dana N. Raugi 2 ; Robert A. Smith 2 ; Fatima Sall 1 ; Khadim Faye 1 ; Stephen E. Hawes 2 ; Salif Sow 1 ; Moussa Seydi 3 ; Geoffrey S. Gottlieb 2 ; for the University ofWashington–Dakar HIV-2 Study Group 1 CliniquedesMaladies Infectieuses,Dakar,Senegal; 2 UnivofWashington, Seattle,WA,USA; 3 CHUdeFann,Dakar,Senegal
962 Severe Neutropenia in HIV-Infected People on Antiretroviral Therapy inWest Africa
Charline Leroi 1 ; Eugene Messou 2 ; Albert Minga 3 ; Adrien Sawadogo 4 ; Joseph Drabo 5 ; Moussa Maiga 6 ; Marcel Zannou 7 ; Moussa Seydi 8 ; Francois Dabis 1 ; Antoine Jaquet 1 1 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 2 CePReF, ACONDA,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire; 3 CntrMédicaldeSuivideDonneursde Sang/CNTS/PRIMO-CI,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire; 4 CHU,SouroSanou,Bobo- Dioulasso,Bobo-Dioulasso,BurkinaFaso; 5 CHUYalgadoOuedraogo, Ouagadougou,BurkinaFaso; 6 Serviced Hépato-Gastro-Entérologie, HospGabrielTouré,Bamako,Mali; 7 CntrdePriseenChargedesPersonnes VivantAvec leVIH,CHNU,Cotonou,Benin; 8 CHUdeFann,Dakar,Senegal
CROI 2016
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