CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
555 HLA-B18 As a Risk Factor of Progression to Severe Liver Fibrosis in HIV/HCV Patients Mario Frías 1 ; Antonio Rivero-Juárez 2 ; Francisca Cuenca 3 ; Diego Rodríguez-Cano 2 ; Juan Macías 4 ; Ana Gordon 2 ; Ángela Camacho 2 ; Juan A. Pineda 4 ; Antonio Rivero 3 1 InstituoMaimonidesde InvestigaciónBiomédicadeCórdoba,Córdoba, Spain; 2 IMIBIC,Córdoba,Spain; 3 HospUniversitarioReinaSofía,Córdoba, Spain; 4 HospUniversitariodeValme,Sevilla,Spain 556 Impact of PNPLA3 variants on the Liver Histology of 168 HIV/HCV Patients Caterina Sagnelli 1 ; Marco Merli 2 ; Caterina Uberti Foppa 3 ; Hamid Hasson 4 ; Grazia Cirillo 1 ; Anna Grandone 1 ; Stefania Salpietro 4 ; Emanuela Messina 4 ; Carmine Minichini 1 ; Emanuele Miraglia Del Giudice 1 ; Adriano Lazzarin 4 ; Nicola Coppola 1 ; Evangelista Sagnelli 1 1 SecondUnivofNaples,Naples, Italy; 2 Vita-SaluteSanRaffaeleUniv, Milan, Italy; 3 SanRaffaeleScientific Inst,Milan, Italy; 4 Vita-SaluteUniv, SanRaffaeleScientific Inst,Milan, Italy 557 The Impact of Cannabinoid Receptor2-63 Variants in Liver Biopsy of HIV/HCV Patients Caterina Sagnelli 1 ; Marco Merli 2 ; Caterina Uberti Foppa 3 ; Hamid Hasson 4 ; Giulia Bellini 1 ; Carmine Minichini 1 ; Stefania Salpietro 4 ; Emanuela Messina 4 ; Nicola Coppola 1 ; Adriano Lazzarin 4 ; Evangelista Sagnelli 1 ; Francesca Rossi 1 1 SecondUnivofNaples,Naples, Italy; 2 Vita-SaluteSanRaffaeleUniv, Milan, Italy; 3 SanRaffaeleScientific Inst,Milan, Italy; 4 Vita-SaluteUniv, SanRaffaeleScientific Inst,Milan, Italy 558 Poorly Controlled HIV Infection Is a Risk Factor for Liver Fibrosis in CNICS Cohort Nina Kim 1 ; Robin Nance 1 ; StephenVan Rompaey 1 ; Joseph A. Delaney 2 ; Heidi M. Crane 1 ; Katerina A. Christopoulos 3 ;Wm. Christopher Mathews 4 ; Richard Moore 5 ; Mari M. Kitahata 1 ; for the Center for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 UnivofWashingtonSchofPH andCommunityMed,Seattle,WA,USA; 3 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco, SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 4 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA; 5 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA 559 MiR-122 and -200a in Exosomes of ART+ HIV-1 Infected Individuals With Liver Disease Daniel D. Murray 1 ; Kazuo Suzuki 2 ; Matthew Law 3 ; JonelTrebicka 4 ; Jacqueline Neuhaus 5 ; DeborahWentworth 5 ; Michael J.Vjecha 6 ; Margaret Johnson 7 ; Anthony Kelleher 3 ; Sean Emery 1 ; for the INSIGHT ESPRIT and SMART Study Groups 1 Kirby Inst for Infectionand Immunity inSociety,Sydney,Australia; 2 Kirby Inst,UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 3 UnivofNew SouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 4 UnivofBonn,Bonn,Germany; 5 Univof Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 6 VAMedCntr,Washington,DC,USA; 7 RoyalFreeLondonNHSFndnTrust,London,UK 560 Liver Fibrosis in HIV Patients: Which Factors Play a Role? Raphael Mohr 1 ; Christoph Boesecke 1 ; Carolynne Schwarze-Zander 1 ; Jan-ChristianWasmuth 1 ; Jürgen K. Rockstroh 2 1 UnivHospBonn,Bonn,Germany; 2 MedizinischeUnivsklinik,Bonn, Germany
561 NASH Is AssociatedWith a Unique Biomarker Signature in HIV-Infected Adults Rebecca Krakora 1 ; Mary McLaughlin 2 ; Adam Rupert 3 ; Michael Proschan 4 ; Colleen Hadigan 2 ; David E. Kleiner 5 ;Theo Heller 6 ; Joseph A. Kovacs 1 ; Caryn G. Morse 1 1 NIHClinicalCntr,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 3 NIAID,NIH,Frederick,MD,USA; 4 NIAID,NIH,Rockville,MD,USA; 5 NCI, Bethesda,MD,USA; 6 NIDDK,Bethesda,MD,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Stroke: Incidence and Risk Factors 636 Design, Implementation , and Findings of Next Generation Stroke Adjudication in HIV Session P-P1 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B Heidi M. Crane 1 ; Felicia Chow 2 ; Kyra J. Becker 1 ; Christina Marra 1 ; Joseph Zunt 1 ; Emily L. Ho 1 ; RIzwan Kilani 1 ; Robin Nance 1 ; Joseph A. Delaney 3 ; DavidTirchwell 1 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco, SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 3 UnivofWashingtonSchofPHandCommunity Med,Seattle,WA,USA Camilla I. Hatleberg 1 ; David Kamara 2 ; Lene Ryom 1 ; Stephane de Wit 3 ; Matthew Law 4 ; Peter Reiss 5 ; Antonella d’Arminio Monforte 6 ; Jens D. Lundgren 1 ; Caroline Sabin 2 ; for the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs Study Group 1 RigsHospet,UnivofCopenhagen,Copenhagen,Denmark; 2 UnivColl London,London,UK; 3 StPierreUnivHosp,Brussels,Belgium; 4 Univof NewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 5 Amsterdam Inst forGlobalHlthand Develop,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 6 InfectiousDiseasesClinic,SanPaolo Hosp,UnivofMilan,Milan, Italy 638 Persistently Increased Ischemic Stroke Risk in HIV- InfectedWomen Felicia Chow 1 ; Susan Regan 2 ; Sara E. Looby 2 ; MarkellaV. Zanni 2 ; James B. Meigs 2 ; Cheryl D. Bushnell 3 ; Steven K. Feske 4 ; Steven Grinspoon 2 ; Virginia A.Triant 2 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 2 Massachusetts GeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 3 WakeForestBaptistMedCntr,Winston Salem,NC,USA; 4 BrighamandWomen'sHosp,HarvardMedSch,Boston, MA,USA 639 Stroke in HIV-Infected Patients in the Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Era Juan Berenguer 1 ; Alejandro Alvaro-Meca 2 ; Asuncion Diaz 3 ; Dariela Micheloud 1 ; Salvador Resino 3 1 HospGeneralUniversitarioGregorioMarañón,Madrid,Spain; 2 UnivRey JuanCarlos,Alcorcón,Spain; 3 InstdeSaludCarlos III,Madrid,Spain 640 Incidental Carotid Plaque in HIV Is AssociatedWith Subsequent Cerebrovascular Events Sumbal Janjua ; Pedro Staziaki; RichardTakx; Orla Hennessy; Michael Lu; MarkellaV. Zanni; Steven Grinspoon; Udo Hoffmann;Tomas G. Neilan MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA 637 Differences in Predictors for Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic Strokes in HIV+ Individuals
Poster Listings
CROI 2016
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