CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
543 Tracing the Origin of HCV NS3 Q80K Among HIV- Infected MSM in the Netherlands Astrid M. Newsum 1 ; Cynthia K. Ho 2 ; Faydra I. Lieveld 3 ;Thijs J. van de Laar 4 ; JanT. van der Meer 5 ; Anne M.Wensing 3 ; Greet J. Boland 3 ; Joop E. Arends 3 ; Maria Prins 1 ; Janke Schinkel 2 1 PHServiceofAmsterdam,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 2 Academic MedCntr,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 3 UnivMedCntrUtrecht,Utrecht, Netherlands; 4 SanquinBloodSupplyFndn,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 5 Cntrof InfectiousDiseasesand ImmunologyAmsterdam,AcademicMed Cntr,Amsterdam,Netherlands 544 Incidence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the HIV Outpatient Study Cohort 2000-2013 Taraz Samandari 1 ; Kate Buchacz 1 ; Carl Armon 2 ; Dana Franklin 2 ; Rachel Hart 2 ; Joan S. Chmiel 3 ; JohnT. Brooks 1 ; EllenTedaldi 4 ; for the HIV Outpatient Study Investigators 1 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 CernerCorporation,KansasCity,MO,USA; 3 FeinbergSchofMed,NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 4 TempleUniv, Philadelphia,PA,USA 545 Sexual Behaviour Is AssociatedWith Recently Acquired HCV in HIV/HCV Coinfected MSM Marianne Martinello 1 ; Gregory J. Dore 1 ; Jasmine Skurowski 1 ; Janaki Amin 1 ; Rohan I. Bopage 2 ; Robert Finlayson 3 ; David Baker 4 ; Mark Bloch 5 ; GailV. Matthews 1 1 Kirby Inst,UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 2 TheAlbionCntr, Sydney,Australia; 3 TaylorSquarePrivateClinic,Sydney,Australia; 4 East SydneyDoctors,Sydney,Australia; 5 HoldsworthHouseMedPractice, Sydney,Australia 546 Prevalence and Factors of HCV Infection Among HIV-Negative and HIV-Positive MSM Nathan J. Lachowsky 1 ; Kristine Stephenson 2 ; Zishan Cui 3 ; Susan Shurgold 3 ;Troy Grennan 4 ; JasonWong 4 ; Julio Montaner 3 ; Eric A. Roth 5 ; Robert S. Hogg 6 ; David M. Moore 1 ; for the Momentum Health Study 1 UnivofBritishColumbia,Vancovuer,BC,Canada; 2 VancouverCoastal Hlth,Vancouver,BC,Canada; 3 BCCntr forExcellence inHIV/AIDS, Vancouver,BC,Canada; 4 BCCntr forDiseaseControl,Vancouver,BC, Canada; 5 UnivofVictoria,Victoria,BC,Canada; 6 SimonFraserUniv, Burnaby,BC,Canada 547 The Impact of Host Genes on the Risk of Acquiring Hepatitis C Virus Infection Gaby S. Steba 1 ; Sylvie M. Koekkoek 1 ; JoostW.Vanhommerig 2 ; Kees Brinkman 3 ; JanT. van der Meer 4 ; Maria Prins 2 ;William A. Paxton 5 ; Richard Molenkamp 1 ; Janke Schinkel 1 ; for the MOSAIC study group and ACS 1 AcademicMedCntr,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 2 PHServiceof Amsterdam,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 3 OLVGHosp,Amsterdam, Netherlands; 4 Cntrof InfectiousDiseasesand ImmunologyAmsterdam, AcademicMedCntr,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 5 UnivofLiverpool, Liverpool,UK
Session P-N4 Poster Abstracts
Hall A/B
2:45 PM-4:00 PM Progression of Liver Disease: Mediators and Moderators 548 Liver Disease Progression in a Community-Based Sample of HCV-Infected PWID Javier A. Cepeda 1 ; David L.Thomas 2 ; Jacquie Astemborski 1 ; Xiangrong Kong 3 ; Gregory D. Kirk 3 ; Shruti H. Mehta 3 1 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 Johns HopkinsUnivSchofMed,Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 JohnsHopkinsUniv, Baltimore,MD,USA 549 Protective Effect of Coffee Intake on Mortality of French HIV/HCV-Infected Patients Patrizia Carrieri 1 ; Camelia Protopopescu 1 ; Philippe Sogni 2 ; Linda Wittkop 3 ; David Zucman 4 ; Francois Dabis 5 ; Bruno Spire 6 ; Dominique Salmon-Ceron 2 ; for the ANRS HEPAVIH CO13 Study Group 1 INSERM,Marseille,France; 2 INSERM-APHP,HospCochin,Paris,France; 3 CHUdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 4 HospFoch,Suresnes,France; 5 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 6 INSERM UMR912,Marseille,France 550 Statin Use and Cirrhosis Progression in an HIV/HCV Coinfected Population NoraT. Oliver 1 ; Christine Hartman 2 ; Jennifer R. Kramer 2 ; Elizabeth Chiao 1 1 BaylorCollofMed,Houston,TX,USA; 2 MichaelE.DeBakeyVAMedCntr, Houston,TX,USA 551 Statin Type and Dose Reduce the Risk of Cirrhosis and HCC in HCV Infected Patients 552 Assessment of Hepatic Antifibrotic Effect of Cenicriviroc in Patients With HIV Enass Abdel-hameed ; Susan D. Rouster; Kenneth E. Sherman UnivofCincinnati,Cincinnati,OH,USA 553 Statin Therapy Reduces Liver Fat Measured by Computed Tomography in Patients With HIV Janet Lo; Michael Lu; Elli Kim; Eric Nou;Travis R. Hallett; Jakob Park; Udo Hoffmann; Steven Grinspoon MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA 554 PEth Improves Detection of Alcohol and Associated Mortality Among HIV+/HCV+ Amy C. Justice 1 ; Kathleen A. McGinnis 2 ; JanetTate 3 ; David A. Fiellin 4 ; Vincent Lo Re 5 ; Joseph Jones 6 ; Judith A. Hahn 7 ; Kendall J. Bryant 8 ; for theVACS ProjectTeam 1 YaleUniv,NewHaven,CT,USA; 2 VAPittsburghHlthcareSystem, Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 3 VAMedCntr,WestHaven,CT,USA; 4 VAConnecticut HlthcareSystem,NewHaven,CT,USA; 5 UnivofPennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA,USA; 6 USDrugTestingLab,DesPlaines, IL,USA; 7 Univ ofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 8 Natl InstonAlcohol AbuseandAlcoholism,Bethesda,MD,USA Tracey Simon 1 ; Hector Bonilla 2 ; RaymondT. Chung 3 ; Adeel A. Butt 4 1 MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 2 ImmunoSci Inc, Pleasanton,CA,USA; 3 HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA; 4 Hamad HlthcareQuality Inst,Doha,Qatar
Poster Listings
CROI 2016
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