CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

Session TD-18 Themed Discussion

Room 311

Session S-8 Symposium

Ballroom B/C


1:45 PM-2:45 PM Next Generation Sequencing for Detection of Transmitted or Linked Drug Resistance Themed Discussion Leader Jeffrey A. Johnson ,Centers forDiseaseControlandPrevention, Atlanta,GA,USA 487 No Evidence of Sexual Transmission of Minority HIV Drug Resistance Mutations in MSM Antoine Chaillon ; Sanjay R. Mehta; Joel O.Wertheim; Ben Murrell; Susan J. Little; Douglas D. Richman; Davey M. Smith; Sara Gianella UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA 488 Transmitted Drug Resistance in HIV-1 Subtype C Hyperacute Infection 1 UnivofKwaZulu-Natal,Durban,SouthAfrica; 2 IrsiCaixa Inst forAIDS Rsr,Badalona,Spain; 3 Ragon InstofMGH,MITandHarvard,Cambridge, MA,USA; 4 NelsonRMandelaSchofMed,UnivofKwazulu-Natal,Durban, SouthAfrica 489 Integrase Inhibitors-Transmitted Drug Resistance Detected by UltraDeep Sequencing EveTodesco 1 ; Jeremy Jaffre 1 ; Cathia Soulié 1 ; Daniele Armenia 2 ; Marc Wirden 3 ; Sidonie Lambert 1 ; Christine Katlama 1 ; Francesca Ceccherini- Silberstein 2 ;Vincent Calvez 1 ; Anne-Geneviève Marcelin 1 1 SorbonneUnivs,Paris,France; 2 UnivofRomeTorVergata,Rome, Italy; 3 APHP,PitieSalpêtrièreHosp,Paris,France 490 Linkage of Rare Drug Resistance Mutations Detected by New Ultrasensitive SGS Valerie F. Boltz 1 ; Junko Hattori 1 ;Wei Shao 2 ; John M. Coffin 3 ; Frank Maldarelli 1 ; Mary F. Kearney 1 1 NCI,Frederick,MD,USA; 2 LeidosBiomedRsr, Inc,Frederick,MD,USA; 3 TuftsUniv,Boston,MA,USA Urisha Singh 1 ; Avashna Singh 1 ; Marc Noguera-Julian 2 ; Manjeetha Jaggernath 1 ; Amber Moodley 1 ; Krista Dong 3 ; Bruce D.Walker 3 ;Thumbi P. Ndungu 1 ; Michelle Gordon 4

4:00 PM-6:00 PM Where Are the HIV Hot Spots? Target audience: This session is directed to clinicians and scientists who are interested in understanding methods for identifying hot spots of new infection, drivers of the epidemic in vulnerable populations, and approaches to addressing these diverse epidemics. Level of knowledge: It is assumed that participants are familiar with basic concepts of HIV epidemiology and social, cultural, and biologic contributions to HIV spread. Objectives: At the completion of the session, participants will be able to: • Describe newmethods for identifying HIV hot spots • Identify diverse high risk populations with high HIV incidence, including fisherfolk, young MSM, and immigrants • Describe strategies for reducing new infections and improving outcomes in these populations Conveners

Z. Michael Chirenje ,Univeristyof Zimbabwe,UniversityofCalifornia SanFranciscoCollaborativeResearch Programme,Harare,Zimbabwe

Shannon L. Hader ,Centers forDisease ControlandPrevention,Atlanta,GA,USA 4:00 170 Location and Population:

Response to theWho andWhere in the HIV Epidemic Peter Ghys ,UNAIDS,Geneva,Switzerland

4:30 171 HIV in Fishing Communities: Prevalence, Incidence, Risk Factors, and Interventions Zachary A. Kwena ; for theLakeVictoria Consortium forHealthResearch,KenyaMed Rsr Inst,Kisumu,Kenya 5:00 172 Sex, Stigmas, and Systems: Global Issues in HIV Among Young MSM LaRon E. Nelson ,UnivofRochester, Rochester,NY,USA

Oral Sessions • Thursday, February 25, 2016

5:30 173 HIV and Migrants

Julia Del Amo , InstdeSaludCarlos III, Madrid,Spain


CROI 2016

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