CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

318 Specific IgG Subclasses Induced in RV305, a Late Boost Vaccination of RV144 Subjects Siriwat Akapirat 1 ; SandhyaVasan 2 ; Punnee Pitisuttithum 3 ; Supachai Rerks-Ngarm 4 ; Nelson L. Michael 5 ; Jean-Louis Excler 6 ; Jerome H. Kim 7 ; Robert O’Connell 1 ; Nicos Karasavvas 1 ; for the RV305 Study Group 1 ArmedForcesRsr InstofMedScis,Bangkok,Thailand; 2 USMilitaryHIV RsrProg,APO,AP,USA; 3 MahidolUniv,Ratchathewi,Thailand; 4 Ministry ofPH,MuangNonthaburi,Thailand; 5 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg,Bethesda, MD,USA; 6 HenryM. JacksonFndn for theAdvancementofMilitaryMed, Inc,Bethesda,MD,USA; 7 IntlVaccine Inst,Seoul,RepublicofKorea 1:45 PM-2:45 PM Going to ScaleWith ART and PrEP Themed Discussion Leader Anne Cori , ImperialCollegeLondon,London,UnitedKingdom 1048 Effect of Eliminating CD4 Thresholds on Number of New ART Initiators in South Africa Jacob Bor 1 ; Shahira Ahmed 2 ; Matthew P. Fox 2 ; Sydney Rosen 2 ; Frank Tanser 3 ; Deenan Pillay 3 ;Till Bärnighausen 4 1 BostonUnivSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 2 BostonUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 3 AfricaCntr forHlthandPopStudies,Mtubatuba,SouthAfrica; 4 Harvard SchofPH,Boston,MA,USA 1049 Optimizing Resource Allocation to Reduce HIV Incidence Across Sub-Saharan Africa Jessica McGillen ; Sarah-Jane Anderson;Timothy Hallett ImperialCollLondon,London,UK 1050 New ARVs Could Represent More Than USD 3 Billion in Cost Savings Through 2025 Vineet R. Prabhu ,ClintonHlthAccess Initiative,Boston,MA,USA 1051 Impact of Improving HIV Care and Treatment and Initiating PrEP in the United States, 2015–2020 EmineYaylali 1 ; Paul Farnham 1 ; Evin Jacobson 1 ; BenjaminT. Allaire 2 ; Danielle L.Wagner 3 ; Katherine A. Hicks 4 ; Amanda A. Honeycutt 2 ; Stephanie L. Sansom 1 1 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 RTI,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 3 RTI, Waltham,MA,USA; 4 RTIHlthSolutions,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA 1052 PrEP Is Only Cost-Effective Among MSM in the Netherlands When Used on Demand Brooke E. Nichols 1 ; Charles A. Boucher 1 ; Marc van derValk 2 ; Bart J. Rijnders 1 ; David A. van deVijver 1 1 ErasmusUnivMedCntr,Rotterdam,Netherlands; 2 AcademicMedCntr, Amsterdam,Netherlands Session TD-16 Themed Discussion Room 304/306

Session TD-17 Themed Discussion

Ballroom A

1:45 PM-2:45 PM MSM in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Themed Discussion Leader Adrian D. Smith ,NuffieldDepartmentofPopulationHealth,OxfordUniversity, Oxford,UnitedKingdom 921 HIV Prevalence and Risk Factors in MenWho Have Sex With Men in Bamako, Mali Maria Lahuerta 1 ; Padmaja Patnaik 1 ; NouhoumTelly 2 ; Justin Knox 1 ; Tako Ballo 3 ; Adama N’dir 4 ; BouyaguiTraore 3 ; Seydou Doumbia 2 ; Avi Hakim 5 1 ICAPatColumbiaUniv,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 ICERMali,Bamako,Mali; 3 CelluleSectorielledeLuttecontre leSida,Ministerede laSante,Bamako, Mali; 4 CDC,Bamako,Mali; 5 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA 1 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 Instof HumanVirology,Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 SchofPH,UnivofMaryland, CollegePark,MD,USA; 4 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg,WalterReedArmy Inst ofRsr,SilverSpring,MD,USA 926 Group Sex: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey Among MenWho Have Sex With Men in China SongyuanTang 1 ;WeimingTang 1 ; Joseph D.Tucker 2 ; BinYang 3 ;Ye Zhang 1 ;Wei Zhang 1 ; Shujie Huang 3 ; LigangYang 3 ; ChongyiWei 4 ; Chuncheng Liu 5 ;Yilu Qin 1 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaProjChina,Guangzhou,China; 2 UnivofNorth CarolinaatChapelHill Inst forGlobalHlth& InfectiousDiseases,Chapel Hill,NC,USA; 3 GuangdongProvincialCntr forSkinDiseasesandSTI Control,Guangzhou,China; 4 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,San Francisco,CA,USA; 5 SESHGlobal,Guangzhou,China 927 Risk Factors for Acute and Early HIV Infection Among MSM, Bangkok, Thailand 2010–2015 WaruneeThienkrua 1 ; Marcel Curlin 2 ; Eileen Dunne 3 ; Kanokpan Pancharoen 1 ; Boonyos Raengsakulrach 1 ;Wannee Chonwattana 1 ; Wanna Leelawiwat 1 ; Philip A. Mock 1 ; Anupong Chitwarakorn 1 ;Timothy H. Holtz 3 1 ThailandMinistryofPH,MuangNonthaburi,Thailand; 2 OregonHlthand ScisUniv,Portland,OR,USA; 3 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA 928 High Prevalence of HIV AmongWives of Married Men Who Have Sex With Men in India Aylur K. Srikrishnan 1 ; Shruti H. Mehta 2 ; CeciliaTomori 2 ; Santhanam Anand 1 ; Pachamuthu Balakrishnan 3 ; David Celentano 2 ; Gregory M. Lucas 2 ; Sunil S. Solomon 2 1 YRGCntr forAIDSRsrandEduc,Taramani, India; 2 JohnsHopkinsUniv, Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 YRGCntr forAIDSRsrandEduc,Chennai, India 924 Online Sex-Seeking Among MSM in Nigeria: Implications for Online Intervention Shauna Stahlman 1 ; Rebecca G. Nowak 2 ; Hongjie Liu 3 ;Trevor A. Crowell 4 ; Sosthenes Ketende 1 ;William A. Blattner 2 ; Manhattan E. Charurat 2 ; Stefan Baral 1 ; for theTRUST Study Group

Thursday, February 25, 2016 • Oral Sessions


CROI 2016

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