CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
11:15 154LB Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir for 6Weeks in HIV-
10:45 158LB Beta-Lactams Against TB: Teaching a New Trick to an Old Dog
Infected Patients With Acute HCV Infection Jürgen K. Rockstroh 1 ; Sanjay Bhagani 2 ; Robert H. Hyland 3 ; ChoheeYun 3 ;Wei Zhang 3 ; Diana M. Brainard 3 ; John G. McHutchison 3 ; Patrick Ingiliz 4 ;Thomas Lutz 5 ; Mark Nelson 6 1 MedizinischeUnivsklinik,Bonn,Germany; 2 RoyalFreeHosp, London,UnitedKingdom; 3 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity,CA, USA; 4 Cntr for Infectiology,Berlin,Germany; 5 Infektiologikum, Frankfurt/Main,Frankfurt,Germany; 6 ChelseaandWestminster HospNHSFndnTrust,London,UK
Andreas H. Diacon 1 ; Lize van der Merwe 2 ; Marinus Barnard 2 ; FlorianVon Groote-Bidlingmaier 2 ; Christoph Lange 3 ; Alberto L. García-Basteiro 4 ; Esperança Sevene 5 ; Lluís Ballell 6 ; David Barros- Aguirre 6 1 StellenboschUniv,Bellville,SouthAfrica; 2 TaskAppliedScience,
Bellville,SouthAfrica; 3 RsrCntrBorstel,Borstel,Germany; 4 Barcelona Inst forGlobalHlth,Barcelona,Spain; 5 Manhiça HlthRsrCntr (CISM),Manhiça,Mozambique; 6 Diseasesof the DevelopingWorld,GlaxoSmithKline,TresCantos,Madrid,Spain 11:00 159 Pre-ART Cryptococcal Antigen Titer Associated With Preemptive Fluconazole Failure
Session O-14 Oral Abstracts
Ballroom A
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuberculosis and Other Opportunistic Infections/Cancer Prevention: Hits and Misses Oral Abstract Moderators Andrew Kambugu , InfectiousDiseases Institute,Kampala,Uganda Susan E. Krown ,AIDSMalignancyConsortium,NewYork,NY,USA 10:00 155 Empirical TB Treatment in Advanced HIV Disease: Results of the TB Fast Track Trial Alison Grant 1 ; Salome Charalambous 2 ; MphoTlali 2 ; Suzanne Johnson 3 ; Susan Dorman 4 ; Christopher Hoffmann 4 ; Aaron Karat 1 ; AnnaVassall 1 ; Gavin Churchyard 2 ; Katherine L. Fielding 1 1 LondonSchofHygiene&TropMed,London,UK; 2 TheAurum Inst, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 3 Fndn forProfessionalDevelop, Pretoria,SouthAfrica; 4 JohnsHopkinsUnivSchofMed,Baltimore, MD,USA 10:15 156 Acceptability of Large-Scale Household-Based TB Screening: HPTN 071(PopART) Trial
Bozena M. Morawski 1 ; David R. Boulware 1 ; Elizabeth Nalintya 2 ; Agnes Kiragga 2 ; Francis Kazooza 2 ; Radha Rajasingham 1 ; Benjamin J. Park 3 ;Yukari C. Manabe 4 ; Jona E. Kaplan 3 ; David B. Meya 2 1 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 2 InfectiousDiseases Inst,Kampala,Uganda; 3 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 4 JohnsHopkins Univ,Baltimore,MD,USA Infection-Related Cancer in HIV Infection Alvaro H. Borges 1 ; Jacqueline Neuhaus 2 ; Abdel Babiker 3 ; Timothy J.Wilkin 4 ; Christian Hoffmann 5 ; Keith Henry 6 ; Adrian Palfreeman 7 ; Mamta K. Jain 8 ; Sanjay Pujari 9 ; RonaldT. Mitsuyasu 10
11:15 160 Immediate ART Initiation Reduces Risk of
1 CHIP,RigsHospet,UnivofCopenhagen,Copenhagen,Denmark; 2 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 3 UnivCollLondon, London,UK; 4 WeillCornellMedColl,NewYork,NY,USA; 5 IPM StudyCntr,HamburgandUnivofSchleswigHolstein,Campus Kiel,Hamburg,Germany; 6 HennepinCountyMedCntr,Univof Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 7 MedRsrCouncilClinical TrialsUnit,London,UK; 8 UnivofTexasSouthwesternMedCntr, Dallas,TX,USA; 9 Instof InfectiousDiseases,Pune, India; 10 Univof CaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA 11:30 161 ACTG A5298: A Phase 3 Trial of the Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine in Older HIV+ Adults Timothy J.Wilkin 1 ; Huichao Chen 2 ; Michelle Cespedes 3 ; 1 WeillCornellMedColl,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 HarvardSchofPH, Boston,MA,USA; 3 IcahnSchofMedatMountSinai,NewYork,NY, USA; 4 DAIDS,NIAID,NIH,Rockville,MD,USA; 5 BaylorCollofMed, Houston,TX,USA; 6 UnivofRochesterMedCntr,Rochester,NY, USA; 7 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 8 Social&ScientificSystems, Inc.,SilverSpring,MD,USA; 9 Univof PittsburghSchofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA 11:45 162 Is Intensive Cervical Cancer Screening Justified in ImmunosuppressedWomen? Michael J. Silverberg 1 ;Wendy Leyden 1 ; Steven Gregorich 2 ; Pawel Paczuski 2 ; Catherine Godfrey 4 ; Elizabeth Chiao 5 ; Amneris Luque 6 ; JenniferY.Webster-Cyriaque 7 ; Barbara Bastow 8 ; Ross Cranston 9 ; for the ACTG A5298 ProtocolTeam
Comfort R. Phiri 1 ; Sian Floyd 2 ; Ab Schaap 1 ; Sam Griffith 3 ; Ephraim Sakala 1 ; Richard Hayes 2 ; Sarah j. Fidler 4 ; Helen Ayles 2 ; Kwame Shanaube 1 ; for the HPTN071(PopART) 1 ZAMBART,Lusaka,Zambia; 2 LondonSchofHygiene&TropMed, London,UK; 3 FHI360,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 4 Imperial CollLondon,London,UK Households and Hospitals in South Africa Sara C. Auld 1 ; James C. Brust 2 ; Barun Mathema 3 ;Thuli Mthiyane 4 ; Nazir Ismail 5 ; Pravi Moodley 6 ; Darius McDaniel 7 ; Salim Allana 8 ; Neel Gandhi 7 ; N. Sarita Shah 9 1 EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 AlbertEinsteinCollofMed,Bronx, NY,USA; 3 ColumbiaUnivMailmanSchofPH,NewYork,NY,USA; 4 UnivofKwaZulu-Natal,Westville,SouthAfrica; 5 Natl Inst for CommunicableDiseases, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 6 Univof KwaZulu-Natal,Durban,SouthAfrica; 7 EmoryUnivRollinsSchof PH,Atlanta,GA,USA; 8 RollinsSchofPH,EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA, USA; 9 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA
Oral Sessions • Thursday, February 25, 2016
10:30 157 HIV-Associated XDR TB Is Transmitted in
Karen K. Smith-McCune 2 ; Megan Huchko 2 ; Miriam Kuppermann 2 ; Shalini Kulasingam 3 ; George F. Sawaya 2 1 KaiserPermanenteNorthernCalifornia,Oakland,CA,USA; 2 Univ ofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 3 SchofPH, UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA
CROI 2016
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