CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
Special Session SS Oral Abstracts
Ballroom B/C
74LB A Cohort Study of Survivors of Ebola Virus Infection in Liberia (PREVAIL III) Mosoka Fallah ; for the Prevail III ResearchTeam, MinistryofHlth, Monrovia,Liberia 75LB Dynamics of Ebola Virus Clearance in Semen in Guinea Daouda Sissoko 1 ; Sophie Duraffour 2 ; Jacques Kolie 3 ; Abdoul H. Beavogui 4 ;Thi HuyenTram Nguyen 5 ; Jeremie Guedj 6 ; Denis Malvy 7 ; MilesW. Carroll 8 ; Xavier Anglaret 9 ; Stephan Gunther 10 1 INSERMU897,Bordeaux,France; 2 Bernhard-Nocht Inst forTropical Medicine,Hamburg,Germany; 3 MinistryofHlthGuinea,Conakry, Guinea; 4 CntrdeRechercheenSantéRuraledeMafèrinyah,Conakry, Guinea; 5 UMR1137, INSERM,UniversitéParisDiderot,Paris,France; 6 FrenchNational InstofHlthandMedRsr,Paris,France; 7 CHUde Bordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 8 PublicHlthEngland,Salisbury,UK; 9 INSERM,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire (IvoryCoast); 10 EuropeanMobile LaboratoryProject,Hamburg,Germany 76LB A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Safety and Immunogenicity of Two Ebola Vaccines Fatorma Bolay ; for the Partnership for Research on EbolaVaccines in Liberia (PREVAIL 1)Team, Liberian InstofBioMedRsrNIHPartnership, Bethesda,MD,USA 77LB PREVAIL II: A Randomized Controlled Trial of ZMapp™ in Acute Ebola Virus Infection RichardT. Davey ; for the Multi-National PREVAIL II StudyTeam, NIAID,Bethesda,MD,USA
6:15 PM-7:45 PM Ebola: One Year Later Oral Abstract Moderators
Kevin M. De Cock ,Centers forDiseaseControlandPrevention,Nairobi,Kenya Nancy Sullivan ,VaccineResearchCenter,National InstituteofAllergyand InfectiousDiseases,National InstitutesofHealth,Bethesda,MD,USA 72LB Unreported Cases and Asymptomatic Infection in an Ebola“Hotspot”
EugeneT. Richardson 1 ; J. Daniel Kelly 2 ; Mohamed B. Barrie 3 ; AnneliesW. Mesman 3 ; Komba Quiwa 3 ; Sahr Karku 3 ; George Rutherford 2 ; James H. Jones 1 ; Megan Murray 4 ; Paul Farmer 4
1 StanfordUniv,Stanford,CA,USA; 2 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,San Francisco,CA,USA; 3 Partners InHlth,Freetown,SierraLeone; 4 Harvard MedSchool,Boston,MA,USA 73LB Sequelae of Ebola Virus Disease in Surviving Patients in Guinea: Postebogui Cohort Jean-François Etard 1 ; Mamadou Saliou Sow 2 ; Sandrine Leroy 1 ; Philippe Msellati 3 ; Abdoulaye I.Toure 4 ; BernardTaverne 5 ; Ibrahima Savane 6 ; Moumié Barry 7 ; Eric Delaporte 8 ; for the Postebogui study group 1 InstitutdeRecherchePour leDéveloppement,Montpellier, France; 2 DonkaNationalHosp,Conakry,Guinea; 3 InstRechercheet Developpement,France,Montpellier,Cameroon; 4 InstitutdeRecherche Pour leDéveloppementUMI233, INSERMU1176,Montpellier,France; 5 InstitutdeRecherchePour leDéveloppementUMI233, INSERMU1175, Montpellier,France; 6 MacentaPrectoralHosp,Macenta,Guinea; 7 CHUde Conakry,Conakry,Guinea; 8 UMI233-IRD/U1175-INSERM/Montpellier Univ,Montpellier,France
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 • Oral Sessions
CROI 2016
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