CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
288 HIV Infections in Novel CD1a Cells FromHuman Vaginal Mucosa Victor Pena-Cruz 1 ; Luis Agosto 2 ; Hisashi Akiyama 2 ; Jean-Robert Larrieux 3 ; Rahm Gummuluru 2 ; Manish Sagar 1 1 BostonUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 2 BostonUnivSchofMed,Boston,MA, USA; 3 BostonMedCntr,Boston,MA,USA 289 Influx of Th1 Cells in the Gut Mucosa Impairs the Homing of Th17 Cells Under cART Claire Loiseau 1 ; Mary Requena 2 ; Michelle Cazabat 2 ; Nicolas Carrere 2 ; Bertrand Suc 2 ; Bruno Marchou 2 ; Jacques Izopet 2 ; Pierre Delobel 2 1 INSERM1043,Toulouse,France; 2 CHUToulouse,Toulouse,France 290 Reduced Rectal HIV RNA After Peg-IFN-a2b Added to ART Together With ART Interruption Emmanouil Papasavvas 1 ; Guobin Kang 2 ; Livio Azzoni 1 ; Faten Aberra 3 ; PabloTebas 3 ; KaramMounzer 4 ; Jay R. Kostman 5 ; Douglas D. Richman 6 ; Qingsheng Li 7 ; Luis J. Montaner 1 1 TheWistar Inst,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 2 UnivofNebraska,Lincoln, NE,USA; 3 UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 4 JonathanLax ImmuneDisordersTreatmentCntr,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 5 JohnBellHlth Cntr,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 6 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego, CA,USA; 7 SchofBiologicalScisandNebraskaCntr forVirology,Univof Nebraska,Lincoln,NE,USA Thibaut Davy ; Sonia Napravnik; Anna Cope; JoAnn D. Kuruc; Cynthia Gay; Joseph J. Eron UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA 292 Acute HIV Treatment Reverses CD8 T Cell Activation, Exhaustion, and Apoptosis Jessica Eagar 1 ; Sarah D. Sterrett 1 ; Nilesh Amatya 2 ; Anju Bansal 1 ; Steffanie Sabbaj 3 ; Katharine J. Bar 4 ; Sonya L. Heath 1 1 UnivofAlabamaatBirmingham,Birmingham,AL,USA; 2 Univof Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 3 UnivofAlabamaatBirmingham, Birmingham,AL,USA; 4 UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA 293 Inflammatory Biomarker Changes After Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Initiation Konstantia Angelidou 1 ; PeterW. Hunt 2 ; AlanTenorio 3 ; Alan L. Landay 4 ; CaraWilson 5 ; Benigno Rodriguez 6 ; Stephen G. Deeks 7 ; Ronald Bosch 1 ; Michael M. Lederman 8 1 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 2 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco, SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 3 GSK,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 4 Rush Univ,Chicago, IL,USA; 5 UnivofColoradoHosp,Aurora,Aurora,CO, USA; 6 CaseWesternReserveUnivSchofMed,Cleveland,OH,USA; 7 San FranciscoGeneralHosp,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 8 CaseWesternReserve Univ,Cleveland,OH,USA Session P-C9 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Immune Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy 291 Effect of Acute HIV Infection on CD4/CD8 Normalization After ART Initiation
294 Increased Innate Function Following HIV-1 Suppression Is Linked to Epigenetic Changes Eileen P. Scully 1 ; Ainsley Lockhart 2 ;Wilfredo Garcia-Beltran 2 ; Christine D. Palmer 2 ; Chelsey Musante 2 ; Eric S. Rosenberg 1 ;Todd M. Allen 2 ; J. Judy Chang 3 ; Ronald Bosch 4 ; Marcus Altfeld 5 1 MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 2 Ragon InstofMGH, MITandHarvard,Cambridge,MA,USA; 3 Doherty Inst for Infectionand Immunity,UnivofMelbourne,Melbourne,Australia; 4 HarvardSchofPH, Boston,MA,USA; 5 HeinrichPette Inst,Hamburg,Germany 295 Inhibition of P2X7 Enhances T-Cell Potential of CD34 in HIV+ c-ART Nonresponders Inna Menkova-Garnier 1 ; Clarisse Benne 1 ; Hakim Hocini 2 ; Pascaline Tisserand 2 ; Constance Delaugerre 3 ; Emile Foucat 4 ; Laure Bourdery 4 ; Yves Lévy 1 ; Jean-Daniel Lelièvre 1 1 InstMondordeRechercheBiomédicale INSERMU955,UnivParisEst Créteil,Créteil,France; 2 InstMondordeRechercheBiomédicale INSERM U955,VaccinRsr Inst (VRI),Créteil,France; 3 HospSaintLouisetUnivParis Diderot,Paris,France; 4 UnivParisEst-Créteil,Créteil,France 296 Maraviroc and Immune Recovery in Advanced AIDS (CD4 <100) Pablo F. Belaunzarán-Zamudio 1 ; Livio Azzoni 2 ; Juan Sierra- Madero 1 ;Yanink Caro-Vega 1 ; Irini Sereti 3 ; David H. Canaday 4 ; Brian Clagget 5 ; Benigno Rodriguez 5 ; Ian M. Sanne 6 ; Michael M. Lederman 5 1 InstNacionaldeCienciasMédicasyNutriciónSalvadorZubirán,Mexico City,Mexico; 2 TheWistar Inst,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 3 NIH,Bethesda, MD,USA; 4 ClevelandVAMedCntr,Cleveland,OH,USA; 5 CaseWestern ReserveUniv,Cleveland,OH,USA; 6 Univof theWitwatersrand,WitsHlth Consortium, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica 297 Transcriptomic Signature of Atorvastatin Response Among ART-Treated Adults in Africa Damalie Nakanjako 1 ; Khader Ghneim 2 ; Isaac Ssinabulya 1 ; Rose M. Nabantanzi 3 ; Lois Bayigga 1 ; Agnes Kiragga 4 ; Harriet Mayanja-Kizza 1 ; Moses R. Kamya; Andrew Kambugu 4 ; Pontiano Kaleebu 5 ; Alison M. Elliott 6 ; Rafick Sekaly 7 1 MakerereUnivCollofHlthScis,Kampala,Uganda; 2 CaseWestern ReserveUniv,Ceveland,OH,USA; 3 CollofHlthScis,MakerereUniv, Kampala,Uganda; 4 InfectiousDiseases Inst,Kampala,Uganda; 5 Med RsrCouncil/UgandaVirusRsr InstUgandaRsrUnitonAIDS,Entebbe, Uganda; 6 MedResearhCouncil/UgandaVirusRsr Inst,Entebbe,Uganda; 7 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland,OH,USA 298 ACE-Inhibitors to Decrease Lymphoid Fibrosis and the Size of the Latent Reservoir Leslie R. Cockerham 1 ; Ma Somsouk 2 ; Sunil K. Joshi 3 ; Sharon R. Lewin 4 ; Steven A.Yukl 3 ; Ajantha Rhodes 5 ; Elizabeth Sinclair 2 ; Marc Hellerstein 6 ; Stephen G. Deeks 7 ; Hiroyu Hatano 2 1 MedCollofWisconsin,Milwaukee,WI,USA; 2 UnivofCaliforniaSan Francisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 3 SanFranciscoVAMedCntr,San Francisco,CA,USA; 4 Doherty Inst for Infectionand Immunity,Univof Melbourne,Melbourne,Australia; 5 UnivofMelbourne,Melbourne, Australia; 6 UnivofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA,USA; 7 SanFrancisco GeneralHosp,SanFrancisco,CA,USA
Poster Listings
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