CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
299 Distinctive Dynamics of Phenotypic Cellular Restoration in IRIS
327 Steady State and Post-Vaccination TFH Dynamics in HIV Patients TreatedWith cART Eirini Moysi 2 ; Louis Edward Gonzalez 2 ; Lesley De Armas 3 ; Joseph P. Casazza 4 ;Varghese K. George 5 ; Rajendra Pahwa 2 ; Suresh Pallikkuth 3 ; Richard A. Koup 4 ; Costantinos Petrovas 1 ; Savita Pahwa 2 1 NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 UnivofMiami,MillerSchofMed,Miami,FL, USA; 3 MillerSchofMed,UnivofMiami,Miami,FL,USA; 4 VRC,NIAID,NIH, Bethesda,MD,USA; 5 UnivofMiami,Miami,FL,USA
Pablo F. Belaunzarán-Zamudio 1 ; Livio Azzoni 2 ; David H. Canaday 3 ; Yanink Caro-Vega 4 ; Brian Clagget 5 ; Benigno Rodriguez 6 ; Juan Sierra- Madero 7 ; Ian M. Sanne 8 ; Irini Sereti 9 ; Michael M. Lederman 5 1 InstNacionaldeCienciasMédicasyNutriciónSalvadorZubirán,Mexico City,Mexico; 2 TheWistar Inst,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 3 ClevelandVAMed Cntr,Cleveland,OH,USA; 4 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland,OH, USA; 5 Univof theWitwatersrand,WitsHlthConsortium, Johannesburg, SouthAfrica; 6 NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA 300LB Only T-Cell Responses to Nef/Tat/Rev CorrelateWith Infected Cell Frequencies on ART AllisonThomas 1 ; JohnW. Mellors 2 ; Rajesh Gandhi 3 ; Deborah McMahon 2 ; Joseph Eron 4 ; Ronald Bosch 5 ; Christina Lalama 6 ; Joshua Cytkor 2 ; Bruce D.Walker 7 ; Brad Jones 1 1 GeorgeWashingtonUniv,Washington,DC,USA; 2 UnivofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 3 MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 4 UnivofNorthCarolina,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 5 HarvardUniv,Boston,MA, USA; 6 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 7 Ragon InstofMGH,MIT,and Harvard,Cambridge,MA,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Effects of HIV on the Responses to Other Vaccines 324 Distinct B-cell Gene Signatures Define Ability to Respond to H1N1 Vaccine in HIV+ Children Nicola Cotugno 1 ; Lesley De Armas 2 ; Suresh Pallikkuth 2 ; Alberto Cagigi 3 ; Stefano Rinaldi 1 ; Paolo Rossi 1 ; Paolo Palma 1 ; Savita Pahwa 4 1 BambinoGesùChildren’sHosp,UnivofRomeTorVergata,Rome, Italy; 2 MillerSchofMed,UnivofMiami,Miami,FL,USA; 3 BambinoGesù Children’sHosp,Rome, Italy; 4 UnivofMiamiMillerSchofMed,Miami, FL,USA 325 NextGen Sequencing Defines Response to H1N1 Vaccination in HIV-Infected Individuals LiYin 1 ; Carina Rodriguez 2 ; JiqiangYao 3 ; Kaifen Chang 1 ; Manju Karki 1 ; FahongYu 1 ; John Sleasman 4 ; Maureen Goodenow 1 1 UnivofFlorida,Gainesville,FL,USA; 2 UnivofSouthFlorida,Tampa, FL,USA; 3 MoffittCancerCntr,Tampa,FL,USA; 4 DukeUnivSchofMed, Durham,NC,USA 326 CD4/CD8 Ratio and K/T Ratio Predict Yellow Fever Vaccine Response in HIV+ Patients Vivian I. Avelino-Silva 1 ; KarinaT. Miyaji 1 ; Marcos S. Freire 2 ; Ana M. Sartori 1 ; PeterW. Hunt 3 ; HuangYong 3 ; Ester C. Sabino 1 ; Dayane A. Costa 1 ; Juliana Z. Dias 1 ; Esper G. Kallas 1 1 UnivofSaoPauloMedSch,SaoPaulo,Brazil; 2 FundaçãoOswaldoCruz, Riode Janeiro,Brazil; 3 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco, CA,USA Session P-E4 Poster Abstracts
329 Impaired Responses to Vaccine in HCV Infection Are Related to Baseline Inflammation Carey L. Shive 1 ; Chelsey Judge 2 ; Robert Kalayjian 3 ; Melissa Osborn 3 ; Kenneth E. Sherman 4 ; Carl Fichtenbaum 4 ; Daniel Popkin 2 ; Scott M. Sieg 2 ; Benigno Rodriguez 5 ; Donald Anthony 1 1 ClevelandVAMedCntr,Cleveland,OH,USA; 2 CaseWesternReserveUniv, Cleveland,OH,USA; 3 MetroHlthMedCntr,Cleveland,OH,USA; 4 Univof Cincinnati,Cincinnati,OH,USA; 5 CaseWesternReserveUnivSchofMed, Cleveland,OH,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Stem Cells 364 Treatment of HIV and AML by Allogeneic CCR5-d32 Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Session P-F7 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B Guido Kobbe 1 ; Rolf Kaiser 2 ; Elena Knops 3 ; Nadine Luebke 4 ; Gabor A. Dunay 5 ; Johannes Fischer 6 ; Falk Huettig 1 ; Rainer Haas 1 ; Dieter Haeussinger 1 ; Bjoern-Erik O. Jensen 1 1 DuesseldorfUnivHosp,Heinrich-HeineUnivDuesseldorf,Duesseldorf, Germany; 2 InstofVirology,UnivofCologne,Cologne,Germany; 3 Univ ClinicofCologne,Cologne,Germany; 4 Inst forVirology,Heinrich-Heine- Univ,UnivHosp,Duesseldorf,Germany; 5 HeinrichPette Inst,Hamburg, Germany; 6 InstofTransplantationDiagnosticsandCellTherapeutics, Heinrich-HeineUnivDuesseldorf,Duesseldorf,Germany Kersten K. Koelsch 1 ; John J. Zaunders 2 ; Angie Pinto 1 ; Kazuo Suzuki 1 ; Sarah C. Sasson 3 ; Bonnie Hiener 4 ; Sarah Palmer 4 ; SamT. Milliken 2 ; Anthony Kelleher 5 ; David Cooper 6 ; for the Sydney HIV SCT Study Group 1 Kirby Inst,UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 2 StVincent’s Hosp,Darlinghurst,Australia; 3 StVincent’sHosp,Sydney,Australia; 4 Cntr forVirusRsr,WestmeadMillennium Inst,Westmead,Australia; 5 Univof NewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 6 Kirby Inst,Sydney,Australia 365 HIV-1 Viral Rebound Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation
Hall A/B
Poster Listings
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