CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts
Keyword Index
Coronary artery calcium; 137 Coronary artery disease; 136
Defensins; 211 Degenerative; 461 Degradation; 40 Dementia; 56, 452, 482, 493
• Antiretroviral therapy (ART); 47, 115LB, 374, 375, 475, 546, 926, 1083, 1091, 1095
Coronary artery plaque; 743, 928 Correlates of protection; 904, 966LB Cost; 1104, 149, 613, 652, 1065, 1104 Cost-effectiveness; 616, 712, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1113, 1122 Cotrimoxazole; 94, 941 Couples; 1106 CPSF6; 196 Creatinine clearance; 517 CRF; 258 CRF01_AE; 275 CRF07_BC; 235 CRF19_cpx; 338 CRISPR-Cas9; 403 Cross-contamination; 592 Cross-group neutralization; 345 Cross-resistance; 985 Cross-sectional incidence testing; 622, 623, 626,673 Cross-species transmission; 237 Cross-talk CD4+ cells and NK cells; 679 Cryptococcal meningitis; 815, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838 Cryptococcosis; 836, 838Crystallography; 586 CSF; 835 CSF biomarkers; 443, 454, 460 CTL; 363, 406 Cuba; 338 Culture-negativeTB; 833
• cART; 446, 473 • Diagnosis; 727 • HIV infection; 47, 48, 51, 1007, 1116, 1021
Democratic Republic of Congo; 234 Demographic surveillance; 161, 1102 Dendritic cells; 46LB, 124, 184, 185, 222, 284, 354 Deoxyribonucleotide; 526 Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA); 861 Depression; 498, 695, 809 Device acceptability; 1087 DH gene segment; 355 DHEA; 821 Diabetes; 788 Diabetes mellitus; 655, 771, 789 Diagnosis; 130, 628, 635, 661, 1007, 1008 Didanosine; 782 Didehydro-Cortistatin A; 413 Differentiation; 986 Diffuse tensor imaging; 935 Direct transmission; 233 Direct-acting antiviral (DAA); 16, 18, 147, 148, 181, 651, 653, 670, 675, 689, 695 Directly observed therapy (DOT); 828LB Disclosure; 1004 Discontinuation; 1080 Discordant; 629 Discrimination; 141 Disease progression; 611, 660, 922 Disparity; 581, 1041 Disulfiram; 428LB Diversity; 230 DNA damage response; 41 DNA methylation; 197, 506, 802 DNA repair; 200 Dolutegravir; 550, 594, 609, 610 Dried blood spots; 83, 514, 617 Droplet digital PCR; 420, 499 Drug; 603 • Combination; 590, 863 • Discovery; 18 • Distribution; 535 • Interactions; 82, 513, 520, 522, 523, 531, 532, 651 • Resistance; 117, 118, 119, 120, 214, 238, 541, 553, 585, 586, 591, 595, 597, 602, 605, 610, 693, 829, 908, 952 • Resistance testing; 91 • Resistance mutations; 686 • Use; 783, 852, 971, 1005, 1006, 1029 Drug-resistant tuberculosis; 92, 130 Dual infection; 347, 232, 233 Dual prevention; 1107 DuoGel; 510 Dolutegravir resistance; 121 Donor-to-donor variation; 408 Doravirine; 521 Dose escalation; 428LB Double dose; 701 Down-referral; 155, 1074 DPP4; 681
• Infant antiretroviral therapy; 912 • Infant diagnosis; 34, 873, 874 • Loss; 1080 • Samples; 236 East Africa; 1056, 1072 Ebola; 76, 77 Ebola epidemic; 103LB
Economic evaluation; 1108 Economic restoration; 1056 Education; 658 Efavirenz; 38LB, 84, 85LB, 448, 500, 520, 531, 533, 535, 737 EFdA; 537, 585 Effectiveness; 950, 1088
Effector function; 64 Effector/memory; 821 Efficacy; 545, 844, 954 eGFR; 742 eGFR reversibility; 981 Electrocautery; 714
Electronic medical records; 668 Elite controller; 227, 332, 427 Elite suppressor; 393, 427 Elvitegravir; 113LB, 795, 951, 952 Emergence; 237 Emergency department; 98, 667, 1100, 1113 Emphysema; 802 Emtricitabine; 23LB End-stage liver disease; 638, 657 Endgame; 244 Endoribonuclease; 402 Endothelial dysfunction; 298LB Endothelial function; 732, 737, 757, 759 Endothelium; 475 Engagement in care; 154, 970, 1000, 1080, 1092
Cumulative CD4; 746 Cumulative risk; 142
CumulativeVACS index; 746 Cumulative viral load; 746 Cure; 6, 104LB Cutaneous biopsies; 723 CVD; 742 CXCL10; 681 CXCL12/CXCR4-CXCR7; 723 CXCL13; 339 CXCR4; 219, 336 CXCR4 antagonists; 213 CXCR7; 213 CYP2B6; 533
eNOS; 298LB Entropy; 612 Entry inhibition; 351, 350, 590 Env; 224LB
Cystatin C; 484, 934 cytokine; 323, 1085 Cytokines; 289, 310, 329, 454, 480, 848 cytology; 710, 856 Cytolytic; 364 Cytomegalovirus (CMV); 300, 301, 302, 319, 575, 848, 884
Envelope; 217, 259, 355 Envelope trimer; 39, 216 Epidemiology; 9, 73, 99, 127, 135, 153, 229, 238, 249, 253, 256, 493, 717, 724, 725, 846, 867, 1011, 1057, 1118 Epigenetics; 413, 506 Epithelial cells; 802 Epitope; 355 Epstein-Barr virus; 69 Eradication; 387, 403, 432, 535, 657
• Replication; 304, 375, 1020 CytotoxicT lymphocytes; 365 Cytotoxicity; 367 – D – D-dimer; 565, 899 D-drugs; 806 Daclatasvir; 146, 151LB, 650, 683, 687, 688 Dapivirine; 524, 985 DARPin; 351 Darunavir; 551, 588 DBS; 616
ERCHIVES; 642, 643 Error correction; 592 Escape; 364
ESLD; 799 ESRD; 799
Estrogen; 859, 859 etravirine; 892, 893 Etravirine and darunavir/ritonavir; 523 Europe; 1008 Evolution; 120, 194, 230, 239, 248, 254, 587, 686 EWAS; 197 Ex vivo models; 964 Ex vivo; 202 Executive function; 488, 936 Exercise; 488 Exhaustion; 111LB, 300
Keyword Index
Durability; 653 DXA; 776, 777 Dynamic treatment regimen; 7 Dyslipidemia; 731, 929 – E – E/C/F/TAF; 113LB Early
DBSVL; 615 ddPCR; 420 Death; 1000
Decentralization; 155, 1075 Decompensation; 648 656 Deep sequencing; 259, 592, 605 Defective provirus; 392
CROI 2015
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