CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts

Keyword Index

Biomarker; 110LB, 302, 308, 309, 449, 471, 479, 483, 485, 565, 927 Birth; 910 • Cohort; 145 • Outcomes; 878 • PCR; 34 Bispecific antibodies; 167 Black; 116, 839 Black MSM; 1006 Blimp-1; 341 Blood donation; 1010

Carotid intima-media thickness; 754, 925 Carrageenan; 967 cART; 336, 352, 505, 581, 776, 881, 901, 902, 917, 1051 Cascade; 896, 1109 Cascade of care; 32, 659, 666, 973, 1008, 1092 Case control; 1054 Case-control study; 674, 777 Caspase-1; 202 Cause of death; 825 Cause-specific mortality; 579, 583 CCR5; 163, 219, 227, 314, 327, 433, 814, 858, 965 CCR5 delta32 mutation; 431 CCR5 expression; 859 CD127; 820 CD16; 418 CD169/Siglec1; 188, 188, 222 CD31; 922 CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells; 528 CD38; 820 CD4T cell; 163, 199, 226, 227, 335, 357, 364, 368, 377, 388, 422, 530, 543, 577, 579, 590, 630, 631, 812, 1048 • Count; 315, 332, 551, 570, 582, 611, 728, 806, 913, 921, 924, 1001, 1007, 1081, 1094, 1112, 1117 • Death; 331 • Depletion; 320 • Monitoring; 563, 920 • Nadir; 456 • Receptor; 223 • Reconstitution; 1015 • Recovery; 294, 331, 574 • Response; 569, 819 CD4/CD8 ratio; 728, 267, 306, 318, 335, 728, 741 CD57; 820 CD62L; 426 CD8 suppression; 361 CD8T cell; 167, 169, 359, 362, 368, 370, 508, 579, 814, 821

Chronic hepatitis B; 720 Chronic hepatitis C; 657, 680, 682, 695, 720 Chronic HIV infection; 437, 438, 796, 866 Chronic Inflammation; 312, 320 Chronic kidney disease; 142, 642, 655, 797 Chronic lung disease; 800 Chronic virus; 215 Circulating recombinant form (CRF); 236 Circumcision; 175 Cirrhosis; 146, 641, 688 CKD; 933 Clearance; 372, 713 Clearance prediction; 949 Cleavage; 539 Clinical

Blood safety; 1010 Blood tested; 555

BMS-626529; 509, 523, 545 BMS-663068; 509, 523, 545 BMS-791325; 687, 688 BMS-955176; 114LB BMS-986001; 541 BnAb; 49 Body composition; 770, 779, 930 Bone; 769LB, 775, 932 • Biomarkers; 766, 773, 777 • Disease; 765, 772, 776 • Marrow; 340

• Assay; 281, 697 • Monitoring; 563 • Outcomes; 921, 984, 1011 • Parameters; 849 • Pharmacology; 526, 838 • Prediction rule; 604 • Trial; 838, 139, 337, 352, 369, 428LB, 691, 838, 951, 953 Clonal expansion; 105, 106, 399 Clonal HIV populations; 382

• Metabolism dysfunction; 791 • Turnover markers; 790, 879 Bone and renal safety; 143LB, 795, 953 Bone mineral density (BMD); 143LB, 780, 766, 767, 768, 770, 771, 773, 774, 776, 777, 780, 931 Botswana; 870, 876, 990 Brain; 416, 436, 485, 490 Brain structure; 494 Branch-chain amino acids; 880 Brazil; 1119, 1119 Breast milk; 884, 903 Breast-milk transmission; 897 Breastfeeding; 33, 886 Broad neutralization; 351 Broadly neutralizing antibodies; 165, 343, 344, 346, 356, 685 BST-2/Tetherin; 503 Burden; 1055 Burden of disease; 145 Burkina Faso; 236 Bystander pathogenesis; 327 – C – Cabotegravir; 554LB, 966LB Calcified plaque; 138 Calcineurin inhibitors; 798 Calibration; 141 Cancer; 105, 718, 724, 741 Cancer risk; 725 Cancer survival; 715 CapeTown; 978LB Capsid; 184, 184 Cardiometabolic health; 745 Cardiovascular; 37, 319, 748, 753, 882 Cardiovascular disease; 134, 138, 747, 751, 655, 729, 730, 734, 741, 742, 747, 751, 756, 781, 925, 928 Cardiovascular disease risk factors; 487, 733, 734, 739, 744, 751, 759, 782, 749LB, 757, 782 Care; 1000 Care-delivery model; 1091 Care retention; 1009 Caribbean; 1078 Carotid; 137

Cluster; 238, 243 CNS; 61, 440, 449 CNS disease; 476 Codominance; 277 Coevolution; 122, 203, 586 Coinfection; 151LB, 679, 831, 839, 967 Copay; 1067 Coreceptor switch; 219 Coagulation; 315, 736, 761 Cobicistat; 795 Codon-pair bias; 587

Cognition; 488 Cognitive; 497 • Impairment; 453, 459, 463, 479, 484, 494, 495 • Performance; 489, 937 • Reserve; 495 • Screening tools; 472 Cohort; 646 Cohort study; 235, 373, 580, 581, 1065 Coinfection; 479, 636, 647, 662, 884 Colon; 48 Combination nanoparticle; 527, 542 Community treatment; 1008 Community viral load; 153, 991LB Community based; 661, 1025 Community-based HIV testing and counseling; 1111 Compartmentalization; 440 Complement activation; 481 Complete; 256 Computational biology; 13 Computer simulation model; 249, 532, 1104, 1121 Condoms; 1060 Community-based intervention; 249 Community-based screening; 665 Comorbidity; 469, 764

CDK; 204, 205 CDR-H3; 355 Cell activation; 204, 205, 549 Cell-associated RNA; 49, 106, 383, 427 Cell death; 311 Cell-to-cell infection; 220 Cell-to-cell transmission; 165, 220, 283 Cellular accumulation; 527 Cellular factors/Cytokines; 297

Cellular restriction; 192 Central America; 1032 Central fat; 140 Central memoryT cells; 424

Central nervous system (CNS); 58, 435, 438, 445, 446, 477 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); 48, 439, 443, 444, 473, 483, 505 Cerebrospinal fluid viral escape; 443 Cerebrovascular; 760 Cervical cancer; 710, 711, 712 Cervical cancer screening; 89 cGAS; 43, 184, 184, 185 Chains; 248 Chemokine receptor; 274 Chemotherapy; 70, 88, 399, 429, 711, 721 Chest tomography; 727 Childhood tuberculosis; 938 Children; 278, 512, 724, 877, 911, 924, 926, 935, 936, 941, 945, 949, 950 China; 56, 1030 Chlamydia trachomatis; 357 Cholesterol; 737, 750 Cholesterol regulation; 731 Chronic; 1053

Keyword Index

Consistency in subsets; 562 Contraception; 896, 1107 Contraception failure; 85LB Control; 293 Controllers; 264 Convenient; 1067 COPD; 802 Cord blood; 432


CROI 2015

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