CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts
Oral Sessions
26LB FACTS 001 Phase III Trial of Pericoital Tenofovir 1% Gel for HIV Prevention inWomen Helen Rees 1 ; Sinead A. Delany-Moretlwe 1 ; Carl Lombard 2 ; Deborah Baron 1 ; Ravindre Panchia 4 ; Landon Myer 3 ; Jill L. Schwartz 5 ; Gustavo F. Doncel 5 ; Glenda Gray 2 On behalf of the FACTS 001 StudyTeam 1 Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, Johannesburg, South Africa; 2 South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa; 3 University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; 4 Perinatal HIV Research Unit, Soweto, South Africa; 5 CONRAD, Arlington, VA, US Rachel A. Bender Ignacio 1 ;Tara Perti 2 ; Amalia S. Magaret 1 ; Sharanya Rajagopal 1 ; Meei-Lee W. Huang 1 ; Christine M. Johnston 1 ; Stacy Selke 1 ; Jeanne M. Marrazzo 1 ; AnnaWald 1 1 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US; 2 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, US 28 Injectable Hormonal Contraception Use andWomen’s Risk for HSV-2 Acquisition Mary K. Grabowski 1 ; Ronald H. Gray 1 ; Fred Makumbi 2 ; Joseph Kagaayi 2 ; Andrew D. Redd 3 ; Fred Nalugoda 2 ; Maria J.Wawer 1 ; David Serwadda 4 ;Thomas C. Quinn 3 ; Aaron A.Tobian 5 1 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, US; 2 Rakai Health Sciences Program, Kalisizo, Uganda; 3 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda, MD, US; 4 Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda; 5 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, US 29 Effect of Financial Incentives on Linkage to Care and Viral Suppression: HPTN 065 Wafaa M. El-Sadr 1 ; Bernard M. Branson 2 ; Gheetha Beauchamp 3 ; H. Irene Hall 2 ; LuciaV. Torian 4 ; Barry S. Zingman 5 ; Garret Lum 6 ; Rick Elion 7 ;Theresa Gamble 8 ; Deborah Donnell 3 1 ICAP at Columbia University, New York, NY, US; 2 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, US; 3 SCHARP, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, US; 4 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY, US; 5 Montefiore Medical Center, University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, US; 6 District of Columbia Department of Health, Washington, DC, US; 7 Whitman-Walker Health, Washington, DC, US; 8 FHI360, Durham, NC, US 30 Medical Male Circumcision of HIV-Infected Men Reduces Long-Term Penile HIV Shedding Jordyn L. Manucci 1 ; Godfrey Kigozi 3 ; Mary K. Grabowski 2 ; David Serwadda 3 ; Ronald H. Gray 2 ; Maria J.Wawer 2 ; Fred Nalugoda 3 ; Andrew D. Redd 4 ;Thomas C. Quinn 4 ; Aaron A. Tobian 1 1 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, US; 2 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, US; 3 Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda; 4 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda, DC, US 10:00 am– 12:00 pm Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pediatric HIV Infection Moderators Carey Farquhar , University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US Annette H. Sohn , TREAT Asia/amfAR – The Foundation for AIDS Research, Bangkok, Thailand 31LB PROMISE: Efficacy and Safety of 2 Strategies to Prevent Perinatal HIV Transmission Mary Glenn Fowler 1 ; Min Qin 2 ; Susan A. Fiscus 3 ; Judith S. Currier 4 ; Bonus Makanani 5 ; Francis Martinson 6 ;Tsungai Chipato 7 ; Renee Browning 8 ; David Shapiro 2 ; Lynne Mofenson 9 On Behalf of the IMPAACT PROMISETeam 1 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Makerere University, Baltimore, MD, US; 2 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, US; 3 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, US; 4 University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, US; 5 Univ of Malawi, Blantyre, Malawi; 6 University of North Carolina Project–Malawi, Lilongwe, Malawi; 7 Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe; 8 NIAID/NIH, Bethesda, MD, US; 9 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, US 27 Effect of Oral and Gel Tenofovir on Genital HSV Shedding in Immunocompetent Women Session O-2 Oral Abstracts Room 613
Session PL-1 Plenary
4AB Auditorium
8:30 am– 9:00 am PrEP for HIV Prevention: What We Know andWhat We Still Need to Know for Implementation 20 PrEP for HIV Prevention: What We Know andWhat We Still Need to Know for Implementation Raphael J. Landovitz University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, US Session PL-2 Plenary 4AB Auditorium 9:00 am– 9:30 am Specific HIV Integration Sites Linked to Clonal Expansion and Persistence of Cells 21 Specific HIV Integration Sites Linked to Clonal Expansion and Persistence of Cells Stephen H. Hughes National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, US Session O-1 Oral Abstracts Room 6AB 10:00 am– 12:15 pm Preventing HIV and HSV-2: What Will It Take? Moderators Sharon L. Hillier , Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, US Jorge Sanchez , Impacta Peru CTU, Barranco, Peru 22LB Pragmatic Open-Label Randomised Trial of Preexposure Prophylaxis: The PROUD Study Sheena McCormack ; David Dunn On behalf of the PROUD Study Group MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London, London, United Kingdom 23LB On Demand PrEPWith Oral TDF-FTC in MSM: Results of the ANRS Ipergay Trial Jean-Michel Molina 1 ; Catherine Capitant 2 ; Bruno Spire 3 ; Gilles Pialoux 4 ; Christian Chidiac 5 ; Isabelle Charreau 2 ; CecileTremblay 7 ; Laurence Meyer 2 ; Jean-Francois Delfraissy 6 On behalf of the ANRS Ipergay Study Group 1 University of Paris Diderot, Paris, France; 2 Inserm SC10 US019, Villejuif, France; 3 Inserm U912, Marseille, France; 4 Hopital Tenon, APHP, Paris, France; 5 Hopital de la Croix Rousse, Lyon, France; 6 ANRS, Paris, France; 7 CHUM, Montreal, Canada 24 Near Elimination of HIV Transmission in a Demonstration Project of PrEP and ART Jared Baeten 1 ; Renee Heffron 1 ; Lara Kidoguchi 1 ; Nelly Mugo 2 ; Elly Katabira 3 ; Elizabeth Bukusi 2 ; Stephen Asiimwe 4 ; Jessica Haberer 5 ; Deborah Donnell 6 ; Connie Celum 1 1 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US; 2 Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya; 3 Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, Uganda; 4 Kabwohe Clinical Research Centre, Kabwohe, Uganda; 5 Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, US; 6 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US 25 Scale-Up of Preexposure Prophylaxis in San Francisco to Impact HIV Incidence Robert M. Grant 3 ; Albert Liu 2 ; Jen Hecht 4 ; Susan P. Buchbinder 2 ; ShannonWeber 1 ; Pierre- Cedric Crouch 4 ; Steven Gibson 4 ; Stephanie Cohen 2 ; David Glidden 1 1 University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA, US; 2 San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francisco, CA, US; 3 Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, CA, US; 4 San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco, CA, US
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 • Oral Sessions
CROI 2015
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