CROI 2020 Program and Conference Information
General Information
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEES CROI is committed to supporting new and early career investigators working in HIV research to help them further their education and to network with other researchers in the field. New Investigator Scholarship awardees are presenting authors on accepted abstracts and have been highly recommended by their mentors. In addition, CROI offers scholarships to international investigators and community educators working in resource-limited countries who would otherwise be unable to attend CROI.Through their applications and letters of recommendation, these awardees have shown that they will greatly benefit from the opportunity to participate in CROI. For more information regarding CROI scholarships, please visit: CROI features the following special content for New Investigator Scholarship recipients: Optional Session: The Hitchhiker's Guide to NIH Funding for HIV/AIDS Research Sunday, March 8, 2020, at 8:00 AM Ballroom BC This optional session will assist applicants looking for funding from the National Institutes of Health to better match their fields of science to the standing study sections, anticipate the expectations of reviewers, and seek out information and clarity on review policy changes. Scientific Program CommitteeWorkshop for New Investigators and Trainees Sunday, March 8, 2020, at 9:00 AM Ballroom BC This required workshop for New Investigator scholarship recipients will highlight key presentations at CROI 2020 in basic, translational, and clinical, and epidemiology/ public health research. NEW: Breakfast Networking Sessions for New Investigators Monday,Tuesday, andWednesday, at 7:15 AM Rooms 109, 110, and 111 Each day, 3 leaders in HIV research will briefly preview the content of the day at CROI in basic science, clinical, and epidemiology/public health research. Following the overviews, the speakers will network with attendees in small-group breakouts. Breakfast will be available in the room prior to the start of the session. Attendance is limited to New Investigator Scholarship awardees who signed up in advance.
General Information
New Investigator Awardees
Bukola Adeoye BostonUniversity Erika Ahlgren GothenburgUniversity Elena Alvarez-Barco UniversityCollegeDublin Nanina Anderegg UniversityofBern
Gianmaria Baldin UniversitĂ CattolicadelSacroCuore Eve-Marie A. Benson The JohnsHopkinsUniversity Pooja Bhardwaj VitalantResearch Institute Shivkumar Biradar UniversityofPittsburgh Cherie S. Blair UniversityofCaliforniaLosAngeles Oscar Blanch-Lombarte IrsiCaixa Institute forAIDSResearch David Charles Boettiger UniversityofNewSouthWales Milana Bogorodskaya MetroHealth Tania Sultana Bonny The JohnsHopkinsUniversity
Brent Appelman UniversityofAmsterdam Antonio Astorga Gamaza Valld´HebronResearch Institute Max Augustin CologneUniversityHospital AnnW.N. Auma CaseWesternReserveUniversity Samuel Bailin VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter
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