CROI 2018 Abstract eBook
Abstract eBook
Keyword Index
Cell cycle 332, 381 Cell subsets 362, 366, 378 Cellular aging 879 Cellular proliferation 362 Central nervous system (CNS) 119, 123, 403LB, 410, 412, 419, 421, 422, 430, 437, 443, 444, 448, 668, 787 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 119, 419, 448, 449, 451, 453, 473 Cerebrospinal fluid viral escape 123, 443, 446, 447 Cervical 942 • Cancer 134, 660 • Cancer screening 661 • Histopathology 659 • Intraepithelial neoplasia 134, 657, 658 CESD 423 Challenge 89LB Chemsex 612, 1029 CHER 137 Chest X-ray 771 Children 465, 535, 837, 838, 845, 851, 852, 853, 857, 858, 860
Cotrimoxazole 840 CRF 168, 958 CRM-1 200 CRP 772 Cryotherapy 134 Cryptococcosis 35, 36, 444, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 799 • Cryptococcal antigemia 786, 787 • Cryptococcal antigen 784, 785, 786, 788, 791 Cure 334, 350, 357, 359, 368, 656LB, 349, 386, 605, 656LB, 71 CXCL10 242 CXCR5 286 CXCR6 369 Cystatin C 688 Cytokines 195, 353LB Cytology 665, 666 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 211, 278, 687, 799, 801, 865, 873 Cytotoxic T cells 186, 224LB, 232LB, 279, 286 Dapivirine 1057, 143LB, 144LB Darunavir 468, 480, 489, 492, 499, 502, 558, 805 Dasymetric mapping 1154 Data-to-care 1125 Death 75, 892 Deep sequencing 115, 250, 342, 545, 556, 584 Defective provirus 151, 396 Dementia 405, 438 Dendritic cells 15, 21, 311 Depression 422, 423, 424, 426, 752, 753, 754, 1051 Diabetes 413, 435, 712, 743 Diabetes mellitus 632, 676, 739 Diagnosis 569, 917, 964, 970, 1004, 1120, 92, 570, 573, 907, 998 Diagnostic test 557, 567, 783, 793 Diarrhea 869 Diet 261, 263 Dietary intervention 703 Differentiated care 898, 1082, 1086, 1119, 1122 Diffuse tensor imaging 432 Diffusion tensor imaging 430, 439, 445 Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) 128, 130, 471, 597, 600, 601, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 634, 646 Directly observed therapy (DOT) 514, 782 Disclosure 910, 1077 Discrimination 1134 Disease progression 14, 226, 254, 704 Disease progression 629, 693 Disparity 87, 601, 907, 908, 1015, 1149 Disphosphonates 724 Distributive syringe sharing 972 Diversification rate 953 DNA damage response 177, 381 DNA methylation 333 Dolutegravir 22, 33, 424, 459, 467, 468, 494, 501, 505, 508, 532, 542, 543, 546, 548, 725, 740, 807, 1156 Doravirine 491 Dose reduction 480 Doxycycline 796 Dried blood spots 25, 566, 997 Droplet digital PCR 342 Drug • Delivery 486 • Discovery 36, 176, 328 • Interactions 34, 141, 456, 458, 471, 837 • Potency 173 • Resistance 140, 523, 524, 529, 538, 542, 543, 545, 548, 549, 552, 554, 556, 557, 562, 794, 1042 • Transporter 476 • Use 431, 433, 1029, 1158 Drug-resistant tuberculosis 779, 780 Dual rapid test 563 Dual therapy 489, 498, 510 Dual-class 536
Durable viral suppression 940 Dynamics 931 Dysbiosis 266 Dyslipidemia 690, 703, 726 Early HIV diagnosis 1137, 565, 818, 825, 826, 885LB Echocardiogram 698, 702 Economic evaluation 661 Economic modeling 1153 Economy of scale 1143 Efavirenz 33, 141, 402, 418, 427, 455, 456, 457, 466, 472, 474, 491, 493, 504, 741, 776, 829, 837, 851 Effector function 227, 279, 297 Effector/memory 322, 370, 743 eGFR 731 Electronic medical records 1018, 1132 Eligibility 146, 900 Elimination 1156, 81LB, 826 Elite controller 202, 214, 225, 227, 232LB, 244, 522 Elite neutralization response 293 Elvitegravir 473, 546 Emergency department 578, 753 Emphysema 745 Emtricitabine 484, 506 End-stage liver disease 620, 624 End-stage renal disease 732 Endocervical swab 568 Endothelial activation 414 Endothelial dysfunction 241, 680, 834 Endothelium 79 Engagement in care 1107 Entry inhibition 112, 193 Env 112, 180, 183, 294, 373 Env-specific B cells 284 Epidemiology 86, 90, 408, 577, 627, 653, 654, 756, 897, 929,
Cholesterol 675, 690, 704 Chronic diseases 897, 1114 Chronic hepatitis B 617, 623 Chronic hepatitis C 640 Chronic HIV infection 228, 370, 713 Chronic inflammation 682 Chronic kidney disease 75, 729, 730, 731
Chronic lung disease 750 Cirrhosis 632, 637, 645, 646 Clade 405 Clinic 987, 1123 Clinical officer 1090
Clinical outcomes 74, 525, 908 Clinical signs and symptoms 815 Clonal expansion 152LB, 340, 68
Cloud computing 555 Cluster 340, 524, 958 Cluster growth 955, 959 CMV 118, 245, 282 Coagulation 74
938, 952, 953, 1137 Epigenetics 333 Epitope 232LB, 308 Epstein-Barr virus 182LB, 301, 667, 865 Eradication 609, 631, 646
Cobicistat 468, 469 Codon usage 180 Cognition 122, 125, 403LB, 404, 408, 412, 435, 436, 439, 752 Cohort 519, 579, 651, 840, 975 Cohort study 76, 77, 123, 762, 768, 849, 853, 888, 892, 1017, 1095, 1123, 1124 Coinfection 169, 203, 597, 607, 631, 634, 833 Combination prevention 88, 1037, 1083 Common immunological correlates 304 Community based 983 Community-based HIV testing and counseling 145, 984, 1089 Community-based intervention 769
Estrogen 469 Ethnicity 86 Etonogestrel implant 466 Etravirine 465
Europe 404, 582 Evaluation 393 Evolution 260, 294, 339, 372, 956 Ex vivo infection 390 Exercise 755 Exhaustion 277, 280, 521 Exosomes 218, 325, 417 Expanded 146 Exposed-unifected infant 870, 881 Extracellular vesicles 453 Extrahepatic manifestations 634
Keyword Index
Comorbidity 75, 125, 169, 691, 706, 713, 717, 751 Compartmentalization 250, 379, 403LB, 444 Computational biology 295 Concurrency 927 Condomless sex 1031
Factors 848 Failure 541 Family planning 1068, 1069 Fast-track city 995 Fat 686, 733, 736, 737, 738 Fatty acid synthase 176
Conjugal relationships 925 Continuity in care 596, 1145 Contraception 141, 469, 942, 1070, 1071 Contraindications 1067 Controllers 225, 228, 229, 230 Coordinated care 1157 COPD 242, 745, 746, 749, 750 Coreceptor switch 175LB, 183 Coronary artery calcification 718
Female reproductive tract 246, 249, 270 Female sex workers 148, 929, 993, 1046 Fetus 810, 828 Fibrosis 19, 238, 578, 638 Financial incentives 95, 1145 Financing 1122 Fishing communities 928, 951 Fluconazole 35, 474, 784 Folate cycle 178
Coronary artery calcium 688 Coronary artery plaque 77, 709 Coronary CT scan 77, 709 Correlates of protection 276 Cost / cost-effectiveness 1008, 1117LB, 1141, 1143, 1146, 1147, 1153, 1157, 147, 661, 996
Follicular cytotoxic T cells 287 Follicular dendritic cell 236, 341 Food insecurity 744
CROI 2018 479
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