CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

661 Abacavir (ABC) Use and Risk of Recurrent Myocardial Infarction (MI) Caroline Sabin 1 ; Lene Ryom 2 ; Ole Kirk 2 ; Antonella d’Arminio Monforte 3 ; Christian Pradier 4 ; RainerWeber 5 ; Andrew N. Phillips 1 ; Francois Dabis 6 ; Jens D. Lundgren 2 ; for the D:A:D Study Group 1 UnivCollLondon,London,UK; 2 Rigshospitalet,UnivofCopenhagen, Copenhagen,Denmark; 3 InfectiousDiseasesClinic,SanPaoloHosp, UnivofMilan,MIlan, Italy; 4 NiceUnivHosp,Nice,France; 5 UnivHosp Zurich,Zurich,Switzerland; 6 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux, Bordeaux,France 662 Cardiovascular Risk Profile of Abacavir and Tenofovir Independent of HIV Infection Michael Emerson 1 ; Erica Smyth 1 ; Mark Nelson 2 1 ImperialCollLondon,London,UK; 2 ChelseaandWestminsterHospNHS FndnTrust,London,UK 663 Abacavir Induces Platelet-Endothelium Interactions Through Endothelial P2X7 Receptors Cesar Rios-Navarro 1 ; Samuel Orden 1 ;Victor Collado-Diaz 1 ; María Ángeles Martínez-Cuesta 1 ; JuanV. Esplugues 2 ; Angeles Alvarez 1 1 UnivofValencia,Valencia,Spain; 2 UnivdeValencia,Valencia,Spain 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Bone Disease: Sticks, Stones, and TDF 696 TDF and Quantitative Ultrasound Bone Density in African Patients on Second-Line ART Firmin N. Kabore 1 ; Sabrina Eymard-Duvernay 2 ; Amandine Cournil 3 ; Jacques Zoungrana 4 ; Assane Diouf 5 ; Arsène Héma 4 ; Laura Ciaffi 6 ; Eric Delaporte 3 1 CHUSourôSanou,BoboDioulasso,BurkinaFaso; 2 INSERM,Montpellier, France; 3 UMI233-IRD/U1175-INSERM/MontpellierUniv,Montpellier, France; 4 CHUSourôSanou,Bobo-Dioulasso,BurkinaFaso; 5 Cheikh AntaDiopUniv,Dakar,Senegal; 6 IRD,SiteANRSCameroun,Yaoundé, Cameroon 697 Bone-Mineral Density After Switching to ATV/r+3TC: A Substudy of the AtLaS-M Trial Alessandro D’Avino 1 ; Andrea De Luca 2 ; Anna Pia Lassandro 1 ; 1 InstofClinical InfectiousDiseases-UniversitàCattolicadelSacroCuore, Rome, Italy; 2 UnivofSiena,Siena, Italy; 3 CatholicUniv,Rome, Italy; 4 Inst ofClinical InfectiousDiseases,CatholicUnivofSacredHeart,Rome, Italy; 5 SanGallicanoDermatological Inst, IRCCS,Rome, Italy; 6 Vita-SaluteUniv, SanRaffaeleScientific Inst,Milan, Italy 698 Osteoporosis and Fractures in HIV-Infected Adults: Who Is Afraid of the Lumbar Spine? Linda A. Battalora 1 ; Kate Buchacz 2 ; Carl Armon 3 ; John Hammer 4 ; Joan S. Chmiel 5 ; John R. Spear 1 ; JohnT. Brooks 2 ; BenjaminYoung 6 ; EdgarT. Overton 7 ; for the HIV Outpatient Study (HOPS) and SUN Study Investigators 1 ColoradoSchofMines,Golden,CO,USA; 2 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 CernerCorporation,KansasCity,MO,USA; 4 Denver InfectiousDisease Consultants,Denver,CO,USA; 5 FeinbergSchofMed,NorthwesternUniv, Chicago, IL,USA; 6 InternatonalAssociationofProvidersofAIDSCare, Washington,DC,USA; 7 UnivofAlabamaatBirmingham,Birmingham, AL,USA Session P-Q3 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B Nicoletta Ciccarelli 3 ; Francesca Lombardi 4 ; Massimo Giuliani 5 ; Adriano Lazzarin 6 ; Massimiliano Fabbiani 4 ; Simona Di Giambenedetto 4 ; Roberto Cauda 4

699 Fractures Occur at a Younger Age in HIV+Men in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study Anda R. Gonciulea 1 ; RuibinWang 2 ; Keri N. Althoff 2 ; Frank J. Palella 3 ; Jordan Lake 4 ; Lawrence Kingsley 5 ;ToddT. Brown 6 1 JohnsHopkinsUnivSchofMed,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 JohnsHopkins BloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 4 DavidGeffenSchofMedatUnivofCaliforniaLosAngeles, LosAngeles,CA,USA; 5 UnivofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 6 Johns HopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA 700 Racial Differences in Bioavailable Vitamin DWith Supplementation: ACTG A5280 MichaelT.Yin 1 ; Ellen S. Chan 2 ;ToddT. Brown 3 ; PabloTebas 4 ; Grace A. McComsey 5 ; Kathy Melbourne 6 ; Royce Hardin 7 ; Heather J. Ribaudo 8 ; EdgarT. Overton 9 ; for the ACTG 5280 StudyTeam 1 ColumbiaUnivMedCntr,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 HarvardUniv,Boston,MA, USA; 3 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 4 UnivofPennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA,USA; 5 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland,OH,USA; 6 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity,CA,USA; 7 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapel Hill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 8 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 9 Univof AlabamaatBirmingham,Birmingham,AL,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Metabolic Complications 701 Blood Microbiome in Treatment-Naive HIV-1-Infected Persons Developing Hyperglycemia Under ART Session P-Q4 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B Jacques Amar 1 ; Mathilde Ghislain 2 ; CorinneVigouroux 3 ; Jacqueline Capeau 4 ; Cecile Goujard 5 ; Beverley Balkau 2 ; Jean Philippe Bastard 3 ; Laurence Meyer 6 ; Pierre Delobel 7 1 INSERM1048,Toulouse,France; 2 INSERM,UMR-S1018,Paris,France; 3 SorbonneUnivs,Paris,France; 4 INSERMUMR-S938,CDRSaint-Antoine, Paris,France; 5 INSERM,UMR-S1018,CESP,Paris,France; 6 INSERM,CESP U1018,LeKremlin-Bicêtre,France; 7 CHUToulouse,Toulouse,France 703 Incidence and Risk Factors for Overweight and Obesity After Initiation of ART Alexander Kintu 1 ; Enju Liu 2 ;Till Bärnighausen 1 ; Donna Spiegelman 3 ; WafaieW. Fawzi 1 ; for the Alex Kintu, Enju Liu,Till Baernighausen, Donna Spiegelman,Wafaie Fawzi 1 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 2 HarvardT.H.ChanSchofPH, Boston,MA,USA; 3 HarvardUnviersity,Boston,MA,USA Priya Bhagwat 1 ; Ighovwerha Ofotokun 2 ; Grace A. McComsey 3 ;Todd T. Brown 4 ; Carlee B. Moser 5 ; Heather J. Ribaudo 5 ; Catherine A. Sugar 1 ; Judith S. Currier 6 1 UnivofCaliforniaLosAngelesSchofPH,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 2 Emory UnivSchofMed,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 CaseWesternReserveUniv, Cleveland,OH,USA; 4 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 5 Harvard SchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 6 DavidGeffenSchofMedatUnivof CaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA 704 Measurement of Abdominal Fat Changes in HIV-Infected Individuals Initiating Therapy WITHDRAWN 702

Poster Listings


CROI 2016

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