CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

582 Response to DAA-Based Regimens in HIV-HCV Coinfected Patients in Real Life, France Lionel Piroth 1 ; LindaWittkop 2 ; Karine LaCombe 3 ; Eric Rosenthal 4 ; Camille Gilbert 5 ; Patrizia Carrieri 6 ; Francois Dabis 7 ; Philippe Sogni 8 ; Dominique Salmon-Ceron 8 ; for the ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH Study Group 1 CHUDijon,Dijon,France; 2 CHUdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 3 SorbonneUnivs,Paris,France; 4 CHUNice,Nice,France; 5 INSERM, Bordeaux,France; 6 INSERM,Marseille,France; 7 INSERMU897, ISPED, UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 8 INSERM-APHP,HospCochin, Paris,France 583 Multidisciplinary Approach for the Treatment of 1155 HCV/HCV-HIV Coinfected Patients Isabelle Poizot-Martin 1 ; Albert Darque 2 ; Isabelle Ravaux 3 ; Amélie Ménard 3 ; Catherine Dhiver 3 ; ChristelleTomei 3 ; Sylvie Brégigeon 1 ; Marc Bourlière 4 ; Isabelle Portal 5 ; Danielle Botta-Fridlund 5 1 APHMHospSainte-Marguerite,Marseille,France; 2 PharmacieCHU Conception,AssistancePubliqueHôpitauxdeMarseille,Marseille,France; 3 InstHospoUniversitaireMéditerranée Infection,Marseille,France; 4 Hosp St Joseph,Marseille,France; 5 CHUTimone,AP-HM,Marseille,France 584 Directly Acting Agents Against HCV Results From the German Hepatitis C Cohort (GECCO) Stefan Christensen 1 ; Stefan Mauss 2 ; Dietrich Hueppe 3 ;Thomas Lutz 4 ; Knud Schewe 5 ; Jürgen K. Rockstroh 6 ; Axel Baumgarten 7 ; Karl Georg Simon 8 ; Heiner Busch 1 ; Patrick Ingiliz 7 1 Cntr for InterdisciplinaryMed,Muenster,Germany; 2 Cntr forHIV andHepatogastroenterology,Duesseldorf,Germany; 3 Practice for GastroenterologyHerne,Herne,Germany; 4 Infektiologikum,Frankfurt/ Main,Frankfurt,Germany; 5 ICHHamburg,Hamburg,Germany; 6 MedizinischeUnivsklinik,Bonn,Germany; 7 MedCntr for Infectious Diseases,Berlin,Germany; 8 Practice forGastroenterologyLeverkusen, Leverkusen,Germany 585 High HCV Cure Rates for Drug Users TreatedWith DAAs at an Urban Primary Care Clinic Brianna Norton ; Julia Fleming; Meredith Steinman; KimYu; Joseph Deluca; Chinazo O. Cunningham; Alain Litwin MontefioreMedCntr,Bronx,NY,USA 586 Impact of Liver Stiffness on Response to DAA-Based HCV Therapy In Cirrhotic Patients Karin Neukam 1 ; Antonio Rivero-Juárez 2 ; Luis E Morano-Amado 3 ; Rafael Granados 4 ; Antoni o Collado 5 ; Dolores Merino 6 ; Mª José Blanco Rodríguez 7 ; Sergio Reus-Bañuls 8 ; Juan A. Pineda 9 ; for the Grupo de Estudio de HepatitisVírica, Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica: GEHEP-SEIMC; Grupo de Estudio de HepatitisVírica, Sociedad Andaluza de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica: HEPAVIR; RIS-HEP07 1 ValmeUnivHosp,Seville,Spain; 2 IMIBIC,Córdoba,Spain; 3 Hosp UniversitarioAlvaroCunqueiro,Vigo,Spain; 4 HospUniversitariode GranCanariaDoctorNegrín,LasPalmas,Spain; 5 HospUniversitario Torrecárdenas,Almería,Spain; 6 ComplejoHospariodeHuelva,Huelva, Spain; 7 Hosp Jerezde laFrontera (AGSNortedeCádiz), Jerezde la Frontera,Spain; 8 HospGeneralUniversitariodeAlicante,Alicante,Spain; 9 HospUniversitariodeValme,Sevilla,Spain

587 Success of Direct-Acting Antivirals for Hepatitis C in an Indigent Population ChristinaYek 1 ; Carolina De La Flor 1 ; Amit Singal 1 ; Mamta K. Jain 2 ; Ting-Yi Chen 1 ; Cindy L. Zoellner 1 ; Christian Mayorga 1 ; Lisa Casey 1 1 UnivofTexasSouthwestern,Dallas,TX,USA; 2 UnivofTexas SouthwesternMedCntr,Dallas,TX,USA 588 Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir Failures in the Real World: What Patients Are at Risk? Dost Sarpel 1 ; Alyson Harty 1 ; Donald Gardenier 1 ; Ponni Perumalswami 2 ; Michael P. Mullen 1 ; Ira M. Jacobson 3 ; Andrea Branch 1 ; Douglas Dieterich 2 1 IcahnSchofMedatMountSinai,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 MountSinaiHosp, NewYork,NY,USA; 3 MountSinaiBeth Israel,NewYork,NY,USA 589 Dolutegravir and Outcome of HCV Therapy With Direct- Acting Antiviral Agents Stefan Mauss 1 ; Patrick Ingiliz 2 ; Dietrich Hueppe 3 ;Thomas Lutz 4 ; Karl Georg Simon 5 ; Knud Schewe 6 ; Christoph Boesecke 7 ; Guenther Schmutz 1 ; Axel Baumgarten 2 ; Stefan Christensen 8 1 Cntr forHIVandHepatogastroenterology,Duesseldorf,Germany; 2 MedCntr for InfectiousDiseases,Berlin,Germany; 3 Practice for GastroenterologyHerne,Herne,Germany; 4 Infektiologikum,Frankfurt/ Main,Frankfurt,Germany; 5 Practice forGastroenterologyLeverkusen, Leverkusen,Germany; 6 ICHHamburg,Hamburg,Germany; 7 UnivHosp Bonn,Bonn,Germany; 8 Cntr for InterdisciplinaryMed,Muenster, Germany 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Global Burden and Mortality of Cancer in HIV 613 Risk of Cancer in HIV-Positive Adults on ART in South Africa: A Record Linkage Study Mazvita M. Sengayi 1 ; Adrian Spoerri 2 ; Matthias Egger 3 ; Janet Giddy 4 ; Mhairi Maskew 5 ; Elvira Singh 1 ; Julia Bohlius 2 ; for the International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS Southern Africa (IeDEA-SA) 1 NatlCancerRegistry,NHLS, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 2 InstofSocial andPreventiveMed,UnivofBern,Bern,Switzerland; 3 UnivHospBern, Bern,Switzerland; 4 McCordHosp,Durban,SouthAfrica; 5 Univof the Witwatersrand,WitsHlthConsortium, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica 614 No Difference in Stage at Cancer Diagnosis by AIDS Status Among HIV-Infected Adults Surbhi Grover 1 ; Heidi M. Crane 2 ; John Gill 3 ; James J. Goedert 4 ; Mari M. Kitahata 2 ; Richard Moore 5 ; Sonia Napravnik 6 ; Anita Rachlis 7 ; Michael J. Silverberg 8 ; Keri N. Althoff 9 1 UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 2 UnivofWashington, Seattle,WA,USA; 3 UnivofCalgary,Calgary,AB,Canada; 4 NIH,Bethesda, MD,USA; 5 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 6 UnivofNorth CarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 7 SunnybrookRsr Inst, SunnybrookHlthScisCntr,Toronto,ON,Canada; 8 KaiserPermanente NorthernCalifornia,Oakland,CA,USA; 9 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchof PH,Baltimore,MD,USA Session P-O1 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B

Poster Listings


CROI 2016

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