CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

Session P-N5 Poster Abstracts

Hall A/B

566 Tenofovir and the Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in HIV/HBV-Coinfected Persons GillesWandeler 1 ; David Kraus 2 ; Peter Reiss 3 ; Lars Peters 4 ; Francois Dabis 5 ; Jan Fehr 6 ; Marc van derValk 7 ; Lars Gjaerde 4 ; Fabrice Bonnet 8 ; Andri Rauch 9 1 UnivHospBern,Bern,Switzerland; 2 InstofSocialandPreventiveMed, UnivofBern,Bern,Switzerland; 3 Amsterdam Inst forGlobalHlthand Develop,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 4 CopenhagenHIVProg,Copenhagen, Denmark; 5 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 6 UnivHospZurich,Zurich,Switzerland; 7 AcademicMedCntr,Amsterdam, Netherlands; 8 UnivHospBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 9 BernUnivHosp andUnivofBern,Bern,Switzerland 567 Dually Active HIV/HBV Antiretrovirals Protect Against Incident Hepatitis B Infections Mohaned Shilaih 1 ; Alex Marzel 1 ; Alexandra L. Calmy 2 ; Katharine Darling 3 ; Manuel Battegay 4 ; Matthias Hoffmann 5 ; Enos Bernasconi 6 ; Alexandra Scherrer 7 ; Huldrych F. Günthard 7 ; Roger Kouyos 7 ; for the Swiss HIV Cohort Study 1 UnivHospZurich,Zürich,Switzerland; 2 UnivHospGeneva,Univof Geneva,Geneva,Switzerland; 3 CHUV,Lausanne,Switzerland; 4 Univ HospBasel,Basel,Switzerland; 5 KantonsspitalStGallen,StGallen, Switzerland; 6 RegionalHospLugano,Lugano,Switzerland; 7 UnivHosp Zürich,Zürich,Switzerland 568 Alcohol Use, Hepatitis B and Liver Fibrosis Among HIV-Infected Persons inWest Africa Antoine Jaquet 1 ; GillesWandeler 2 ; Marcellin Nouaman 3 ; Didier Ekouevi 4 ; JudicaëlTine 5 ; Ahuatchi P. Coffie 3 ; AristophaneTanon 6 ; Moussa Seydi 5 ; Alain Attia 7 ; Francois Dabis 1 1 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France; 2 UnivHosp Bern,Bern,Switzerland; 3 ProgPACCI,CHUTreichville,Abidjan,Côte d Ivoire; 4 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire; 5 CHUdeFann,Dakar,Senegal; 6 CHUdeTreichville,Abidjan,Côted lvoire; 7 CHUdeYopougon,Abidjan,Côted'Ivoire Yijia Li 1 ; Jing Xie 1 ;Yang Han 1 ; HuanlingWang 1 ; NidanWang 1 ;Ting Zhu 1 ; Xiaojing Song 1 ;Yanling Li 1 ; ChloeThio 2 ;Taisheng Li 1 1 PekingUnionMedCollHosp,Beijing,China; 2 JohnsHopkinsUniv, Baltimore,MD,USA 570 HBsAg Mutations CorrelateWith HCC, Affect HBsAg Release, and Favor Cell Proliferation Valentina Svicher 1 ; Romina Salpini 1 ; Matteo Surdo 1 ; NadiaWarner 2 ; Michela Pollicita 1 ; Francesca Ceccherini-Silberstein 1 ; Massimo Andreoni 3 ; Mario Angelico 3 ; Stephen Locarnini 2 ; Carlo Federico Perno 4 1 UnivofRomeTorVergata,Rome, Italy; 2 Victorian InfectiousDiseases ReferenceLab,Victoria,Australia; 3 TorVergataUniv,Rome, Italy; 4 Univof RomeTorVergata,Roma, Italy 569 Baseline IL-18 Level Is AssociatedWith HBeAg Seroconversion in HIV/HBV Coinfection

2:45 PM-4:00 PM HBV Infection: Prevalence, Prevention, and Prognosticators 562 Early Mortality Risk of HIV/Hepatitis B Virus Coinfected Patients Initiating ART Mbae M. Japhet 1 ; Amos Ndhere 2 ; Stanley Ndwiga 3 ; Elisha Kirwa 4 ; RamYogev 5 ; Robert Murphy 6 ; Joseph N. Jarvis 7 1 ConsolataHospMathari,Nyeri,Kenya; 2 AfricaClinicalRsrMgmt,LLC, Kisumu,Kenya; 3 Gertrude’sChildren’sHosp,Nairobi,Kenya; 4 Kenyatta NatlHosp,Nairobi,Kenya; 5 AnnandRobertH.LurieChildren’sHospof Chicago,Chicago, IL,USA; 6 NorthwesternUniv,FeinbergSchofMed, Chicago, IL,USA; 7 BotswanaUnivofPennsylvaniaPartnership,Gaborone, Botswana 563 Incidence and Risk Factors for Hepatitis B in HIV- Infected Adults in Rakai, Uganda 1 MakerereUnivCollofHlthScis,Kampala,Uganda; 2 LeidosBiomedRsr, Inc,Frederick,MD,USA; 3 RakaiHlthScisProg,Rakai,Uganda; 4 Johns HopkinsBloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 5 RakaiHlthScisProg, Entebbe,Uganda; 6 FredHutchinsonCancerRsrCntr,Seattle,WA,USA; 7 MakerereUnivSchooolofPH,Kampala,Uganda; 8 JohnsHopkinsUniv, Baltimore,MD,USA 564 Long-Term Changes in Liver Fibrosis in HIV and HIV/ HBV Infected Nigerians on ART 1 NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 2 JosUnivTeachingHosp, Jos, Nigeria; 3 AIDSPrevention Initiative inNigeria,Ltd, Jos,Nigeria; 4 Johns HopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 5 NorthwesternUniv,FeinbergSchof Med,Chicago, IL,USA 565 Changes in Viral Hepatitis Screening Practices Over Time in African HIV Clinics Ahuatchi P. Coffie 1 ; Matthias Egger 2 ; MichaelVinikoor 3 ; Marcel Zannou 4 ; Lameck Diero 5 ; Akouda Patassi 6 ; Ponsiano Ocama 7 ; Francois Dabis 8 ; GillesWandeler 2 1 ProgPACCI,CHUTreichville,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire; 2 UnivHospBern, Bern,Switzerland; 3 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseRsr inZambia,Lusaka, Zambia; 4 CntrdePriseenChargedesPersonnesVivantAvec leVIH,CHNU, Cotonou,Benin; 5 MoiUniv,Eldoret,Kenya; 6 UnivSylvanusOlympio,Lomé, Togo; 7 MakerereUnivCollofHlthScis,Kampala,Uganda; 8 INSERMU897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France Emmanuel Seremba 1 ;Victor Ssempijja 2 ; Sarah Kalibbala 3 ; Ronald H. Gray 4 ; Maria J.Wawer 4 ; Fred Nalugoda 5 ; Corey Casper 6 ; Ponsiano Ocama 1 ; David Serwadda 7 ; Reynolds Steven 8 Jennifer L. Grant 1 ; Oche Agbaji 2 ; Muazu Muhammad 2 ; Placid Ugoagwu 2 ; McHenry Stephen 3 ; ChloeThio 4 ; Agaba Patricia 2 ; Robert Murphy 5 ; Claudia Hawkins 1

Poster Listings


CROI 2016

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