CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
448 Single-Dose Maraviroc Provides High Drug Levels in All Sites: No Gender Differences Julie Fox 1 ; JuanManuelTiraboschi; Laura J. Else 2 ; Carolina Herrera 3 ; Deidre Egan 2 ; Alieu Amara 2 ; Akil Jackson 4 ; Robin Shattock 3 ; David J. Back 2 ; Saye Khoo 2 ; Marta Boffito 4 1 GuysandStThomas’NHSFndnTrust, london,UK; 2 UnivofLiverpool, Liverpool,UK; 3 ImperialCollLondon,London,UK; 4 Chelseaand WestminsterHospNHSFndnTrust,London,UK 449 PK of FTC, TFV and 3TC in Ugandan and Nigerian Breastfeeding Mother-Infant Pairs Catriona J.Waitt 1 ; Adeniyi Olagunju 1 ; Shadia Nakalema 2 ; Isabella Kyohaire 2 ; Andrew Owen 1 ; Mohammed Lamorde 2 ; Saye Khoo 1 1 UnivofLiverpool,Liverpool,UK; 2 InfectiousDiseases Inst,MakerereUniv, Kampala,Uganda 450 Multispecies Differences in Drug Transporter Expression and Localization in GI Tissue CorbinThompson 1 ; Elias P. Rosen 1 ; Paige Charlins 2 ; Leila Remling- Mulder 2 ; Martina Kovarova 1 ;Yuri Fedoriw 1 ; Paul Luciw 3 ; J.Victor Garcia 1 ; Ramesh Akkina 2 ; Angela Kashuba 1 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 2 Colorado StateUniv,FortCollins,CO,USA; 3 UnivofCaliforniaDavis,Davis,CA,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Antiretroviral Therapy: Randomized Clinical Trials 470 Doravirine 100mg QD vs Efavirenz +TDF/FTC in ART- Naive HIV+ Patients: Week 48 Results 1 HospClínicdeBarcelona,Barcelona,Spain; 2 ChuHotelDieu-ChuDe Nantes,Nantes,France; 3 IFI Inst for InterdisciplinaryMed,Hamburg, Germany; 4 AlbionCntr,Sydney,Australia; 5 UnivMiguelHernandez, Alicante,Spain; 6 IPMStudyCntr,HamburgandUnivofSchleswigHolstein, CampusKiel,Hamburg,Germany; 7 EPIMED/VivantesAuguste-Viktoria- Klinikum,Berlin,Germany; 8 AIDSRsrConsortiumofAtlanta,Atlanta,GA, USA; 9 Merck&Co, Inc,Kenilworth,NJ,USA 471 Tolerability and Acceptability of Cabotegravir LA Injection: Results From ECLAIR Study Miranda I. Murray 1 ; Martin Markowitz 2 ; Ian Frank 3 ; Robert Grant 4 ; Kenneth H. Mayer 5 ; David A. Margolis 6 ; Krischan J. Hudson 7 ; Britt S. Stancil; Alex R. Rinehart;William Spreen 6 1 ViiVHlthcare,Brentford,UK; 2 AaronDiamondAIDSRsrCntr,NewYork, NY,USA; 3 PerelmanSchofMed,UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelohia, PA,USA; 4 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 5 The Fenway Inst,FenwayHlth,Boston,MA,USA; 6 ViiVHlthcare,Research TrianglePark,NC,USA; 7 ViiVHlthcare,Reserach trianglePark,NC,USA 472 Attachment Inhibitor Prodrug BMS-663068 in ARV- Experienced Subjects: Week 96 Analysis Edwin DeJesus 1 ; Marcelo Martins 2 ; Albrecht Stoehr 3 ; Jaime Andrade- Villanueva 4 ; Natalia Zakharova 5 ; David A Stock 6 ; Cyril Llamoso 6 ; Samit R. Joshi 6 ; George J. Hanna 7 ; Max Lataillade 6 1 Orlando ImmunologyCntr,Orlando,FL,USA; 2 InstOulton,Córdoba, Argentina; 3 IFI Inst for InterdisciplinaryMed,Hamburg,Germany; 4 Hosp CivildeGuadalajaraFrayAntonioAlcalde,Guadalajara,Mexico; 5 St PetersburgAIDSCntr,StPetersburg,RussianFederation; 6 Bristol-Myers Squibb,Wallingford,CT,USA; 7 Bristol-MyersSquibb,Princeton,NJ,USA Session P-J1 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B Josep María Gatell 1 ; Francois Raffi 2 ; Andreas Plettenberg 3 ; Don Smith 4 ; Joaquin Portilla 5 ; Christian Hoffmann 6 ; Keikawus Arasteh 7 ; MelanieThompson 8 ; Xia Xu 9 ; HedyTeppler 9
473 Predictors of CD4 Count Recovery in the CIPRA HT-001 Trial of Early ART Sean E. Collins 1 ; Michaela Calnan 2 ; Marc Antoine Jean Juste 3 ; Patrice Severe 3 ; Rode Secours 3 ; Daphne Bernard 3 ; Ashita Batavia 4 ; DanielW. Fitzgerald 4 ; Serena P. Koenig 5 ; JeanW. Pape 3 1 StanfordUniv,Stanford,CA,USA; 2 AnalysisGroup,Boston,MA,USA; 3 GHESKIO,Port-au-Prince,Haiti; 4 WeillCornellMedColl,NewYork,NY, USA; 5 BrighamandWomen’sHosp,HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA 474 Effect of Immediate ART on Risk of Severe Bacterial Infections: The START Trial Jemma L. O’Connor 1 ; Fred Gordin 2 ; Andrew N. Phillips 1 ; Brian Angus 3 ; David Cooper 4 ; Beatriz Grinsztejn 5 ; Gustavo Lopardo 6 ; Satyajit Das 7 ; AimeeWilkin 8 ; Jens D. Lundgren 9 ; for the INSIGHT START Study Group 1 UnivCollLondon,London,UK; 2 VAMedCntr,Washington,DC,USA; 3 JohnRadcliffeHosp,Oxford,UK; 4 Kirby Inst,Sydney,Australia; 5 Inst dePesquisaClínicaEvandroChagas (IPEC)/FundaçãoOswaldoCruz (Fiocruz),Riode Janeiro,Brazil; 6 LaFundacióndelCentrodeEstudios Infectológicos,BuenosAires,Argentina; 7 CoventryandWarwickshireNHS PartnershipTrust,Coventry,UK; 8 WakeForestUniv,WinstonSalem,NC, USA; 9 Rigshospitalet,UnivofCopenhagen,Copenhagen,Denmark 475 Increased Quality of LifeWith Immediate ART Initiation: Results From the START Trial Alan Lifson ; Birgit Grund; for the INSIGHT START Quality of Life Study Group UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA 476 Gender and Racial Disparities in Initial Antiretroviral Treatment Outcome: ACTG A5257 Heather J. Ribaudo 1 ; Raphael J. Landovitz 2 ; Lumine H. Na 3 ; Jeffrey L. Lennox 4 ; Ighovwerha Ofotokun 4 ; Susan E. Cohn 5 ; Daniel Kuritzkes 6 ; Judith S. Currier 2 ; for the ACTG A5257 StudyTeam 1 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 2 DavidGeffenSchofMedatUniv ofCaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 3 UnivofEdinburgh, Edinburgh,UK; 4 EmoryUnivSchofMed,Atlanta,GA,USA; 5 Northwestern Univ,Chicago, IL,USA; 6 HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA 2:45 PM-4:00 PM HIV Drug Resistance: Clinical and Epidemiologic Studies 495 More Efficacious Drugs Lead to Hard Selective Sweeps in HIV Drug Resistance Evolution Alison F. Feder 1 ; Soo-Yon Rhee 1 ; RobertW. Shafer 1 ; Dmitri A. Petrov 1 ; Pleuni S. Pennings 2 1 StanfordUniv,Stanford,CA,USA; 2 SanFranciscoStateUniv,San Francisco,CA,USA 496 PooledWeek 48 Analysis of HIV-1 Drug Resistance in E/C/F/TAF Phase 3 Studies Michael Abram ; Nicolas A. Margot; Stephanie Cox; Renee R. Ram; Danielle P. Porter; Kathryn M. Kitrinos; Marshall Fordyce; Scott McCallister; Michael Miller; Christian D. Callebaut GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity,CA,USA 497 HIV Drug Resistance Testing Among Patients New to HIV Care in the United States Angela L. Hernandez 1 ; EduardoValverde 1 ; JohnWeiser 1 ; Linda Beer 1 ; YunfengTie 2 ; M. Cheryl Banez Ocfemia 1 ; Alexandra M. Oster 1 1 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 ICF Intl,Atlanta,GA,USA Session P-L2 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B
Poster Listings
CROI 2016
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