CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

483 Increasing Prevalence of Silent Mutations in HIV-1 Subtype B RT Which Alter Fitness

490 Linkage of Rare Drug Resistance Mutations Detected by New Ultrasensitive SGS Valerie F. Boltz 1 ; Junko Hattori 1 ;Wei Shao 2 ; John M. Coffin 3 ; Frank Maldarelli 1 ; Mary F. Kearney 1 1 NCI,Frederick,MD,USA; 2 LeidosBiomedRsr, Inc,Frederick,MD,USA; 3 TuftsUniv,Boston,MA,USA 491LB Large-Scale Transmission and Clustering of HIV Protease Resistance in Ontario, Canada P. Richard Harrigan 1 ; Ashleigh B. Sullivan 2 ; Jeffrey B. Joy 1 ; Kevin Gough 3 ;Vanessa G. Allen 4 ;Tony Mazzulli 4 ; Doug Sider 5 1 BCCntr forExcellence inHIV/AIDS,Vancouver,BC,Canada; 2 PublicHlth AgencyofCanada,Toronto,ON,Canada; 3 St.Michael’sHosp/Univof Toronto,Toronto,ON,Canada; 4 OntarioAgency forHlthProtectionand Promotion,Toronto,ON,Canada; 5 PublicHlthOntario,Toronto,ON, Canada 492LB Prevalence and Incidence of Integrase Drug Resistance in BC, Canada, 2009–2015 Katherine Lepik ; BenitaYip; Marjorie A. Robbins; Conan K.Woods; Viviane D. Lima; Rachel A. McGovern;WendyW Zhang; Rolando A. Barrios; Julio Montaner; P. Richard Harrigan BCCntr forExcellence inHIV/AIDS,Vancouver,BC,Canada 493LB Divergent ARV Resistance at Screening for ACTG A5288 Study of 3rd-Line ART in RLS Carole L.Wallis 1 ; Beatriz Grinsztejn 2 ; SaranVardhanabhuti 3 ; Robert A. Salata 4 ; Peter Mugyenyi 5 ; Catherine Godfrey 6 ; Michael Hughes 7 ; Ann Collier 8 ; JohnW. Mellors 9 ; for the A5288Team 1 BARC-SAandLancetLab, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 2 InstdePesquisa ClínicaEvandroChagas (IPEC)/FundaçãoOswaldoCruz (Fiocruz),Rio de Janeiro,Brazil; 3 StatisticalandDataAnalysisCntr,HarvardSchoolof PublicHlth,Boston,MA,USA; 4 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland, OH,USA; 5 JointClinicalRsrCntr,Kampala,Uganda; 6 DAIDS,NIAID, NIH,Rockville,MD,USA; 7 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 8 Univof Washington,Seattle,WA,USA; 9 UnivofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,USA 494LB Prospective Randomized HIV Drug Resistance Testing of Kenyans Before First-Line ART Michael H. Chung 1 ; Ingrid Beck 2 ; Molly Levine 2 ; Catherine Kiptiness 3 ; James Munyao 3 ; Rachel Silverman 1 ; Christine McGrath 1 ; Bhavna Chohan 1 ; Samah Rafie Sakr 3 ; Lisa Frenkel 2 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 SeattleChildren’sRsr Inst, Seattle,WA,USA; 3 SeattleChildren’sRsr Inst,Seattle,UnitedStates; 4 CopticHopeCntr,Nairobi,Kenya; 5 UnivofWashington,Seattle,United States 2:45 PM-4:00 PM HIV Diagnostics 510 Evaluation of an EIA-Based Testing AlgorithmUsing Dried Blood Spots From South Sudan Idris Hakim 1 ; Hetal Patel 2 ;Yen Duong 2 ; Joel Katoro 3 ; GregoryWani 1 ; Idris Farouk 1 ; Alex Bolo 3 ; Avi Hakim 2 ; Bharat Parekh 2 1 MinistryofHlth, Juba,SouthSudan; 2 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 CDC, Juba, SouthSudan Session P-M1 Poster Abstracts Hall A/B

SushamaTelwatte 1 ; Chanson J. Brumme 2 ; Anna C. Hearps 1 ; Catherine F. Latham 1 ; Con Sonza 3 ; P. Richard Harrigan 2 ; Gilda Tachedjian 1

1 Burnet Inst,Melbourne,Australia; 2 BCCntr forExcellence inHIV/AIDS, Vancouver,BC,Canada; 3 UnivofMelbourne,Melbourne,Australia 484 No Effect of HIV-1 Subtype C on Virological Failure Rate With First-Line TDF Regimens EllenWhite 1 ; Erasmus Smit 2 ; Duncan Churchill 3 ; Simon Collins 4 ; Clare Booth 5 ; AnnaTostevin 1 ; Caroline Sabin 6 ; Deenan Pillay 7 ; David Dunn 1 ; for the UK HIV drug resistance database and the UK Collaborative HIV cohort 1 MedRsrCouncilClinicalTrialsUnitatUnivCollLondon,London,UK; 2 BirminghamHeartlandsHosp,Birmingham,UK; 3 BrightonandSussex HospsNHSTrust,Brighton,UK; 4 HIV i-Base,London,UK; 5 RoyalFree LondonNHSFndnTrust,London,UK; 6 UnivCollLondon,London,UK; 7 AfricaCntr forHlthandPopStudies,Mtubatuba,SouthAfrica 485 National Molecular Surveillance of Recently Acquired HIV Infections, Germany 2013-14 Andrea Hauser 1 ; Alexandra Hofmann 1 ; Kirsten Hanke 1 ;Viviane Bremer 1 ; Barbara Bartmeyer 1 ; Claudia Kucherer 2 ; Norbert Bannert 2 1 RobertKoch Inst,Berlin,Germany; 2 RobertKoch-Inst,Berlin,Germany 486 Influence of Transmitted Drug Resistance on CD4 Decline Among ART-Naïve HIV Patients Anna Schultze 1 ; CarloTorti 2 ; Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri 1 ; Anne-Mieke Vandamme 3 ; Maurizio Zazzi 4 ; Helen Sambatakou 5 ; Andrea De Luca 4 ; Anna Maria Geretti 6 ; Anders Sönnerborg 7 ; Giuseppe Lapadula 8 1 UnivCollLondon,London,UK; 2 UnivMagnaGraecia,Catanzaro, Italy; 3 KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,Leuven,Belgium; 4 UnivofSiena,Siena, Italy; 5 HippokrationGeneralHosp,UnivofAthens,Athens,Greece; 6 Inst of Infection&GlobalHlth,UnivofLiverpool,Liverpool,UK; 7 Karolinska Inst,Stockholm,Sweden; 8 InfectiousDiseasesClinic,SanGerardoHosp, Monza, Italy 487 No Evidence of Sexual Transmission of Minority HIV Drug Resistance Mutations in MSM Antoine Chaillon ; Sanjay R. Mehta; Joel O.Wertheim; Ben Murrell; Susan J. Little; Douglas D. Richman; Davey M. Smith; Sara Gianella UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA Transmitted Drug Resistance in HIV-1 Subtype C Hyperacute Infection Urisha Singh 1 ; Avashna Singh 1 ; Marc Noguera-Julian 2 ; Manjeetha Jaggernath 1 ; Amber Moodley 1 ; Krista Dong 3 ; Bruce D.Walker 3 ;Thumbi P. Ndungu 1 ; Michelle Gordon 4 1 UnivofKwaZulu-Natal,Durban,SouthAfrica; 2 IrsiCaixa Inst forAIDS Rsr,Badalona,Spain; 3 Ragon InstofMGH,MITandHarvard,Cambridge, MA,USA; 4 NelsonRMandelaSchofMed,UnivofKwazulu-Natal,Durban, SouthAfrica 489 Integrase Inhibitors-Transmitted Drug Resistance Detected by UltraDeep Sequencing EveTodesco 1 ; Jeremy Jaffre 1 ; Cathia Soulie 1 ; Daniele Armenia 2 ; Marc Wirden 3 ; Sidonie Lambert 1 ; Christine Katlama 1 ; Francesca Ceccherini- Silberstein 2 ;Vincent Calvez 1 ; Anne-Genevieve Marcelin 1 1 SorbonneUnivs,Paris,France; 2 UnivofRomeTorVergata,Rome, Italy; 3 APHP,PitieSalpêtrièreHosp,Paris,France 488

Poster Listings


CROI 2016

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