CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

386 NeuroHIV: A Novel High-Resolution Subcortical Shape Analysis Christopher R. Ching 1 ;Talia M. Nir 2 ; Boris A. Gutman 3 ; Neda Jahanshad 4 ; Jaroslaw Harezlak 5 ; Assawin Gongvatana 6 ; Ronald A. Cohen 7 ; Bradford Navia 8 ; Paul M.Thompson 3 ; for the HIV Neuroimaging Consortium 1 UnivofCaliforniaLosAngelesSchofMed,MarinadelRey,CA,USA; 2 ImagingGeneticsCntr,UnivofSouthernCalifornia,MarinadelRey,CA, USA; 3 ImagingGeneticsCntr,UnivofSouthernCalifornia,MarinadelRey, CA,USA; 4 UnivofSouthernCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 5 Indiana UnivFairbanksSchofPH, Indianapolis, IN,USA; 6 UnivofCaliforniaSan Diego,SanDiego,CA,USA; 7 UnivofFlorida,Gainesville,FL,USA; 8 Tufts UnivSchofMed,Boston,MA,USA 387 Cigarette Pack-Years May Affect Cingulate and Frontal Cortex in Chronic HIV Infection Kalpana Kallianpur ;Tracie M. Umaki; Lindsay M. Kohorn; Dominic C. Chow; Beau K. Nakamoto; Scott C. Souza; Cecilia M. Shikuma UnivofHawaii,Honolulu,HI,USA 388 Cardiovascular Risk Factors and the Rate of Change in Brain Structure in HIV Disease JamesT. Becker 1 ; Mikhail Popov 1 ; Lawrence Kingsley 1 ; Francine Barrington 2 ; Andrew J. Levine 3 ; Eileen Martin 4 ; Eric N. Miller 3 ; Cynthia Munro 5 ; Ann Ragin 6 ; Ned Sacktor 5 ; for the NeuropsychologyWorking Group of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study 1 UnivofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 2 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore, MD,USA; 3 UnivofCaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 4 Rush UnivMedCntr,Chicago, IL,USA; 5 JohnsHopkinsUnivSchofMed, Baltimore,MD,USA; 6 NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA 389 NewMethod Measuring Intracranial Vessel Caliber Reveals Arterial Remodeling In HAND Paba M. De Alwis 1 ; Cristah Artrip 2 ;Winston Liu 1 ; Bryan Smith 1 ; Avindra Nath 1 ; Daniel S. Reich 1 ; Govind Nair 1 1 NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 VanderbiltUniv,Nashville,TN,USA 390 Isolated Cingulate Correlates With Reduced Executive Function in HIV Xiong Jiang 1 ; Manya Magnus 2 ; Chenglong Liu 1 ; Rebecca Barasky 2 ; CuiweiWang 1 ; MichaelW. Plankey 1 ; Seble kassaye 3 ; David J. Moore 4 ; Ron Ellis 4 ; MaryYoung 1 1 GeorgetownUnivMedCntr,Washington,DC,USA; 2 GeorgeWashington Univ,Washington,DC,USA; 3 GeorgetownUniv,Washington,DC,USA; 4 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA 391 Multifactorial Neurochemical Alterations Are Slowly Evolving Despite Viral Control Lucette A. Cysique 1 ; Laurianne Juge 2 ;Thomas M. Gates 3 ; Kirsten Moffat 3 ; Bruce J. Brew 1 ; Caroline Rae 1 1 UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 2 NeuroSciRsrAustralia (NeuRA),Randwick,Australia; 3 StVincent’sHosp,Darlinghurst,Australia 392 Effect of cART on Functional Connectivity in Cart-Naïve HIV-Infected Individuals Yuchuan Zhuang 1 ; MadalinaTivarus 2 ; Xing Qiu 2 ; LuWang 2 ; Emily Cosimano 2 ; AliciaTyrell 2 ; Amneris Luque 2 ; Mark E. Mapstone 2 ; Jianhui Zhong 2 ; Giovanni Schifitto 1 1 UnivofRochester,Rochester,NY,USA; 2 UnivofRochesterMedCntr, Rochester,NY,USA

Session P-H1 Poster Abstracts

Hall A/B

2:45 PM-4:00 PM Exposure Response: Learning to Improve Safety and Efficacy 425 HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor BMS-955176: Pharmacokinetic and Exposure-Response Analysis Heather Sevinsky 1 ; Palanikumar Ravindran 1 ; Dirk Schuermann 2 ; BlisseVakkalagadda 1 ; Carey Hwang 1 ; Dara Hawthorne 1 ; Hong Xiao 1 ; Neelanjana Ray 1 ; Max Lataillade 3 ;Timothy Eley 1 1 Bristol-MyersSquibb,Princeton,NJ,USA; 2 CharitéRsrOrganisation GmbH,Berlin,Germany; 3 Bristol-MyersSquibb,Wallingford,CT,USA 426 Predicting Drug Discontinuation in TDF-tolerant Patients: A Prospective PK/PG Study Andrea Calcagno 1 ; Jessica Cusato 1 ; Letizia Marinaro 2 ; Martina Fiumanò 1 ; Marco Simiele 1 ; Micol Ferrara 1 ; Chiara Alcantarini 1 ; Antonio D'Avolio 1 ; Giovanni Di Perri 1 ; Stefano Bonora 1 1 UnivofTorino,Torino, Italy; 2 UnivofTorino,Turin, Italy 427 Random Lopinavir Concentrations Predict Resistance on Lopinavir-Based ART Richard G. Court 1 ; Michelle Gordon 2 ; Annemie Stewart 3 ; Karen Cohen 1 ; Gary Maartens 1 1 UnivofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 2 NelsonRMandelaSchof Med,UnivofKwazulu-Natal,Durban,SouthAfrica; 3 ClinicalRsrCntr,Univ ofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica 428 Inflammation Investigated as a Source of Atazanavir Pharmacokinetic Variability CharlesVenuto 1 ; PeterW. Hunt 2 ; Grace A. McComsey 3 ; Gene D. Morse 4 ; Susan Messing 1 1 UnivofRochesterMedCntr,Rochester,NY,USA; 2 UnivofCaliforniaSan Francisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 3 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland, OH,USA; 4 StateUnivofNewYorkatBuffalo,Buffalo,NY,USA 429 Recommended Efavirenz Concentration for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Is Too High Catherine Orrell 1 ; Andrzej Bienczak 1 ; Karen Cohen 1 ; David R. Bangsberg 2 ; RobinWood 1 ; Gary Maartens 1 ; Paolo Denti 1 1 UnivofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 2 HarvardMedSch,Boston, MA,USA 430 Cobicistat Increases the Effects of Dabigatran on Thrombin Time in Healthy Volunteers Kristina M. Brooks 1 ; Colleen Hadigan 2 ; Lori A. Gordon 3 ; Scott Penzak 4 ; Anela Kellogg 5 ; Khanh Nghiem 6 ; Jay Lozier 6 ; James Mikula 5 ; Parag Kumar 1 1 ClinicalPharmacokineticsRsrLab,ClinicalCntr,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 3 XavierUnivofLouisianaCollofPharm, NewOrleans,LA,USA; 4 UnivofNorthTexasSystemCollofPharm,Fort Worth,TX,USA; 5 LeidosBiomedRsr, Inc,Bethesda,MD,USA; 6 Clinical Cntr,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA 431 Pharmacokinetics of Crushed Elvitegravir Combination Tablet GivenWith Drip Feed Angela Colbers 1 ; Mieke de Hoon 1 ; Reinout van Crevel 1 ; Martine Kruijssen 1 ; Marjolijn Duisenberg-van Essenberg 2 ; Evertine Abbink 1 ; David M. Burger 1 1 RadboudUnivMedCntr,Nijmegen,Netherlands; 2 Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis,Tilburg,Netherlands

Poster Listings


CROI 2016

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