CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
637 Differences in Predictors for Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic Strokes in HIV+ Individuals
262 Altered Gut Microbes Enhance Mucosal CD4 T Cell Infection and Depletion Ex Vivo Stephanie M. Dillon 1 ; Eric L. Lee 1 ; Andrew M. Donovan 1 ; Kejun Guo 1 ; Michael S. Harper 1 ; Daniel N. Frank 1 ; Martin D. McCarter 1 ; Mario L. Santiago 1 ; CaraWilson 2 1 UnivofColoradoAnschutzMedCampus,Aurora,CO,USA; 2 Univof ColoradoHosp,Aurora,Aurora,CO,USA 263 Enhancement of Microbiota in Macaques Leads to Beneficial Immune Function Modulation Jennifer A. Manuzak 1 ;Tiffany Hensley-McBain 1 ; Charlene Miller 1 ; Alexander Zevin 1 ; Jason M. Brenchley 2 ; Jacob D. Estes 3 ; Stanley Langevin 1 ; R. Keith Reeves 4 ; Elias Haddad 5 ; Nichole Klatt 1 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 FrederickNatlLab forCancerRsr, Frederick,MD,USA; 3 FrederickNatlLab,LeidosBiomedRsr,Frederick,MD, USA; 4 HarvardUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 5 DrexelUniv,Philadelphia,PA,USA
Camilla I. Hatleberg 1 ; David Kamara 2 ; Lene Ryom 1 ; Stephane de Wit 3 ; Matthew Law 4 ; Peter Reiss 5 ; Antonella d’Arminio Monforte 6 ; Jens D. Lundgren 1 ; Caroline Sabin 2 ; for theThe Data Collection on Adverse events of Anti-HIV drugs 1 RigsHospet,UnivofCopenhagen,Copenhagen,Denmark; 2 UnivColl London,London,UK; 3 StPierreUnivHosp,Brussels,Belgium; 4 Univof NewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 5 Amsterdam Inst forGlobalHlthand Develop,Amsterdam,Netherlands; 6 InfectiousDiseasesClinic,SanPaolo Hosp,UnivofMilan,MIlan, Italy 638 Persistently Increased Ischemic Stroke Risk in HIV- InfectedWomen Felicia Chow 1 ; Susan Regan 2 ; Sara E. Looby 2 ; MarkellaV. Zanni 2 ; James B. Meigs 2 ; Cheryl D. Bushnell 3 ; Steven K. Feske 4 ; Steven Grinspoon 2 ; Virginia A.Triant 2 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 2 Massachusetts GeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 3 WakeForestBaptistMedCntr,Winston Salem,NC,USA; 4 BrighamandWomen’sHosp,HarvardMedSch,Boston, MA,USA 639 Stroke in HIV-Infected Patients in the Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Era Juan Berenguer 1 ; Alejandro Alvaro-Meca 2 ; Asuncion Diaz 3 ; Dariela Micheloud 1 ; Salvador Resino 3 1 HospGeneralUniversitarioGregorioMarañón,Madrid,Spain; 2 UnivRey JuanCarlos,Alcorcón,Spain; 3 InstdeSaludCarlos III,Madrid,Spain 640 Incidental Carotid Plaque in HIV Is AssociatedWith Subsequent Cerebrovascular Events Sumbal Janjua ; Pedro Staziaki; RichardTakx; Orla Hennessy; Michael Lu; MarkellaV. Zanni; Steven Grinspoon; Udo Hoffmann;Tomas G. Neilan MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA 1:45 PM-2:45 PM HIV and Microbiomes Themed Discussion Leader Nichole Klatt ,UniversityofWashington,Seattle,WA,US 260 Distinct Gut Microbiota Composition in Gay Men Muntsa Rocafort 1 ; Marc Noguera-Julian 1 ;Yolanda Guillen 2 ; Mariona Parera 1 ; Piotr Nowak 3 ; Falk Hildebrand 4 ; Georg Zeller 4 ; Anders Sönnerborg 3 ; Peer Bork 4 ; Roger Paredes 1 1 IrsiCaixa Inst forAIDSRsr,Badalona,Spain; 2 IrsiCaixa Inst forAIDSRsr, Barcelona,Spain; 3 Karolinska Inst,Stockholm,Sweden; 4 Structuraland ComputationalBiology,EuropeanMolecularBiologyLab,Heidelberg, Germany Room 302
264 Fecal Microbial Transplantation: Safety and Engraftment During Treated HIV Infection
Ma Somsouk 1 ; IvanVujkovic-Cvijin 2 ; Montha Pao 1 ; PeterW. Hunt 1 ; SusanV. Lynch 1 ; Joseph M. McCune 1 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 2 NIH,Bethesda, MD,USA
Session TD-9 Themed Discussion
Room 312
1:45 PM-2:45 PM Cryptococcal Disease: Detection and Complications Themed Discussion Leader Ian M. Sanne ,Universityof theWitwatersrand,WitsHealthConsortium, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica 760 Maximizing Detection and Improving Outcomes of Cryptococcosis in Rural Tanzania 1 IfakaraHlth Inst,DaresSalaam,Tanzania; 2 IfakaraHlth Inst,Morogoro, Tanzania; 3 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 4 SwissTrop Inst ofPH,Basel,Switzerland; 5 BernUnivHospandUnivofBern,Bern, Switzerland 759 Evaluation of Provider-Initiated Cryptococcal Antigen Screening, South Africa Nicky Longley 1 ; SnigdhaVallabhaneni 2 ; Mariette Smith 3 ; Rachel Smith 2 ; Meg Osler 3 ; Nicola Kelly 3 ; Anna Cross 3 ; Andrew Boulle 4 ; Graeme Meintjes 3 ; Nelesh Govender 5 1 StGeorge’sUnivofLondon,London,UK; 2 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 Univ ofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 4 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseEpi andRsr,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 5 Natl InstofCommunicableDiseases, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica 762 Immunologic Discrimination of Cryptococcal IRIS From Culture-Positive Relapse David R. Boulware 1 ; Joshua R. Rhein 1 ; Edward N. Janoff 2 ; Abdu Musubire 3 ; Andrew Kambugu 3 ; Paul Bohjanen 1 ; David B. Meya 3 ; for the COATTrialTeam 1 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 2 UnivofColorado,Denver,CO, USA; 3 InfectiousDiseases Inst,Kampala,Uganda Diana Faini 1 ; AnethV. Kalinjuma 2 ; Julie Neborak 3 ; Alexa King 3 ; Dorcas Mnzava 2 ;Tracy Glass 4 ; Hansjakob Furrer 5 ; Christoph Hatz 4 ; David R. Boulware 3 ; Emilio Letang 4
Oral Sessions • Wednesday, February 24, 2016 Session TD-8 Themed Discussion
261 Impact of HIV-Associated Changes in the Gut Microbiome on Disease Progression
Jesús Luévano ; David B. Gootenberg; Jeffrey M. Paer; Bruce D.Walker; Douglas S. Kwon Ragon InstofMGH,MIT,andHarvard,Cambridge,MA,USA
CROI 2016
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