CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
11:45 102LB Concentrations of TFV and TFVdp in Female Mucosal Tissues After a Single Dose of TAF
11:00 107 Chemoprophylaxis With Oral FTC/TAF Protects Macaques From Rectal SHIV Infection Ivana Massud 1 ; James Mitchell 1 ; Darius Babusis 2 ; Frank Deyounks 1 ; Adrian Ray 2 ; James Rooney 2 ;Walid Heneine 1 ; Michael Miller 2 ; Gerardo Garcia-Lerma 1 1 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity,CA,USA 11:15 108LB MTN-017: Rectal Phase 2 Extended Safety and
Katy L. Garrett 1 ; Mackenzie L. Cottrell 1 ; Heather M. Prince 1 ; Craig Sykes 1 ; Amanda Schauer 1 ; Anne Peery 1 ; James Rooney 2 ; Scott McCallister 2 ; Cynthia Gay 1 ; Angela Kashuba 1 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 2 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity,CA,USA
Acceptability Study of 1% Tenofovir Gel Ross Cranston 1 ; Javier Lama 2 ; Barbra A. Richardson 3 ; Alex Carballo-Diéguez 4 ; Ratiya Kunjara Na Ayudhya 5 ; Cindy Jacobson 5 ; Mark A. Marzinke 6 ; Sherri Johnson 7 ; Jeanna Piper 8 ; Ian McGowan 1
Session O-9 Oral Abstracts
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Expanding the Toolbox for Prevention Oral Abstract Moderators Sinéad Delany-Moretlwe ,WitsReproductiveHealthandHIV Institute, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica Nyaradzo Mgodi ,MedicalResearchCouncilofZimbabwe,Zimbabwe 10:00 103 HPTN 069/ACTG 5305: Phase II Study of
1 UnivofPittsburghSchofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 2 Impacta Peru,Barranco,Lima,Peru; 3 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA, USA; 4 NewYorkStatePsychiatric Inst.,NewYork,NY,USA; 5 Magee-WomensRsr Inst,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 6 JohnsHopkins Univ,Baltimore,MD,USA; 7 FHI360,WashingtonDC,DC,USA; 8 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA 11:30 109LB A Phase III Trial of the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV-1 Prevention inWomen 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 WitsReproductiveHlth andHIV Inst, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 3 StatisticalCntr forHIV/ AIDSRsr&Prevention,FredHutchinsonCancerRsrCntr,Seattle, WA,USA; 4 FHI360,Durham,NC,USA; 5 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda, MD,USA; 6 IntlPartnership forMicrobicides,Paarl,SouthAfrica; 7 InternationalPartnership forMicrobicides,SilverSpring,MD, USA; 8 UnivofPittsburghSchofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 9 Magee- WomensHospof theUnivofPittsburghMedCntr,Pittsburgh,PA, USA 11:45 110LB Safety and Efficacy of Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV-1 Prevention in AfricanWomen Jared M. Baeten 1 ;Thesla Palanee-Phillips 2 ; Elizabeth R. Brown 3 ; Katie Schwartz 4 ; Lydia E. Soto-Torres 5 ; Annalene Nel 6 ; Zeda Rosenberg 7 ; Ian McGowan 8 ; Sharon L. Hillier 9 ; for the MTN-020/ASPIRE StudyTeam
Maraviroc-Based Regimens for HIV PrEP in MSM Roy Gulick 1 ;Timothy J.Wilkin 1 ;Ying Chen 2 ; Raphael J. Landovitz 3 ; K. R. Amico 4 ; AliciaYoung 5 ; Paul Richardson 6 ; Mark A. Marzinke 6 ; Marybeth McCauley 7 ; Kenneth H. Mayer 8
1 WeillCornellMedColl,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 FredHutchisonCancer RsrCntr,Seattle,WA,USA; 3 DavidGeffenSchofMedatUnivof CaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 4 UnivofMichigan SchofPH,AnnArbor,MI,USA; 5 SCHARP,Seattle,WA,USA; 6 Johns HopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 7 FHI360,Washington,DC, USA; 8 TheFenway Inst,FenwayHlth,Boston,MA,USA 10:15 104 PrEP Impact on T-Cell Activation and Explant Infection: HPTN 069/ACTG 5305 Substudy Ian McGowan 1 ; Alexiy Nikiforov 2 ; AliciaYoung 3 ; Ross Cranston 1 ; Raphael J. Landovitz 4 ; Rahul Bakshi 5 ; Adriana Andrade 6 ; Kenneth H. Mayer 7 ;Timothy J.Wilkin 8 ; Roy Gulick 8 1 UnivofPittsburghSchofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 2 Magee- WomensHospof theUnivofPittsburghMedCntr,Pittsburgh,PA, USA; 3 SCHARP,Seattle,WA,USA; 4 DavidGeffenSchofMedatUniv ofCaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 5 JohnsHopkins Univ,Baltimore,MD,USA; 6 JohnsHopkinsUnivSchofMed, Baltimore,MD,USA; 7 TheFenway Inst,FenwayHlth,Boston,MA, USA; 8 WeillCornellMedColl,NewYork,NY,USA 10:30 105 Cabotegravir Long-Acting Injection Protects
Oral Sessions • Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Annalene Nel 1 ; Saidi Kapiga 2 ; Linda-Gail Bekker 3 ; Brid Devlin 4 ; Maarten Borremans 5 ; Zeda Rosenberg 4 ; for the IPM 027/Ring Study Research CenterTeams 1 IntlPartnership forMicrobicides,Paarl,SouthAfrica; 2 LondonSch ofHygiene&TropMed,London,UnitedKingdom; 3 DesmondTutu HIVCntr,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 4 InternationalPartnership for Microbicides,SilverSpring,MD,USA; 5 SGSLifeScienceServices, Mechelen,Belgium
Macaques Against Intravenous Challenge Chasity D. Andrews 1 ; Leslie St. Bernard 1 ; Amanda Poon 1 ; William Spreen 2 ; Agegnehu Gettie 1 ; Kasi Russell-Lodrigue 3 ; Zhi Hong 4 ; David D. Ho 1 ; Martin Markowitz 1 1 AaronDiamondAIDSRsrCntr,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 ViiVHlthcare, ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 3 TulaneNatlPrimateRsrCntr, Covington,LA,USA; 4 GSK,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA Martin Markowitz 1 ; Ian Frank 2 ; Robert Grant 3 ; Kenneth H. Mayer 4 ; David A. Margolis 5 ; Krischan J. Hudson 5 ; Britt S. Stancil 5 ; Susan L. Ford 5 ; Alex R. Rinehart 5 ;William Spreen 5 1 AaronDiamondAIDSRsrCntr,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 Perelman SchofMed,UnivofPennsylvania,Philadelphia,PA,USA; 3 Univof CaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 4 TheFenway Inst, FenwayHlth,Boston,MA,USA; 5 ViiVHlthcare,ResearchTriangle Park,NC,USA
10:45 106 ÉCLAIR: Phase 2A Safety and PK Study of Cabotegravir LA in HIV-Uninfected Men
CROI 2016
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