CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda


Ballroom B/C


Ballroom A



2:15 PM-4:00 PM Clinical Trial Design and Analysis Workshop Target audience: This session is directed to clinicians and scientists who are interested in designing or interpreting clinical and epidemiologic studies. Level of knowledge: It is assumed that participants are familiar with the basic design of randomized and observational clinical trials and basic HIV epidemiology. Objectives: At completion of the session, participants will be able to: • Provide examples of big data and how these data can be used to improve program impact • Describe approaches to incorporating pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics measures into clinical trials • Describe how sexual and social network data can be used to evaluate HIV transmission patterns Conveners Susan P. Buchbinder, SanFrancisco DepartmentofPublicHealth, SanFrancisco,CA,USA

2:15 PM-4:00 PM Frontiers in Laboratory ScienceWorkshop

Target audience: This session is directed to investigators and clinicians interested in learning about the main technological and conceptual developments in life sciences that are influencing HIV research or hold a significant potential for research. Level of knowledge: It is assumed that participants are familiar with the main technological and data analysis approaches used in HIV research. Objectives: At the completion of the session, participants will be able to: • Recognize the potential of and directions in the field proteome analysis. • Describe novel microfluidic approaches to single-cell analyses. • Visualize and learn of the establishment of organs-on-chips. Conveners Galit Alter, Ragon InstituteofMGH,MIT andHarvard,Cambridge,MA,USA Amalio Telenti, UniversityofCalifornia SanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA

Oral Sessions • Monday, February 22, 2016

Richard E. Chaisson, The JohnsHopkins UniversitySchoolofMedicine,Baltimore, MD,USA 3


Deciphering Mucosal Barrier Functionality and HIV Immunity by Mass Spectrometry Adam Burgener ,UnivofManitoba,Winnipeg, MB,Canada Drop-Based Microfluidics for Single-Cell Studies David A.Weitz ,HarvardUniv,Boston,MA,USA Integration of Systems Biology with Tissue Engineering and Organs-On- Chips Linda Griffith ,Massachusetts InstofTech, Boston,MA,USA

Key Considerations in Studies of Antiviral Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Jennifer Kiser ,UnivofColorado,Denver,CO,USA Using Big Data to Improve the HIV Care and Prevention Continuum Patrick Sullivan ,EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA





HIV Transmission Networks and HIV Prevention in the Era of TasP and PrEP Martina Morris ,UnivofWashington,Seattle, WA,USA


CROI 2016

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