CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Keyword Index
Seroprevalence - 927 Serosorting - 933 Serum cholesterol - 854 Set-point viral load - 346
Special populations - 496 Speech impairments - 813 Spontaneous clearance – 75LB, 152 ST2 - 237 State Space Models - 1042 Statins - 421, 550, 553, 643, 673 Statistics - 266 Stem-cell transplantation - 357, 364, 365, 366, 367 Stigma – 2, 606, 919, 925 Stillbirth - 799 Stool Xpert MTB/RIF - 748 Stroke - 43, 636, 637, 638, 639 Structure - 56, 58 Sub-Saharan Africa - 498, 563, 658, 744, 751, 760, 786, 850, 861, 924, 925, 1049, 1054 Subtype – 221, 219, 227 Survivor – 72LB, 73LB, 74LB, 75LB, 929 Sustained virologic response (SVR) - 539LB SVR - 589, 604 Swaziland - 1056 Switching AntiretroviralTherapy - 680 Symptoms - 518 Synonymous mutations - 483 Syphilis - 767, 870, 900, 929, 970, 1004, 1007 Systems biology - 6, 324 –T– T cell - 596 T cell activation - 142, 190, 255 T cell exhaustion - 596 T cell subsets - 807 T follicular - 94, 242, 378 T follicular helper cells - 23, 82 T-bet - 254 TAF – 102LB, 050 Tanzania - 978, 1025 Targeted sequence capture - 360 TasP - 1044 Tat – 361, 396 Tele-mentoring - 534 Telomerase activity - 669 Telomere length - 670 Temporal trends - 888, 933 Subtype B - 507 Subtype C - 484 Suppression - 1024 Suppressive ART - 143, 276, 322, 710, 820 Surveillance - 212, 477, 510, 520, 540, 908, 921 Surveillance data - 53 Survival - 54, 631, 688
Tenofovir - 46, 147, 426, 434, 452, 484, 503, 592, 669, 680, 681, 682, 695LB, 728, 813, 866, 867, 871 • Alafenamide - 107, 680, 681, 682, 717 • disoproxil fumarate - 36, 48LB, 104, 449, 683, 684, 685, 694, 728, 808, 819, 877 • virological suppression, mortality, ART - 562 Tenofovir/Emtricitabine - 103, 479LB, 867 Test and treat - 168LB, 169LB, 842 Testes - 867 Text Messaging - 977, 993 Tfh cells - 233, 245LB, 334 TFV-DP - 102LB Th1 - 289 Th17 cells – 188, 238, 280 Thailand - 219, 384, 606, 857, 927, 956, 972 The North American AIDS Cohort Collaboartion on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD) - 150, 684, 688 Therapeutic vaccine – 26LB, 320, 322 Third-Line - 493LB Thrombocytopenia - 962 TIM-1 - 247 Time to ART initiation - 790, 1010 Tissue - 290, 345, 448 Tissue Distribution - 84 Tissue macrophages - 331, 402 TLR - 196, 270, 322, 323 TLR7 - 95LB Tolerability - 471 Toxicity - 778, 867, 963 Toxoplasma gondii prophylaxis - 765 Traditional medicines - 434 TRAIL - 372 Transcription - 80 Transcriptome - 208, 257, 725 Transgender women - 48LB, 108LB Transgendered - 79, 884, 971 Transient Elastography - 527, 529, 530, 560 Transition to adult units - 177, 835 Transitional-memoryT cells - 332 Transmission - 231, 736, 934 • Cluster - 602 • Group - 221, 943 • Network - 149, 215, 221, 222 • Risk - 221, 934, 1033 Transmitted drug resistance - 477, 483, 486, 489 Transmitted founder – 187, 231, 232, 394, 602 Testing - 841, 969, 985, 1006 TestosteroneTherapy - 914 Tetherin - 58
Severe immunodeficiency - 686 Sex Difference - 43, 79, 416, 943 Sex partners - 897 Sex workers - 863, 922, 1046, 1059 Sexual • Behavior - 890, 905, 925, 926, 930
• Event coverage - 1055 • Networks - 897, 964
• Risk behavior - 863, 900, 1045 • Transmission - 225, 987, 1045 • Transmitted infection (STI) – 69, 770, 869, 870, 875, 878, 890, 900, 912, 923, 924, 932, 964, 1004, 1005, 1007 SGA - 803 Sierra Leone - 72LB Simplification - 417 Single cell analysis - 807 Single genome sequencing - 86, 92, 348, 379, 400, 406, 806, 848 Single-cell laser capture microdissection - 151 siRNA - 182 SIV - 21, 22, 23, 24, 84, 94, 95LB, 130, 270, 273, 352, 353, 877 SIV coreceptor - 24 SIV encephalitis - 273 SIV/HIV chimeric viruses - 356 Small-for-gestational-age - 803 Smoking - 257, 387, 647, 674, 675 SNP - 547 Social media - 70 Social network - 217, 924, 985 Social support - 919 Socioeconomic status - 476 SOF/LDV - 452 SOF/LDV - 154LB Sofosbuvir - 100, 573, 575, 577, 584, 585 Solo LTR - 337 Sooty mangabey - 20, 24, 827 Sorafenib - 634 South Africa - 14, 39, 115, 155, 157, 167, 169LB, 256, 523, 613, 631, 734, 756, 759, 783, 792, 845, 905, 907, 936, 981, 1010, 1011, 1014, 1016, 1028, 1048, 1057, 1061 South Sudan - 510 Spatial analysis - 972 Spatial mapping - 1054 SHIV - 229, 317, 321 Shock and kill - 320 Side effects - 756
Keyword Index CROI 2016 174
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