CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Index of Studies Related to Women
876 CVLs FromWomenVaginally DosedWith PC-1005 Inhibit Mucosal HIV-1 and HSV-2 ExVivo , Guillermo Villegas, Pop Council, NewYork, NY, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-V2) 973 Effect of Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-Tests onWomen’s Sexual Decision-Making , HarshaThirumurthy, Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-X3) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016 168LB Option B+ in Malawi: Have 4Years of“Treat All”ShownThat 90-90-90 Is Achievable? , BethTippett Barr, CDC, Harare, Zimbabwe, et al. (Oral Abstracts Session O-15) 285 Seminal Plasma Induces Inflammation and Enhances HIV-1 Infection in Cervical Explants , Andrea Introini, Karolinska Inst, Stockholm, Sweden, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-C8) 162 Is Intensive Cervical Cancer Screening Justified in ImmunosuppressedWomen? , Michael J. Silverberg, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Oakland, CA, USA, et al. (Oral Abstracts Session O-14) 301 Oral PrEP Enhances Genital HIV-Neutralizing IgA in HIV-1 Exposed SeronegativeWomen , Jairam R. Lingappa, Univ ofWashington, Seattle,WA, USA, et al. (Themed Discussion SessionTD-15) 422 Liver Fibrosis Linked to Cognition in HIV and HCV:TheWomen’s Interagency HIV Study ,VictorValcour, Univ of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-G5) 720 Prevalence of Falls Among OlderWomen in theWomen’s Interagency HIV Study , Anjali Sharma, Albert Einstein Coll of Med, Bronx, NY, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-Q7) 726 Immunological Signaling During HSV-2 and CMVVaginal Reactivation at ART Initiation , Andrew D. Redd, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-Q9) 789 Malawi’s Option B+ 2011-2015:The Impact of Rapid ART Decentralizatio , Sundeep K. Gupta, CDC, Lilongwe, Malawi, et al. (Themed Discussion SessionTD-14) 790 Optimizing PMTCT Outcomes in Rural North-Central Nigeria: A Cluster-Randomized Study , Muktar H Aliyu,Vanderbilt Inst for Global Hlth, Nashville,TN, USA, et al. (Themed Discussion SessionTD-14) 791 RandomizedTrial of a Lay Counselor-Led Combination Intervention for PMTCT Retention , Ruby N. Fayorsey, ICAP, Columbia Univ Mailman Sch of PH, NewYork, NY, USA, et al. (Themed Discussion SessionTD-14) 792 Continuity of Care Among PregnantWomen Lost to Follow-up After Initiating ART , Kate Clouse,Vanderbilt Inst for Global Hlth, Nashville,TN, USA, et al. (Themed Discussion SessionTD-14) 793 Disclosure and Knowledge Are AssociatedWith Retention in Malawi’s Option B+ Program , Risa M. Hoffman, Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA, et al. (Themed Discussion SessionTD-14) 861 Correlates of Injectable Contraceptive Discontinuation Following HIV-1 Seroconversion , Margaret R. Caplan, David Geffen Sch of Med at Univ of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-U1) 862 Correlation Between Cotherapy of Efavirenz-Based ART and Pregnancy AmongWomen , Stephen Okoboi,TASO-Uganda, Kampala, Uganda, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-U1)
863 Is Menopause AssociatedWith Unprotected Sex in High-Risk HIV- Positive KenyanWomen? , Marielle S. Goyette, Univ ofWashington, Seattle,WA, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-U1) 864 Fertility Desire, Unprotected Sex, andViral Load in HIV-Positive FSWs in Kenya , Kate S.Wilson, Univ ofWashington, Seattle,WA, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-U1) 865 Inaccurate Reporting of CondomUse AmongWomen Using Injectable Contraception , Renee Heffron, Univ ofWashington, Seattle, WA, USA, et al. (Poster Abstracts Session P-U1)
Index of Studies Related toWomen
CROI 2016 136
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