CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
1013 Imputing Clinical Records From Routine Laboratory Data: Date of ART Initiation Mhairi Maskew 1 ; Jacob Bor 2 ; Cheryl J. Hendrickson 3 ;William B. MacLeod 2 ;Till Bärnighausen 4 ; Deenan Pillay 5 ; Ian M. Sanne 1 ; Sergio Carmona 6 ;Wendy Stevens 7 ; Matthew P. Fox 8 1 Univof theWitwatersrand,WitsHlthConsortium, Johannesburg,South Africa; 2 BostonUnivSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 3 HlthEconomicsand EpiRsrOffice, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 4 HarvardSchofPH,Boston, MA,USA; 5 AfricaCntr forHlthandPopStudies,Mtubatuba,SouthAfrica; 6 NatlHlthLabService/WitsUniv, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 7 Univof theWitwatersrand, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 8 BostonUniv,Boston, MA,USA 1014 Prospective Multisite Cohort Study of Pre-ART Losses and ART Refusal in South Africa IngridT. Katz 1 ; Janan Dietrich 2 ; Laura M. Bogart 3 ; Dominick Leone 4 ; Ingrid Courtney 5 ; GuguTshabalala 2 ; Garrett M. Fitzmaurice 1 ; Glenda Gray 6 ; Catherine Orrell 7 ; David R. Bangsberg 8 1 BrighamandWomen’sHosp,HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA; 2 PerinatalHIVRsrUnit,Soweto,SouthAfrica; 3 BostonChildren’sHosp, HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA; 4 Ragon InstofMGH,MIT,and Harvard,Cambridge,MA,USA; 5 DesmondTutuHIVFndn,CapeTown, SouthAfrica; 6 SouthAfricanMedRsrCouncil,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 7 UnivofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 8 HarvardMedSch,Boston, MA,USA 1015 6-Year Retention and Immunological Response to ART by Gender: IeDEAWest Africa ThierryTiendrebeogo 1 ; Juan Burgos-Soto 1 ; Eugene Messou 2 ; AristophaneTanon 3 ;Vivian Kwaghue 4 ; Marcel Zannou 5 ; Albert Minga 6 ; Nathalie De Rekeneire 1 ; Francois Dabis 7 ; Renaud Becquet 1 1 INSERMU897,Bordeaux,France; 2 CePReF,ACONDA,Abidjan,Côte d Ivoire; 3 CHUdeTreichville,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire; 4 UnivofAbuja TeachingHosp,Abuja,Nigeria; 5 CntrdePriseenChargedesPersonnes VivantAvec leVIH,CHNU,Cotonou,Benin; 6 CntrMédicaldeSuivide DonneursdeSang/CNTS/PRIMO-CI,Abidjan,Côted Ivoire; 7 INSERM U897, ISPED,UnivdeBordeaux,Bordeaux,France 1016 Barriers to Care and 1-Year Mortality in Newly Diagnosed HIV+ Persons in South Africa IngridV. Bassett 1 ; Sharon M. Coleman 2 ; Janet Giddy 3 ; Laura M. Bogart 4 ; Christine E. Chaisson 2 ; Douglas Ross 5 ;Tessa Govender 3 ; Rochelle P.Walensky 1 ; Kenneth A. Freedberg 1 ; Elena Losina 6 1 MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 2 BostonUnivSchof PH,Boston,MA,USA; 3 McCordHosp,Durban,SouthAfrica; 4 Boston Children’sHosp,HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA; 5 MidlandsMedCntr, Pietermaritzburg,SouthAfrica; 6 BrighamandWomen’sHosp,Harvard MedSch,Boston,MA,USA 1017 Retention of Clinically Stable ART Patients in a Rapid Model of Care in Haiti Colette Guiteau Moise 1 ; Clovy Bellot 1 ; Kelly A. Hennessey 2 ;Vanessa R. Rivera 3 ; Patrice Severe 1 ; Darley Aubin 1 ; Fabienne Homeus 1 ; Alix Saint-Vil 1 ; Serena P. Koenig 4 ; JeanW. Pape 1 1 GHESKIO,Port-au-Prince,Haiti; 2 AnalysisGroup,Boston,MA,USA; 3 WeillCornellMedColl,NewYork,NY,USA; 4 BrighamandWomen’sHosp, HarvardMedSch,Boston,MA,USA
1018 Evaluating Appointment Patterns to Improve Sustainability of HIV Treatment in Zambia Monika Roy 1 ; Charles Holmes 2 ; Izukanji Sikazwe 2 ;Thea Savory 2 ; Mwanza Mwanza 2 ; Carolyn Moore 2 ; Kafula Mulenga 2 ; Nancy L. Czaicki 3 ; Nancy Padian 3 ; Elvin H. Geng 1 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 2 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseRsr inZambia,Lusaka,Zambia; 3 UnivofCalifornia Berkeley,Berkeley,CA,USA 1019 Identifying Hotspots of Poor Adherence Among Patients on ART in Zambia Nancy L. Czaicki 1 ; Charles Holmes 2 ; Izukanji Sikazwe 2 ; Paul Somwe 2 ; Monika Roy 3 ;Thea Savory 2 ; Mwanza Mwanza 2 ; DavidV. Glidden 3 ; Nancy Padian 1 ; Elvin H. Geng 3 1 UnivofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA,USA; 2 Cntr for Infectious DiseaseRsr inZambia,Lusaka,Zambia; 3 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco, SanFrancisco,CA,USA 1020 Late ART Initiation and 12-Month Mortality After ART Initiation in Sub-Saharan Africa QuynhT.Vo 1 ; OlgaTymejczyk 2 ; Batya Elul 3 ;Wafaa M. El-Sadr 4 ; YingfengWu 4 ; Laurence Ahoua 5 ; Sarah Kulkarni 6 ; Susie Hoffman 3 ; Denis Nash 2 1 ICAPatColumbiaUniv,Boston,MA,USA; 2 SchofPH,CityUnivofNew York,NewYork,NY,USA; 3 ColumbiaUniv,NewYork,NY,USA; 4 ICAPat ColumbiaUniv,NewYork,NY,USA; 5 ICAPatColumbiaUniv,Maputo, Mozambique; 6 CityUnivofNewYork,NewYork,NY,USA Anne Mooser 1 ; Kathrin Zürcher 1 ; Denis Nash 2 ; OlgaTymejczyk 2 ; Margaret Couvillon 1 ; Matthias Egger 1 ; for the IeDEA and MESH Consortia 1 UnivofBern,Bern,Switzerland; 2 SchofPH,CityUnivofNewYork,New York,NY,USA 1022 Lost to Found: The Silent Transfer of Antiretroviral Therapy Patients in South Africa Claudine M. Hennessey 1 ; Andrew Boulle 2 ; Kathryn Stinson 2 ; Mariette Smith 1 1 UnivofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 2 Cntr for InfectiousDisease EpiandRsr,CapeTown,SouthAfrica 1023 Countries With Lower HIV Prevalence Have Lower ARV Coverage: UNAIDS 2015 Database AndrewM. Hill 1 ; Anton N. Pozniak 2 ;Thomas Dauncey 3 ; Jacob Levi 3 ; Katherine Heath 4 ; Shaffiq Essajee 5 ; Carmen Perez Elias 6 1 LiverpoolUniv,Liverpool,UK; 2 ChelseaandWestminsterHospNHSFndn Trust,London,UK; 3 ImperialCollLondon,London,UK; 4 UnivofOxford, Oxford,UK; 5 WHO,Geneva,Switzerland; 6 UNITAID,Geneva,Switzerland 1021 Declining Mortality in Patients on ART Lost to Follow-up in Sub-Saharan Africa
Poster Listings
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