CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
Session P-U1 Poster Abstracts
Hall D
Session P-V3 Poster Abstracts
Hall D
2:45 PM-4:00 PM Contraception and Sexual Health inWomen 861 Correlates of Injectable Contraceptive Discontinuation Following HIV-1 Seroconversion Margaret R. Caplan 1 ; Jennie L. McKenney 2 ; Raphael J. Landovitz 1 ; Thesla Palanee-Phillips 3 ; Gonasagrie Nair 4 ; Felix Mhlanga 5 ; Jennifer E. Balkus 6 ; Sharon A. Riddler 7 ; Pamina Gorbach 8 1 DavidGeffenSchofMedatUnivofCaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles, CA,USA; 2 RollinsSchofPH,EmoryUniv,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 Wits ReproductiveHlthandHIV Inst, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica; 4 Univ ofKwaZulu-Natal,Durban,SouthAfrica; 5 UnivofZimbabwe,Univof CaliforniaSanFranciscoCollaborativeRsrProg,Harare,Zimbabwe; 6 FredHutchinsonCancerRsrCntr,Seattle,WA,USA; 7 UnivofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh,PA,USA; 8 UnivofCaliforniaLosAngelesSchofPH,Los Angeles,CA,USA 862 Correlation Between Cotherapy of Efavirenz-Based ART and Pregnancy AmongWomen Stephen Okoboi ; Eunice Ajambo; Irene Bagala; Ronald Oceng; Sophie Nantume; Robinah Acham; Bernard Etukoit TASO-Uganda,Kampala,Uganda 863 Is Menopause AssociatedWith Unprotected Sex in High-Risk HIV-Positive KenyanWomen? Marielle S. Goyette 1 ; Kate S.Wilson 1 ; Ruth Deya 1 ; Linnet Masese 2 ; Juma Shafi 3 ; Barbra A. Richardson 1 ; Kishor Mandaliya 4 ;Walter Jaoko 3 ; Scott McClelland 1 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 KenyaRsrProgat theUnivof Washington,Nairobi,Kenya; 3 UnivofNairobi,Nairobi,Kenya; 4 Coast ProvinceGeneralHosp,Mombasa,Kenya 864 Fertility Desire, Unprotected Sex, and Viral Load in HIV-Positive FSWs in Kenya Kate S.Wilson 1 ; Linnet Masese 2 ; Lucy Adala 2 ; Juma Shafi 3 ; Barbra A. Richardson 1 ; Jane Simoni 1 ; Kishor Mandaliya 4 ;Walter Jaoko 3 ; Scott McClelland 1 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 KenyaRsrProgat theUnivof Washington,Nairobi,Kenya; 3 UnivofNairobi,Nairobi,Kenya; 4 Coast ProvinceGeneralHosp,Mombasa,Kenya 865 Inaccurate Reporting of CondomUse AmongWomen Using Injectable Contraception Renee Heffron 1 ; Urvi M. Parikh 2 ; Kerri J. Penrose 2 ; Nelly R. Mugo 3 ; Deborah Donnell 4 ; Connie M. Celum 1 ; JohnW. Mellors 2 ; Jared M. Baeten 1 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 UnivofPittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA,USA; 3 KenyaMedRsr Inst,Thika,Kenya; 4 SCHARP,FredHutchinson CancerRsrCntr,Seattle,WA,USA
2:45 PM-4:00 PM Predictors of PrEP Coverage and Uptake 883LB HPTN 073: PrEP Uptake and Use by Black MenWho Have Sex With Men in 3 US Cities Darrell P.Wheeler 1 ; Sheldon Fields 2 ; LaRon E. Nelson 3 ; LeoWilton 4 ; Lisa Hightow-Weidman 5 ; Steven Shoptaw 6 ; Manya Magnus 7 ; Geetha Beauchamp 8 ; PhaedreaWatkins 9 ; Kenneth H. Mayer 10 1 StateUnivofNewYorkatAlbany,Albany,NY,USA; 2 CharlesR.Drew UnivofMedandSci,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 3 UnivofRochester,Rochester, NY,USA; 4 StateUnivofNewYorkatBinghamton,Binghamton,NY,USA; 5 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 6 DavidGeffen SchoolofMedicineatUnivofCaliforniaLosAngeles,LosAngeles,CA, USA; 7 GeorgeWashingtonUniv,Washington,DC,USA; 8 StatisticalCntr forHIV/AIDSRsr&Prevention,FredHutchinsonCancerRsrCntr,Seattle, WA,USA; 9 FHI361,Durham,NC,USA; 10 TheFenway Inst,FenwayHlth, Boston,MA,USA 884 HPTN 067/ADAPT: Predictors of Coverage of Sex Events in PrEP Regimens, Thai MSM-TGW Timothy H. Holtz 1 ; Anupong Chitwarakorn 2 ; James P. Hughes 3 ; Marcel Curlin 4 ; AnchaleeVarangrat 5 ; K. R. Amico 6 ;Teeraparp Watanatanyaporn 5 ; Maoji Li 7 ; Philip A. Mock 5 ; Robert Grant 8 1 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 2 MinistryofPH,MuangNonthaburi,Thailand; 3 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 4 OregonHlthandScisUniv, Portland,OR,USA; 5 ThailandMinistryofPHUSCDCCollab,Nonthaburi, Thailand; 6 UnivofMichiganSchofPH,AnnArbor,MI,USA; 7 Fred HutchinsonCancerRsrCntr,Seattle,WA,USA; 8 UnivofCaliforniaSan Francisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA 885 HPTN 067-ADAPT: Factors AssociatedWith PrEP Coverage Among New York City MSM and TGW 1 HarlemHosp,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 ColumbiaUnivMailmanSchof PH,NewYork,NY,USA; 3 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 4 Fred HutchinsonCancerRsrCntr,Seattle,WA,USA; 5 DAIDS,NIAID,NIH, Bethesda,MD,USA; 6 NIMH,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 7 UnivofCalifornia SanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA 886 On Demand PrEPWith Oral TDF-FTC in the Open-Label Phase of the ANRS IPERGAY Trial Jean-Michel Molina 1 ; Isabelle Charreau 2 ; Bruno Spire 3 ; Laurent Cotte 4 ; Gilles Pialoux 5 ; Catherine Capitant 2 ; CécileTremblay 6 ; Daniela Rojas Castro 7 ; Laurence Meyer 8 ; for the ANRS IPERGAY Study Group 1 HopitalSaint-Louis,Paris,France; 2 INSERMSC10-US19,Villejuif,France; 3 INSERMUMR912,Marseille,France; 4 HospicesCivilsdeLyon,Lyon, France; 5 TenonHosp,Paris,France; 6 CRCHUM,Montreal,QC,Canada; 7 AIDES,MissionRecherche InnovationÉvaluation,Pantin,France; 8 INSERM,CESPU1018,LeKremlin-Bicêtre,France Sharon Mannheimer 1 ;Yael Hirsch-Moverman 2 ; Julie Franks 2 ; Avelino Loquere 2 ; James P. Hughes 3 ; Maoji Li 4 ;Vanessa Elharrar 5 ; Michael J. Stirratt 6 ; Robert Grant 7 ; for the HPTN 067/ADAPT Harlem StudyTeam
Poster Listings
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