CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
727 Longitudinal Viral Dynamics in Semen of HIV+Men Before and After Early ART Sheldon R. Morris; Davey M. Smith; MilenkaVargas; Susan J. Little; Sara Gianella UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA 728 HSV-2 Acquisition Among HIV-1 Infected Adults With Tenofovir-Based ART in ACTG 5175 Hosseinipour 4 ;Thomas B. Campbell 5 ; for the ACTG 5175 team 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 YRGCntr forAIDSRsrand Educ,Chennai, India; 3 InstdePesquisaClínicaEvandroChagas (IPEC)/ FundaçãoOswaldoCruz (Fiocruz),Riode Janeiro,Brazil; 4 UnivofNorth CarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 5 UnivofColorado,Denver, CO,USA 729 CMV Status Is AssociatedWith CD4/CD8 Restoration in Primary HIV-Infected Patients Patrick Miailhes 1 ; Christophe Malcus 1 ; Pierre Pradat 2 ; Isabelle Delfour 2 ; Julien Saison 2 ; Jean-ClaudeTardy 2 ; Isabelle Cohen-Codar 4 ; Christian Chidiac 2 ; Guillaume Monneret 1 ;Tristan Ferry 2 1 CHULyon,Lyon,France; 2 CHUdeLyon,Lyon,France; 3 Hopitalde laCroix Rousse,Lyon,France; 4 AbbVie, Inc,Rungis,France 730 CD4+ T Cell Dysfunction During Early HIV Infection Might Trigger CMV Shedding Jennifer M. Dan 1 ; Marta Massanella 2 ; Davey M. Smith 1 ; Milenka Vargas 1 ; Rachel Schrier 1 ; Susan J. Little 1 ; Sara Gianella 1 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA; 2 CRCHUM,Montreal, QC,Canada 731 High Anti-CMV IgG Levels Predict HIV Disease Progression Eshan U. Patel 1 ; Sara Gianella 2 ; Kevin Newell 3 ; Aaron A.Tobian 4 ; Allison R. Kirkpatrick 5 ; Mary K. Grabowski 6 ; David Serwadda 7 ;Thomas C. Quinn 4 ; Andrew D. Redd 8 ; Steven J. Reynolds 1 1 NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA; 2 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA, USA; 3 RsrDataandCommunicationTechnologies, Inc,GarrettPark,MD, USA; 4 JohnsHopkinsUnivSchofMed,Baltimore,MD,USA; 5 NIAID,NIH, Baltimore,MD,USA; 6 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore,MD,USA; 7 Makerere UnivSchooolofPH,Kampala,Uganda; 8 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda,MD,USA 732 CX3CR1+ CD8 T Cells Are Promoted by CMV Coinfection in Treated HIV Infection Michael L. Freeman 1 ; Joseph C. Mudd 2 ; Souheil-AntoineYounes 1 ; Soumya Panigrahi 1 ; Michael M. Lederman 1 1 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland,OH,USA; 2 NIAID,NIH,Bethesda, MD,USA Connie M. Celum 1 ;Ting Hong 1 ; Anne Cent 1 ; Rhoda Morrow 1 ; Jared M. Baeten 1 ; Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy 2 ; Beatriz Grinsztejn 3 ; Mina
Session P-R9 Poster Abstracts
Hall D
2:45 PM-4:00 PM Cryptococcal Disease: Detection and Outcomes 759 Evaluation of Provider-Initiated Cryptococcal Antigen Screening, South Africa Nicky Longley 1 ; SnigdhaVallabhaneni 2 ; Mariette Smith 3 ; Rachel Smith 2 ; Meg Osler 3 ; Nicola Kelly 3 ; Anna Cross 3 ; Andrew Boulle 4 ; Graeme Meintjes 3 ; Nelesh Govender 5 1 StGeorge’sUnivofLondon,London,UK; 2 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA; 3 Univ ofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 4 Cntr for InfectiousDiseaseEpi andRsr,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 5 Natl InstofCommunicableDiseases, Johannesburg,SouthAfrica 760 Maximizing Detection and Improving Outcomes of Cryptococcosis in Rural Tanzania Diana Faini 1 ; AnethV. Kalinjuma 2 ; Julie Neborak 3 ; Alexa King 3 ; Dorcas Mnzava 2 ;Tracy Glass 4 ; Hansjakob Furrer 5 ; Christoph Hatz 4 ; David R. Boulware 3 ; Emilio Letang 4 1 IfakaraHlth Inst,DaresSalaam,Tanzania; 2 IfakaraHlth Inst,Morogoro, Tanzania; 3 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 4 SwissTrop Inst ofPH,Basel,Switzerland; 5 BernUnivHospandUnivofBern,Bern, Switzerland 761 Neurocognitive Function in HIV-Infected Persons With Cryptococcal Antigenemia Martha P. Montgomery 1 ; Noeline Nakasujja 2 ; Bozena M. Morawski 1 ; Radha Rajasingham 1 ; Elizabeth Nalintya 3 ; Renee Donahue Carlson 4 ; Jonathan E. Kaplan 5 ; Andrew Kambugu 3 ; David B. Meya 3 ; David R. Boulware 1 ; for the COAT and ORCASTrialTeams 1 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 2 MakerereUnivCollofHlth Scis,Kampala,Uganda; 3 InfectiousDiseases Inst,Kampala,Uganda; 4 EmoryUnivSchofMed,Atlanta,GA,USA; 5 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA 762 Immunologic Discrimination of Cryptococcal IRIS From Culture-Positive Relapse David R. Boulware 1 ; Joshua R. Rhein 1 ; Edward N. Janoff 2 ; Abdu Musubire 3 ; Andrew Kambugu 3 ; Paul Bohjanen 1 ; David B. Meya 3 ; for the COATTrialTeam 1 UnivofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA; 2 UnivofColorado,Denver,CO, USA; 3 InfectiousDiseases Inst,Kampala,Uganda 763 Acute Kidney Injury and Urine Biomarkers in HIV- Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis Charlotte Schutz 1 ; David R. Boulware 2 ; Katherine Huppler Hullsiek 2 ; Joshua R. Rhein 2 ; KabandaTaseera 3 ; Conrad Muzoora 3 ; David B. Meya 4 ; FriedrichThienemann 1 ; Maximilian von Hohenberg 2 ; Graeme Meintjes 1 ; for the COATTrialTeam 1 UnivofCapeTown,CapeTown,SouthAfrica; 2 UnivofMinnesota, Minneapolis,MN,USA; 3 MbararaUnivofSciandTech,Mbarara,Uganda; 4 InfectiousDiseases Inst,Kampala,Uganda
Poster Listings
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