CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
Session P-O4 Poster Abstracts
Hall A/B
665 Dysregulated Monocyte Cholesterol Metabolism Gene ExpressionWith ART Initiation Jane A. O’Halloran 1 ; RobertT. Maughan 1 ; Eoin R. Feeney 1 ; John Lambert 2 ; Gerard Sheehan 2 ; Graeme Moyle 3 ; Anton N. Pozniak 3 ; Peter Reiss 4 ; Patrick Mallon 1 1 UnivCollDublin,Dublin, Ireland; 2 MaterMisericordiaeUnivHosp, Dublin, Ireland; 3 ChelseaandWestminsterHospNHSFndnTrust, London,UK; 4 Amsterdam Inst forGlobalHlthandDevelop,Amsterdam, Netherlands 2:45 PM-4:00 PM NRTI Toxicities 666 Metabolic Profiles After Switch From Failing First-Line ART in the Second-Line Study Mark Boyd 1 ; Amanda H.Yao 1 ; Cecilia Moore 1 ; David Cooper 2 ; for the SECOND-LINE Study Group 1 Kirby Inst,UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 2 Kirby Inst, Sydney,Australia 667 Variation in EraP Influencees Risk for HLA-B*57:01 Positive Abacavir Hypersensitivity Rebecca Pavlos 1 ; Kaija Strautins 1 ; Ian James 1 ; Simon Mallal 1 ; Alec Redwood 1 ; Elizabeth J. Phillips 2 1 Inst for Immunology& InfectiousDiseases,MurdochUniv,Murdoch, Australia; 2 VanderbiltUnivSchofMed,Nashville,TN,USA 668 AZT/NNRTI Induce Greater Adipose Tissue Mitochondrial Toxicity Than AZT/PI Session P-P6 Poster Abstracts 1 UnivCollDublin,Dublin, Ireland; 2 UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney, Australia; 3 Kirby Inst,Sydney,Australia; 4 StVincent’sHosp,Sydney, Sydney,Australia 669 Regulation of Telomerase Activity in PBMCs Exposed to Antiretroviral Drugs Natalia C. Stella Ascariz 1 ; Rocío Montejano 1 ; Laura Pintado 2 ; Susana Monge 3 ; José I. Bernardino 1 ; Ignacio Pérez-Valero 1 ; Maria L. Montes 1 ; Jesús Mingorance 1 ; Rosario Perona 2 ; Jose R. Arribas 1 1 Inst forHlthRsrofLaPazUnivHosp,Madrid,Spain; 2 Instde InvestigacionesBiomédicas,Madrid,Spain; 3 UnivdeAlcalá,Madrid, Spain 670 Risk Factors of Short Telomere Length and Decreased Mitochondrial DNA in HIV Patients Rumi Minami ; SoichiroTakahama;Yu Kaku; MasahiroYamamoto NatlHospOrg,KyushuMedCntr,Fukuoka, Japan Hall A/B RobertT. Maughan 1 ; Elena Alvarez 1 ; Anthony Kelleher 2 ; David Cooper 3 ; Andrew Carr 4 ; Patrick Mallon 1 ; for the HAMA001 Study Investigators
2:45 PM-4:00 PM Other Cancers and Risk of Malignancies in HIV 632 HIV Testing, Status, and Treatment Among Patients at the Uganda Cancer Institute Matine Ghadrshenas 1 ; Rachel A. Bender Ignacio 1 ; Daniel H. Low 1 ; WarrenT. Phipps 2 ; Jackson Orem 3 ; Ann Duerr 2 ; Corey Casper 2 1 UnivofWashington,Seattle,WA,USA; 2 FredHutchinsonCancerRsrCntr, Seattle,WA,USA; 3 UgandaCancer Inst,Kampala,Uganda 633 Low CD4/CD8 Ratio As a Predictor of Cancer Risk in HIV-Infected Persons Keith M. Sigel 1 ; Brinda Emu 2 ; Lesley Park 3 ; Kristina Crothers 4 ; Cynthia Gibert 5 ; Matthew Goetz 6 ; Sheldon Brown 7 ; Maria Rodriguez-Barradas 8 ; JanetTate 9 ; Robert Dubrow 10 1 IcahnSchofMedatMountSinai,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 YaleUnivSchof Med,NewHaven,CT,USA; 3 StanfordUniv,Stanford,CA,USA; 4 Univof WashingtonSchofMed,Seattle,WA,USA; 5 VAMedCntr,Washington, DC,USA; 6 VAGreaterLosAngelesHlthcareSystem,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 7 James J.PetersVAMedCntr,Bronx,NY,USA; 8 MichaelE.DeBakeyVA MedCntrandBaylorCollofMed,Houston,TX,USA; 9 VAMedCntr,West Haven,CT,USA; 10 YaleUnivSchofPH,NewHaven,CT,USA 634 Real-Life ExperienceWith Sorafenib for the Treatment of HCC in HIV-Infected Patients Nicolás Merchante 1 ; Esperanza Merino 2 ; Boris Revollo 3 ; Francisco Rodríguez-Arrondo 4 ; Marcial Delgado-Fernández 5 ; José López- Aldeguer 6 ; FranciscoTéllez 7 ; María J. Galindo 8 ; Koldo Aguirrebengoa 9 ; Juan A. Pineda 1 ; for the Grupo de Estudio de HepatitisVíricas de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica: GEHEP-SEIMC 1 HospUniversitariodeValme,Sevilla,Spain; 2 HospGeneralUniversitario deAlicante,Alicante,Spain; 3 HospGermanTrias iPujol,Badalona,Spain; 4 HospUniversitariodeDonostia,SanSebastián,Spain; 5 HospRegional deMálaga,Málaga,Spain; 6 HospUniversitari iPolitècnicLaFe,Valencia, Spain; 7 HospLaLíneade laConcepción (AGSCampodeGibraltar),La Líneade laConcepción,Spain; 8 HospClínicoUniversitariodeValencia, Valencia,Spain; 9 HospdeCruces,Baracaldo,Spain
Poster Listings
635 Decreased Helicobacter pylori Prevalence in HIV-Infected Subjects
Christian Schulz 1 ; Michael Selgrad 2 ; Peter Malfertheiner 1 1 UnivofMagdeburg,Magdeburg,Germany; 2 UnivofRegensburg, Regensburg,Germany
Session P-P5 Poster Abstracts
Hall A/B
2:45 PM-4:00 PM Cholesterol Metabolism 664 Cholesterol Efflux in Newly Diagnosed HIV and Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy MabelToribio 1 ; MarkellaV. Zanni 1 ; Gregory Robbins 1 ; Amanda Martin 1 ;Tricia H. Burdo 2 ; Min Hi Park 1 ; Meghan Feldpausch 1 ; Kathy Melbourne 3 ; Michael Fitzgerald 1 ; Steven K. Grinspoon 1 1 MassachusettsGeneralHosp,Boston,MA,USA; 2 BostonColl,Chestnut Hill,MA,USA; 3 GileadScis, Inc,FosterCity,CA,USA
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