CROI 2016 Program at a Glance
Program and Agenda
418 Neurocognitive Improvement With NRTI-Sparing Treatment in Acute HIV Infection Cynthia Gay 1 ; SarahWillils 1 ; JoAnn D. Kuruc 1 ; Kara S. McGee 2 ; Angela Kashuba 1 ; Mehri S. McKellar 2 ; Charles B. Hicks 3 ; Joseph J. Eron 1 ; David M. Margolis 1 ; Kevin R. Robertson 1 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA; 2 DukeUniv, Durham,NC,USA; 3 UnivofCaliforniaSanDiego,SanDiego,CA,USA 419 HIV Associated Neurocognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Lithium Eric H. Decloedt 1 ; Carla S. Freeman 2 ; Maia S. Lesosky 2 ; Gary Maartens 2 ; John Joska 2 1 StellenboschUniv,Tygerberg,SouthAfrica; 2 UnivofCapeTown,Cape Town,SouthAfrica 420 Week48 Cognitive Improvement in HAND After Switch to HAART Based on CHARTER Score +3 Gilles Force 1 ;Valerie Hahn 2 ; Helene Defferriere 3 ; Natacha Darchy 4 ; Jacques Ropers 5 ; Philippe Aegerter 5 ; Constance Delaugerre 6 ; Gilles Peytavin 7 ; Pierre DeTruchis 3 1 HospFranco-Britannique,Levallois-Perret,France; 2 CntrHospier Sainte-Anne,Paris,France; 3 HospRaymondPoincaré,APHP,Garches, France; 4 InstHospierFranco-Britannique,Levallois-Perret,France; 5 Hosp AmbroiseParé,APHP,Boulogne,France; 6 HospSaintLouisetUnivParis Diderot,Paris,France; 7 IAME, INSERMUMR1137,UnivParis7UF301, Paris,France 42 Statin or ACE/ARB Effects on Neurocognitive Function of HIV-Infected Adults Kristine M. Erlandson 1 ; Douglas Kitch 2 ; C.WilliamWester 3 ; Robert Kalayjian 4 ; EdgarT. Overton 5 ; Jose R. Castillo-Mancilla 1 ; Susan L. Koletar 6 ; Constance A. Benson 7 ; Kevin R. Robertson 8 ; Judith Lok 2 1 UnivofColorado,Denver,CO,USA; 2 HarvardSchofPH,Boston,MA,USA; 3 Vanderbilt Inst forGlobalHlth,Nashville,TN,USA; 4 MetroHlthMedCntr, Cleveland,OH,USA; 5 UnivofAlabamaatBirmingham,Birmingham, AL,USA; 6 OhioStateUniv,Columbus,OH,USA; 7 UnivofCaliforniaSan Diego,SanDiego,CA,USA; 8 UnivofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,Chapel Hill,NC,USA 422 Liver Fibrosis Linked to Cognition in HIV and HCV: TheWomen’s Interagency HIV Study VictorValcour 1 ; Leah Rubin 2 ; Mary Obasi 1 ; Pauline Maki 2 ; Mary Young 3 ;Wendy Mack 4 ; Mardge Cohen 5 ; Ada Adimora 6 ; PhyllisTien 1 ; for theWomen’s Interagency HIV Study ProtocolTeam
424LB Neurocognitive Safety After 96-WKs on ATV/r+3TC: Results of the Randomized SALT Trial Ignacio Perez-Valero 1 ; Juan Pasquau 2 ; Rafael Rubio 3 ; Antonio Rivero 4 ; Jesús Santos 5 ; Jose Sanz 6 ; Ana Mariño 7 ; Herminia Esteban 8 ; Jose Antonio Perez-Molina 9 ; for the SALT Study Group 1 HospUniversitarioLaPaz,Madrid,Spain; 2 HospVirgende lasNieves, ComplejoHosparioUniversitarioGranada,Granada,Spain; 3 Hosp UniversitarioDocedeOctubre,Madrid,Spain; 4 HospUniversitarioReina Sofía,Córdoba,Spain; 5 HospUniversitarioVirgende laVictoria,Malaga, Spain; 6 HospUniversitarioPrincipedeAsturias,Madrid,Spain; 7 Hosp ArquitectoMarcide,Ferrol,Spain; 8 FundaciónSEIMC-GESIDA,Madrid, Spain; 9 HospUniversitarioRamónyCajal,Madrid,Spain 2:45 PM-4:00 PM Clinical Pharmacology of Treating Coinfections 451 Antiretroviral Use and Implications for DAA Therapy in HIV/HCV Coinfection Marianne Martinello 1 ; Gregory J. Dore 1 ; Jasmine Skurowski 1 ; Rohan I. Bopage 2 ; Robert Finlayson 3 ; David Baker 4 ; Mark Bloch 5 ; Gail V. Matthews 1 1 Kirby Inst,UnivofNewSouthWales,Sydney,Australia; 2 TheAlbionCntr, Sydney,Australia; 3 TaylorSquarePrivateClinic,Sydney,Australia; 4 East SydneyDoctors,Sydney,Australia; 5 HoldsworthHouseMedPractice, Sydney,Australia 452 Real-Life Renal Safety of Boosted TDF in HIV/HCV Patients on SOF/LDV M.J.Vivancos-Gallego ; A. Moreno; María Jesús Pérez-Elias; A. Díaz de Santiago; Carmen Quereda-Rodriguez; J.L. Casado; Sara Bañón; M. Sánchez-Conde; M.L. Mateos; Santiago Moreno HospUniversitarioRamónyCajal,Madrid,Spain 453 Interactions Between ABT-493 Plus ABT-530 Combination and Rilpivirine or Raltegravir Matthew P. Kosloski 1 ; Sandeep Dutta 1 ; Bifeng Ding 1 ; StanleyWang 2 ; Jens Kort 1 ;Wei Liu 1 ; Rajneet K. Oberoi 1 1 AbbVie Inc,NorthChicago, IL,USA; 2 AbbVie Inc,RedwoodCity,CA,USA 454 Pharmacokinetics of Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine in CombinationWith SMV and SOF Session P-H5 Poster Abstracts Marco Merli 1 ; Laura Galli 2 ; Letizia Marinaro 3 ; Alexandra Ariaudo 4 ; Emanuela Messina 4 ; Caterina Uberti Foppa 2 ; Antonella Castagna 2 ; Adriano Lazzarin 4 ; Stefano Bonora 3 ; Hamid Hasson 4 1 Vita-SaluteSanRaffaeleUniv,Milan, Italy; 2 SanRaffaeleScientific Inst, Milan, Italy; 3 UnivofTurin,Turin, Italy; 4 Vita-SaluteUniv,SanRaffaele Scientific Inst,Milan, Italy Thibaut Gelé 1 ; Aurélie Barrail-Tran 2 ; Audrey Coilly 3 ; Claire Laforest 4 ; Rodolph Anty 5 ; Georges-Philipp Pageaux 6 ; Jean-Charles Duclos- Vallée 3 ; Anne-MarieTaburet 1 ; for the ANRS CO23 CUPILT study team 1 HôpitauxdeParis,HôpitauxUniversitairesParis-Sud,LeKremlin-Bicêtre, France; 2 HospBicêtre,KremlinBicêtre,France; 3 HospPaulBrousse, Villejuif,France; 4 HospPontchaillou,Rennes,France; 5 HospNice,Nice, France; 6 HospMontpellier,Montpellier,France Hall A/B 455 Effect of Direct Acting Antivirals on the Pharmacokinetics of Calcineurin Inhibitors
Poster Listings
1 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 2 Univof Illinois atChicago,Chicago, IL,USA; 3 GeorgetownUnivMedCntr,Washington, DC,USA; 4 UnivofSouthernCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA; 5 JohnH. Stroger Jr.HospofCookCountyandRushMedColl,Chicago, IL,USA; 6 Univ ofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,ChapelHill,NC,USA
423LB A Randomised Controlled Trial of Maraviroc- Intensified bPI ART on Cognitive Function
AlanWinston 1 ; George Bouliotis 2 ; Ranjababu Kulasegaram 3 ; Amanda Clarke 4 ; Frank A. Post 5 ; Mark Nelson 6 ; Laura Burgess 2 ; Borja Mora- Peris 2 ; SteveTaylor 7 ; Deborah Ashby 2 1 ImperialCollofSci,TechandMed,London,UK; 2 ImperialCollegeLondon, London,UnitedKingdom; 3 St.Thomas’Hosp,London,UnitedKingdom; 4 BrightonandSussexHospsNHSTrust,Brighton,UK; 5 King’sCollHosp NHSFndnTrust,London,UK; 6 ChelseaandWestminsterHospNHSFndn Trust,London,UK; 7 BirminghamHeartlandsHosp,Birmingham,United Kingdom
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