CROI 2016 Program at a Glance

Program and Agenda

877 Transport of Drug and Virus in FRTs of Macaques TreatedWith a TDF Intravaginal Ring Adina K. Ott 1 ; Katarina K. Halavaty 1 ; Jonathan Su 1 ; Danijela Maric 1 ; Samuel Sung 1 ; Mark A. Marzinke 2 ;Tom J. Hope 3 ; Patrick Kiser 1 1 NorthwesternUniv,Chicago, IL,USA; 2 JohnsHopkinsUniv,Baltimore, MD,USA; 3 NorthwesternUniv,FeinbergSchofMed,Chicago, IL,USA 878 Impact of STI on Pharmacokinetics of Topical Tenofovir in Macaques Natalia Makarova ; Rachael Aubert; Angela Holder; Chuong Dinh; Tara Henning; Ellen Kersh; Janet McNicholl;Walid Heneine; Charles Dobard CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA 879 A Long-Acting Biodegradable Subcutaneous Implant for Tenofovir HIV PrEP 1 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,SanFrancisco,CA,USA; 2 RTI,San Francisco,CA,USA; 3 RTI,ResearchTrianglePark,NC,USA; 4 Univof PittsburghSchofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA 880 Assessing Formulations of Tenofovir 1% Gel in HIV Seronegative Adults via RNA-Seq Mark Cameron 1 ; AarthiTalla 1 ; PeterWilkinson 1 ; John Pyles 1 ; Rafick Sekaly 1 ; Ian McGowan 2 1 CaseWesternReserveUniv,Cleveland,OH,USA; 2 UnivofPittsburghSch ofMed,Pittsburgh,PA,USA 881 Understanding Pain and Anxiety Experienced Around Long-Acting Injectable PrEP Kathrine Meyers 1 ; Kristina Rodriguez 1 ; Martin Markowitz 1 ; Sarit A. Golub 2 1 AaronDiamondAIDSRsrCntr,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 HunterColland the GradCntr,CityUnivofNewYork,NewYork,NY,USA 882LB WITHDRAWN Erica B. Schlesinger 1 ; Daniel Johengen 1 ; Ellen Leucke 2 ; Stephanie Swarner 3 ; Phillip Durham 3 ; Leah Johnson 3 ; Ginger Rothrock 3 ; Ian McGowan 4 ; Ariane van der Straten 2 ;Tejal Desai 1

922 Stigma, Access to Care, and HIV Among MenWho Sell Sex in Nigeria Trevor A. Crowell 1 ; Babjide Keshinro 2 ; Stefan Baral 3 ; Sheree R. Schwartz 3 ; Rebecca G. Nowak 4 ; Sylvia Adebajo 5 ;William A. Blattner 4 ; Manhattan E. Charurat 4 ; Julie Ake 1 ; for theTRUST/RV368 Study Group 1 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg,WalterReedArmy InstofRsr,SilverSpring, MD,USA; 2 WalterReedProg–Nigeria,Abuja,Nigeria; 3 JohnsHopkins BloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 4 InstofHumanVirology, Baltimore,MD,USA; 5 PopCouncilNigeria,Abuja,Nigeria 923 Incidence of STIs Among MSM Engaged in Treatment as Prevention in Nigeria Rebecca G. Nowak 1 ;Trevor A. Crowell 2 ; Stefan Baral 3 ;Teclaire Ndomb 4 ; Babjide Keshinro 5 ; Sheila Peel 2 ; Charlotte Gaydos 6 ; Julie Ake 2 ; William A. Blattner 1 ; Manhattan E. Charurat 1 1 InstofHumanVirology,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg, WalterReedArmy InstofRsr,SilverSpring,MD,USA; 3 JohnsHopkins BloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 4 InstofHumanVirology, Abuja,Nigeria; 5 WalterReedProg–Nigeria,Abuja,Nigeria; 6 Johns HopkinsUnivSchofMed,Baltimore,MD,USA 1 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 Instof HumanVirology,Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 SchofPH,UnivofMaryland, CollegePark,MD,USA; 4 USMilitaryHIVRsrProg,WalterReedArmy Inst ofRsr,SilverSpring,MD,USA 925 Stigma and Openness about Sexual Identity Among MSM: A Latent Class Analysis Shauna Stahlman 1 ; Claire Holland 1 ; Sosthenes Ketende 1 ; Lynn Van Lith 1 ; Duncan Kochelani 2 ; Zandile Mnisi 3 ; Bhekie Sithole 4 ; Libet Maloney 2 ; Stefan Baral 1 1 JohnsHopkinsBloombergSchofPH,Baltimore,MD,USA; 2 Johns HopkinsUnivCntr forCommunicationProgs,Baltimore,MD,USA; 3 SwazilandMinistryofHlth,Mbabane,Swaziland; 4 HlthCommunication CapacityCollaborativeProj,Mbabane,Swaziland 926 Group Sex: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey Among MenWho Have Sex With Men in China SongyuanTang 1 ;WeimingTang 1 ; Joseph D.Tucker 2 ; BinYang 3 ;Ye Zhang 1 ;Wei Zhang 1 ; Shujie Huang 3 ; LigangYang 3 ; ChongyiWei 4 ; Chuncheng Liu 5 ;Yilu Qin 1 1 UnivofNorthCarolinaProjChina,Guangzhou,China; 2 UnivofNorth CarolinaatChapelHill Inst forGlobalHlth& InfectiousDiseases,Chapel Hill,NC,USA; 3 GuangdongProvincialCntr forSkinDiseasesandSTI Control,Guangzhou,China; 4 UnivofCaliforniaSanFrancisco,San Francisco,CA,USA; 5 SESHGlobal,Guangzhou,China 924 Online Sex-Seeking Among MSM in Nigeria: Implications for Online Intervention Shauna Stahlman 1 ; Rebecca G. Nowak 2 ; Hongjie Liu 3 ;Trevor A. Crowell 4 ; Sosthenes Ketende 1 ;William A. Blattner 2 ; Manhattan E. Charurat 2 ; Stefan Baral 1 ; for theTRUST Study Group

Poster Listings

Session P-W4 Poster Abstracts

Hall D

2:45 PM-4:00 PM MSM in Low- and Middle-Income Countries 921 HIV Prevalence and Risk Factors in MenWho Have Sex With Men in Bamako, Mali Maria Lahuerta 1 ; Padmaja Patnaik 1 ; NouhoumTelly 2 ; Justin Knox 1 ; Tako Ballo 3 ; Adama N’dir 4 ; BouyaguiTraore 3 ; Seydou Doumbia 2 ; Avi Hakim 5 1 ICAPatColumbiaUniv,NewYork,NY,USA; 2 ICERMali,Bamako,Mali; 3 CelluleSectorielledeLuttecontre leSida,Ministerede laSante,Bamako, Mali; 4 CDC,Bamako,Mali; 5 CDC,Atlanta,GA,USA


CROI 2016

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