CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts

Author Index

Drake, Alison L.; 866 , 866 Drexler, Dieter; 539 Drexler, Jan F.; 849 Drozd, Daniel R.; 748 , 748 , 749LB, 804, 1005 Drummond, Fraser; 633 Dryden-Peterson, Scott; 711 , 718, 878 Drylewicz, Julia; 549 Du, Victor; 364

El Antouny, Neveen; 800 El-Diwany, Ramy; 685 El-Sadr, Wafaa M.; 29 , 739, 1029, 1095, 1100, 1103 Eleanor, Wilson; 653 Eleftherios, Michailidis; 585 Eley, Brian; 724, 724, 920 Elford, Jonathan; 560 Elharrar, Vanessa; 978LB

Essex, Max; 247, 630, 878, 990 Esté, José; 204, 205 Estes, Jacob D.; 286 Esteve, Anna; 837, 837

Feng, Hwa-Ping; 522 Feng, Pei-Jean; 827LB Fennelly, Glenn; 948 Fennema-Notestine, Christine; 461, 462 Fenton, Terrence; 924 Fenton-May, Angharad; 54LB Fernández McPhee, Carolina; 918, 942 Fernández-Romero, José; 967, 968 Fernandez-Sesma, Ana; 187 Ferrando-Martinez, Sara; 49, 167 Ferrando-Martínez, Sara; 266 Ferret, Samuel; 779, 139, 779 Ferretti, Francesca; 442, 443 Fetogang, Ernest; 990 Feyertag, Felix; 230 Fibriani, Azzania; 566 Fichtenbaum, Carl; 769LB Fidler, Sarah; 111LB, 961, 961 Fiedler, Tina L.; 861, 861 Fielding, Katherine; 823, 825 Fielding, Katherine L.; 885 Fields, Sheldon D.; 116, 1017 Fierer, Daniel; 647 Fievez, Virginie; 213 Filteau, Suzanne; 762 Finlayson, Robert; 733 Finlayson, Teresa; 1060, 998, 1060 Finn, Erin E.; 834 , 834 Firnhaber, Cynthia; 89 , 710, 824 Fischer, Rebceca; 846 Fischl, Margaret A.; 273, 310 , 337 Fiscus, Susan A.; 31LB, 909 Fishbein, Dawn A.; 666 Fisher, Martin; 961, 768, 961 Fisher Raymond, Henry; 1025 Figg, Douglas; 87 Figoni, Julie; 831 Filali, Ali; 292 Fleishman, John; 1104, 1065, 1104 Fletcher, Courtney; 84, 436, 511 Fletcher, James L.; 48, 473, 480 Flores, Juan; 1122 Flores, Norma; 607 Floridia, Marco; 879 Fluharty, Tayler; 290 Foca, Marc; 930 Fogel, Jessica M.; 629 , 869 Foissac, Frantz; 863, 863, 949 Fokar, Ali; 868, 909 Folkvord, Joy; 859, 426, 859 Fong, Siew; 915 Fontas, Eric; 739 Ford, Nathan; 1011, 1118 Ford, Susan; 966LB Fordyce, Marshall W.; 143LB, 795 Forgione, Lisa; 239 Formaglio, Pauline; 285 Forner, Alejandro; 640 Forrest, Jamie I.; 1025 Fortes-Deguenonvo, Louise; 782, 782 Fiske, Christina; 900 Fitch, Kathleen; 136 Fitch, Kathleen V.; 138 Fitzgerald, Daniel; 156, 546 Fitzgerald, Naomi; 961, 961 Fitzmaurice, Garrett; 1080 Fitzpatrick, Meghan; 490 Flavell, Richard; 368

Estrach, Teresa; 845 Estrada, Vicente; 266 Estrella, Michelle M.; 797 Etard, Jean-François; 32, 153, 625, 555, 624, 625, 1014, 1079, 1090 Etemad, Behzad; 110LB, 217

Elion, Richard A.; 128 Elion, Richard; 749LB Elion, Rick; 29 Elkington, Paul T.; 811 Ellenberg, Susan; 308 Eller, Michael A.; 166

Duarte, Rafael; 432 Dube, Michael; 254 Dube, Michael P.; 300 Dube, Michael; 304 Dube, Michael P.; 140 Dube, Michael; 254 Dube, Michael P.; 300 Dube, Michael; 304 Dube, Michael P.; 330

Ethridge, Steven F.; 613 Ethridge, Steven; 621 Ethridge, Steven F.; 1100 Eudailey, Josh; 903 Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; 316 Eugenin, Eliseo; 211 Euler, Zelda; 339, 411 EuroCoord, EuroSIDA in; 561

Ellerbrock, Tedd V.; 155, 938 Ellington, Sascha R.; 868 , 886 Elliott, Julian; 281 Elliott, Julian H.; 428LB Elliott, Julie; 289, 994

Duber, Herbert C.; 584, 617 Dubrow, Robert; 728, 728 Duenas-Decamp, Maria; 216

Evans, Charlesnika; 676 Evans, Denise; 781, 781 Evans, Scott; 451, 710 Evans, Vanessa A.; 388 Evans-Strickfaden, Tammy; 860, 855, 860 Evering, Teresa H.; 305, 446 Everson, Greg; 81, 652 Eyawo, Oghenowede; 1055 Eymard-Duvernay, Sabrina; 782, 727, 727, 782, 793 – F – Fagan, Jennifer L.; 1057 Fairley, Christopher; 281 Fajardo, Emmanuel; 555 Fakoya, Ade; 1114, 1114 Falco, Vicenç; 714 Falcón-Neyra, Lola; 934 Faldetta, Kimberly F.; 812 , 813 Fankuchen, Olivia R.; 340 Faria de Oliveira, Michelli; 58, 375, 435 , 491 , 496 Farokhzad, Omid; 357 Farquhar, Carey; 945, 946, 989, 1035 Farrar, Jeremy; 843 Farrior, Jennifer; 1095 Farshy, Carol; 963 Farzan, Michael; 163 Farzaneh-Far, Ramin; 784 Fabbiani, Massimiliano; 495 Facente, Shelley; 626, 626 Faesen, Mark; 89

Ellis, Angela; 931 Ellis, Jayne; 335 Ellis, Michael; 847 Ellis, Ronald J.; 58, 435, 436, 460, 461 Ellis, Ronald; 462 Ellis, Ronald J.; 469, 491, 496 Ellman, Tanya M.; 1013 Ellman, Thomas; 32, 555, 1014 Ello, Frederic; 544 Elloumi, Fathi; 197 Elopre, Latesha E.; 1004 Else, Laura; 85LB, 86LB, 533, 533, 964 Elzi, Luigia; 531, 531 Emerman, Michael; 41, 203, 194, 203 Emerson, Ruth; 1013 Emery, Sandy; 866, 866 Emery, Sean; 779, 315, 779 Emery, Vincent; 884 Emiliani, Stephane; 540 Emson, Claire; 299LB Ende, Zachary; 54LB Engels, Eric A.; 725, 717, 725 Engle, Liz; 476 Ens, Carla; 1054 Epelboin, Sylvie; 1122 Epie, Fanny; 880 Erasmus, Linda; 823 Erdmann, Nathaniel B.; 364 Erkizia, Itziar; 283 Erlandson, Kristine M.; 778 , 771 , 778 Eron, Joseph J.; 112LB, 147 Eron, Joseph; 439 Eron, Joseph J.; 440 Eron, Joseph; 445 Eron, Joseph J.; 691, 769LB, 1005 Esaki Muthu, Shankar; 820 Escota, Gerome; 772 Escudero, Daniel; 1116 Eshleman, Susan H.; 116, 622, 622, 623, 629, 869 Espiau, Maria; 950 Espinoza, Lorena; 999, 1000, 1040

Duffill, Kathy; 994 Duffy, Darragh; 681 Dufour, Cécilie; 701

Dufour, Jean-François; 150 Dugust, Anne-Sophie; 339 Dukuze, Adeline; 157

Dumas, Hervé; 814 Dunais, Brigitte; 650

Dunaway, Shelia; 479, 840 Duncan, Melanie R.; 502 Dunleavy, Kieron; 399 Dunn, David; 22LB, 253, 594, 596 Dunn, Liezl; 604 Dunne, Eileen F.; 855 , 1026 Dunning, Lorna; 34 Dunsmore, Tammy; 406, 965 Dupin, Nicolas; 723 Dupke, Stephan; 671 Durand, Christine M.; 380, 419 Durant, Jacques; 650 Durham, Marcus; 997 Durham, Natasha D.; 220 Dusabe, Eric; 157 Dusingize, Jean Claude; 780, 780 Duval, Xavier; 139 Duvivier, Claudine; 575 Dvali, Natia; 664 Dybul, Mark; 1114, 1114 Dye, Bonnie; 978LB – E – Easterbrook, Philippa; 595 Easterbrook, Philippa; 1072 Eaton, Jeffrey; 161 Eberhardt, Kirsten A.; 849 Ebrahimi Mohammadi, Diako; 363

Fast, Pat; 1044 Fatti, Geoff; 920 Fauchet, Floris; 949 Fauci, Anthony S.; 340 Faulds, Samantha; 651, 651 Fawzi, Wafaie; 606, 809 Faye, Albert; 867 Fayorsey, Ruby; 914 Fazeli, Pariya L.; 483 , 484 Febo, Irma; 269 Fedida, David; 536 Fedoriw, Yuri; 535, 535, 719 Feeney, Eoin; 677 Feldmann, Anna; 343 Feldt, Torsten; 849 Fellay, Jacques; 291, 293 Fellows, Lesley K.; 469 Felton-Coleman, Angela; 84

Author Index

Echeverria, Patricia; 767 Eckard, Allison R.; 925 Edén, Arvid; 474 Efstathiou, Jason; 711 Egger, Matthias; 724 , 563, 724 , 808, 1117 Eggman, Ashley A.; 1113 Eholie, Serge; 115LB Eholié, Serge P.; 544, 576 Ehrenkranz, Peter; 155, 938, 1013 Eisele, Lewin; 568 Ekouevi, Koumavi K.; 576, 807

Espluges, Juan V.; 500 Esplugues, Juan; 735 Esposito, Anthony; 323 Esposti, Sandra; 1010 Essat, Asma; 373 Esser, Stefan; 431, 568


CROI 2015

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