CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts
Abstract Listing
Poster Abstracts
Conclusions: Over one-quarter of this cohort never achieved the long-term benefits of ART and viral load suppression due to early mortality, ART discontinuation < 16 weeks, or ART non-initiation. Early discontinuation of ART was significantly higher in the later cohort, although this trend did not appear to be based on CD4 counts at ART initiation. These findings support continued research on understanding socio-behavioral and structural factors driving trends in early losses in care over time in South Africa. 1081 Mortality Across Two ART Trials Enrolling at ≤ 200 vs ≤ 350 CD4 cells/uL in Kenya Rachel A. Silverman 1 ; Michael Chung 1 ; James N. Kiarie 2 ; NellyYatich 1 ; Julia Njoroge 1 ; Catherine Kiptiness 1 ; Samah Sakr 3 ; Grace John-Stewart 1 ; Lisa Frenkel 1 1 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US; 2 University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya; 3 Coptic Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya Background: In 2011, Kenyan HIV treatment guidelines changed from initiating ART at a CD4 of ≤ 200 to ≤ 350 cells/uL. We compared 6-month mortality in 2 research cohorts, one enrolled before and one after the 2011 ART initiation guidelines changed. We hypothesized that following the new guidelines, 6-month post-ART mortality would be lower. Methods: HIV seropositive adults were enrolled in 2 clinical trials at the Coptic Hope Center, Kenya, in 2006 (drug adherence intervention) and 2013 (drug resistance testing intervention, ongoing). In both trials, participants were enrolled prior to ART initiation and started ART following enrollment. Missed visits were investigated to determine if the participant had died using standardized procedures. Linear regression was used to compare mean baseline CD4 count and Cox proportional hazards regression was used to compare 6-month mortality between the two studies. Subjects who enrolled after January 31 2014 were omitted from the analysis. Results: There were 362 and 379 participants in 2006 and 2013 cohorts with at least 6 months of follow-up time. 25 participants in 2013 and none from 2006 were missing a baseline CD4 count. The proportion of female participants in each cohort was 66% and 37%, in 2006 and 2013 respectively. The distribution of subjects and deaths by study and CD4 count is shown in Table 1. The mean baseline CD4 count was 73 cells/uL higher (95% CI: 56, 89; p<0.001) in 2013 (199 cells/uL) vs. 2006 (126 cells/uL). The difference in mean CD4 remained approximately the same (72 cells/uL) when controlling for sex and age. Within 6 months of enrollment, 18 participants died in the 2006 cohort and 20 participants died in the 2013 cohort. The incidence rate of death was 11.7 in 2013 and 10.7 in 2006 per 100 person-years (IRR=1.1, 95% CI: 0.55, 2.2). The hazard ratio (HR) of death comparing 2013 to 2006 was 1.1 (95% CI: 0.57, 2.0; p=0.832). When adjusting for baseline CD4 count, age and sex, the HR was 1.27 (95% CI: 0.57, 2.8, p=0.551). Higher CD4 count was significantly associated with a lower risk of death in all models (p<0.01).
Poster Abstracts
Conclusions: With implementation of guidelines to initiate ART at a CD4 ≤ 350 cells/uL, the mean CD4 count increased among those accessing care to initiate ART, though 6-month mortality remained approximately the same. Despite new guidelines, many participants initiated ART with dangerously low CD4 counts. Earlier HIV diagnosis and rapid linkage to care is necessary to achieve survival gains from new ART guidelines. 1082 HIV Testing of Persons Aged 15–65 Years at Visits to US Physician Offices, 2009–2010
Karen Hoover ; Shirley Lecher; Roman Gvetadze; Philip Peters US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, US
Background: HIV testing is an important activity of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Population estimates of HIV testing in United States are based on self-report and likely overestimate testing rates, yet suggest suboptimal testing coverage. Our objective was to identify missed opportunities for HIV testing at visits to US physician offices. Methods: We analyzed data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, which estimates healthcare service provision based on medical record abstractions. We estimated the mean annual number of visits made by persons aged 15-65 years to U.S. physician offices with an HIV test in 2009-2010 by sex, age, race and ethnicity, insurance, and physician specialty. We compared the frequency of HIV testing at visits for preventive care vs. other reasons; symptoms suggestive of acute HIV infection in at-risk populations (fever, malaise, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, rash) vs. other reasons; and whether venipuncture was ordered for other laboratory testing.
CROI 2015
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