CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts

Abstract Listing

Oral Abstracts

successful eradication of HCV. Cost effectiveness studies have shown DAA to be cost effective. The cost and range of prices of DAAs vary dramatically in, and within, the USA, and throughout the world. There is great diversity in how individual countries have tackled the problem of cost and access for their HCV patients. Additionally, access to drug in resource-limited countries may be affected by access to diagnostics and care. Some countries and providers have included HCV care in already existing HIV settings while others do not know the extent of their HCV epidemic. Cost studies must include the cost of diagnostics and clinical care as well as the cost of DAAs. Generics and pan genotypic DAAs may well reshape access in resource limited countries. As more DAAs enter the market, cost adjustments may be made which will increase access to HCV treatment. The impact of SVR on all cause mortality appears to show a clinical and cost effective benefit in treating early, beyond the benefit of stopping fibrosis progression and preventing further liver disease manifestations. These benefits will influence who to treat and cost benefit effectiveness analyses in the future.

Oral Abstracts


CROI 2015

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