Ending the HIV Epidemic

The Undetectables Project

Andre Brutus, MD Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center, Inc.

Dr Brutus has served as a speaker for Gilead Sciences, Inc., ViiV Healthcare, and Janssen. (Updated 12/2/19)


In 2018, viral load suppression among new patients dropped 15% from the previous year.

Increase viral load suppression by 15% among New Patients (newly diagnosed & new to care) by December 31, 2019.

METHODS – Data Driven

▪ When comparing2017 data,we learned that our New Patients (particularly those New to Care)significantly impacted the clinic’s overallVLS rate in 2018.15% drop in new patients VLS in 2018. ▪ In Quarter1, 2019, the Quality Improvement Team reviewed2018 viral load suppression data in the electronicmedical recordby comparing 2018 VLS

amongNew patientsversus VLS amongExistingPatients. ▪ To address this gap in care, the Quality Improvement Team:

A. Conducted a monthly reviewof the data during QI Meetings to assess which patients’ VL had increasedover 200 B. Through reports generated in the EMR,assessed which patientsmissed clinicor case management appointments C. Ensured Case management staff followup with patients & the pharmacy to ensure patients pickedup theirmedication.

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